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What broke on your datsun today?

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Last night I glued one of those metal buttons onto the inside of my 710 windshield to hold the newer rear view mirrors on. This morning the mirror fell off when I closed the door. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: To quote HRH "Fuck me running" There was enough time and super glue to do it right (again) before I drove into town later.


The old mirror, which has a day/night option went into my wife's car which doesn't have it.

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battery died on test drive was an old battery just didnt get it change. bought a new battery after pushing the car into a parking lot and having my wife come jump u. then went and jumped the guys friends in their pathfinder after all they drove him 2 hours to test drive the car. embarrasing for me but the guy purchased the car anyway. now I have some more money to work on my 68 2 door engine swap

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on my way back from the coast today the exhaust hanger broke and my pipe started hitting the ground at 80 mph....had to pull over three times and fix it finally found a piece of rope on the side of the road to tie it up long enough to get home

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