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What broke on your datsun today?

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So the other day I spanked the shit outta an integra with my 620. Afterwards I was following my buddy in his WRX. We were blazin along at about 70mph when all of a sudden I hear a "clank clank" so I immediately dump the clutch and pull over. I get out and start inspecting for damage to the motor. My first thought was that I busted a rod and I was looking for a gaping hole in the motor. I look down and there is oil just puddling out from under the truck. Luckily no hole in the block, however my oil pressure switch blew itself off the block!! Apparently there must have been a stress fracture at the base of the switch where the threads are because the threads were still in the oil filter adapter housing. There was oil EVERYWHERE in the engine bay. It dumped all the oil out of the KA. Luckily my buddy had a bunch of wood screws in his tool box so we just threaded one in to block it off refilled the engine with oil and babied it home. But not before I got towed part way by a fellow 620 owner :D .


Fast forward to today and I'm still kinda fucked!! I pulled the adapter housing off the block and tried to use my bolt extractor to remove the broken fitting and guess what happen!!! My freakin bolt extractor broke off in the fitting!! So now i'm double fucked and not in a good way. I found one adapter on Ebay for $40 shipped. So now I gotta play the waiting game. In the mean time I'm gonna install my A/F guage and a new oil pressure guage and pray nothing else goes bad!!!


So what broke on your Datsun today?

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Didn't happen today but when I was putting freshly rebuilt L16 back together my dumbass brother thought that the valve cover bolts needed to be torqued to like a gamillion pounds and snapped one off flush with the head. Great!! :( So I took it to a friend of mine and we tried to ez out it out. Well said friend proceeded to break the ezout in the broken bolt in the head :o . So now we had to drill the bolt and ezout out and try to jb weld a helicoil in there. Well it kinda worked but not really. I now have a big hole where there should just be a threaded bolt hole. I filled it up with RTV and it leaks very little if any.


I want to put a different head on it anyway, get rid of the 210 for somthin better.

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Did you have a Tee adapter on the oil pump? I've never heard of the sender breaking off unless there was a Tee involved. Racers say it is the weight or length of the extension that causes the problem. Stock Datsuns do not break much.



When I got the KA motor it already had and aftermarket oil pressure switch. No TEE involved it was threaded directly into the oil filter adapter block. It wasn't very heavy either so I can't see the weight of it causing it to snap. It was a pretty clean break too.

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Well as i have been saying in my status... I thought i finally had my brakes working right , but... When i got home tonight I noticed that my brake lights don't shut off so first i figure adjustment then maybe electrical... I go start looking around in the dark with a flash light and find this tiny broken POS piece of plastic on the floor in the driver area. I look closer to see that my stop lamp switch it not being depressed properly. ie i stuck my key in the gap and the brake lights went off... fuck what the hell is that little plastic piece of shit stopper called? and why the fuck is the peddle not just made out of a flat piece of metal?

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Did you have a Tee adapter on the oil pump? I've never heard of the sender breaking off unless there was a Tee involved. Racers say it is the weight or length of the extension that causes the problem. Stock Datsuns do not break much.


It probably got bumped on the install.

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It probably got bumped on the install.



No we made sure to strip the motor down of any unnecessary accessories until the motor was in. It wasn't a new one either though. It was the sender that came on the motor. So it may have been bumped during removal from the original vehicle. I really didn't think I threaded it on that tight either, it was just a little over hand tight.


However I have a new addition to the "what broke on your datsun today" haha. Well not necessarily broke but its being a bitch, I bought new plug wires and plugs to do while waiting for the oil adapter block to come in and I can't for the life of me remove the damn boot from the spark plug. The plug wire and extension came out perfectly fine but the damn boot at the bottom is stuck. ts not baked on to the porcelain either. Becuase I stuck a long screwdriver int there and I can spin it around the plug I just can't get it off the damn plug. Anybody got some ideas on how to remove it from the spark plug tube?? I was thinking of getting a long razor blade like a snap off blade and just cutting it up and sucking it out with a vaccum??

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The right rear brake on my '76 Daily developed a drag today. First, it locked up while routinely stopping for a red light.


Then, forgetting that it was dragging I drove down my very overgrown dirt driveway at my semi-remote undeveloped wooded property and got stuck. Had enough traction to go forward about a foot, then the drag would stop the wheel and no more. Back up 18", it'd go forward a foot. Had to call my Mom, who has a 4X4 Ranger, to "assist" pull the truck back up the hill. That's the last time I try driving down that driveway with a 2WD until I get it regraded and re-gravelled. It hasn't had gravel since my Grandfather last put some down in the 1980s, and it's totally overgrown with foliage and under that is 25 years of dead leaves.


Anyhow, the right brake is definitely dragging- you can feel it grab pulling away from stoplights, especially when facing uphill. Last time this happened it was a broken brake spring, so I probably broke another one.

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Well I have this leak in my wind shield gasket right over the drivers seat that's really starting to piss me off. Every time it rains I get in, sit down and my ars is wet. It seems this rain is never going to stop. I'm just glad I didn't get hit by that tornado, it would be hard to replace my datsuns. Someday i will have the money to fix it.

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replaced the front wheel bearings today and when i took the truck out for a test drive the brake pedal went all the way down to the floor. turns out the wheel cylinder on the left side popped out and splooged brake fluid every were in the front drum brakes. the front brake was locked up so i had to bang the hell out of the drum to get it off. one of those bangs was hard enough to put a small crack in the drum wall lining and now the brake drum is F'ed. so when i brake the pedal vibrates like crazy.<_< wheel cylinder is one month old btw.

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I dropped off my radiator to have it fixed. When I go to pick it up I watched the guy pressure test it in a tank of water and it was good. When I got back home to put it on it was leaking again already. I just ordered a new fiero radiator.

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Dang car wouldn't start after finally getting new tires on my shiny new panasports. Car has been sitting over the winter @ granny's garage so i took the battery back home for a long charge and ordered a starter. rock auto reman of some sort.


Pulled the old starter, and dontcha know i got the wrong one (solenoid on new starter positioned such that it was too close to engine block.


Take apart the old starter (nasty funk in there, no wonder it wasn't consistent) swapped the new guts and solenoid into the old housing, bolt it up, install my nicely charged optima red top in teh trunk, and crank it


rurr, rurr, rurr, ............ rur. DAMMIT.


battery? no, i think it's good. fuel pump sounded strong after turning over the igntion. The starter is hot as hell. crap monkeys! ordered a gear reduction starter. should be here any day. Shoulda ordered a gear reduced one ages ago, it's always been a problem starting it cold.

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  • 1 month later...

So my freaking throw out bearing took a shit on me. And my input shaft seal is pissin gear oil out!!! FUUUCK So I gotta pull the MOTOR just to change the damn bearing. So far i've got everything disconnected and removed everytthing I can. All thats left is to seperate the motor from the trans.

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