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Ricer Sightings

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Not a juror, photojournalist. That is my tripod in front of the car. Teacher was a male, late 30s. Student was female, 15-ish(at least it was a girl...) Found out this morning, this was the third teacher that this 'student' has had a relationship with. Figure after the second teacher was arrested, her picture would have been posted in the teacher's lounge...

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liberal media complex or Conservative? lol hahaha


Neither and that pisses off the other reporters and such. I am an optomistic skeptic, I really want to believe that people are good, but I know most will let me down.... Ha ha

Trust no one, question everything....

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Not a juror, photojournalist. That is my tripod in front of the car. Teacher was a male, late 30s. Student was female, 15-ish(at least it was a girl...) Found out this morning, this was the third teacher that this 'student' has had a relationship with. Figure after the second teacher was arrested, her picture would have been posted in the teacher's lounge...


Got her phone number?

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That's crazy! WTF are girls thinking these days? I'm telling you, it's all about the "Daddy Issue" !!!


And at the trial, a half dozen "experts" are all going to claim the teacher is all at fault and manipulated and abused the girl. She's going to be portrayed as an innocent victim of a predator adult when the blame mostly lays with her parent(s). It always amazes me that these "innocent" girls tend to have a long list of partners in their pursuit to fill the daddy void.


Then there are the truly sad who were really abused; but it's a travesty to believe that every single child/teen who does this shit has some dark history. I never understood the whole "you're three seconds from turning 18, enjoy it because you'll go from zero to total responsibility in t-minus 3, 2, 1!"

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Neither and that pisses off the other reporters and such. I am an optomistic skeptic, I really want to believe that people are good, but I know most will let me down.... Ha ha

Trust no one, question everything....


doveryai, no proveryai

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that is such a waste of a 190E or 300E. both look the same in the front, just the rear and the dash buttons are different.


Unless it got rearended... I would have finished it off better though.



And 190e vs 300e. The 300 has a grill that is 4 inserts tall, 190e is only 3.

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And at the trial, a half dozen "experts" are all going to claim the teacher is all at fault and manipulated and abused the girl. She's going to be portrayed as an innocent victim of a predator adult when the blame mostly lays with her parent(s). It always amazes me that these "innocent" girls tend to have a long list of partners in their pursuit to fill the daddy void.


Then there are the truly sad who were really abused; but it's a travesty to believe that every single child/teen who does this shit has some dark history. I never understood the whole "you're three seconds from turning 18, enjoy it because you'll go from zero to total responsibility in t-minus 3, 2, 1!"


Well put and a sad situation never the less...


Glad you are trying to be fair and balanced. No one these days have the balls to do that. A bunch of sheeple....

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Well put and a sad situation never the less...


Glad you are trying to be fair and balanced. No one these days have the balls to do that. A bunch of sheeple....


I grew up being told from, oh, age 4, that I was responsible for my own actions. I think I'm a better person today because of that (thanks dad). The whole "it's not your fault, you're a victim!" bullshit tires me out.

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At least he didn't complete ricefecta by slapping a shitty body kit on it. The skirts look fairly stock. The tail lights need to burn though.

probably ran out of money note how the front bumper is stock as well

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