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The whole Trump thing

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I personally like Donald trump, he may be a bit arrogant but atleast he tells things the way they really are, unlike certain Negro parties. Trump obviously knows how to manage money. I would vote for trump over obama any day, after all, who else will step up to the plate? isnt it amazing the legal documents you can materialize when your the chief.

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Dude, are you fing serious? If he hadn't been born in America, he wouldn't have been sworn in as president. Period. End of story. Do you realize the back checking the NSA/CIA/FBI do before a president is sworn in if there's even an iota of doubt of their legitimacy?


Even that asshole Glen Beck got on his radio show and said that to have two Hawaii newspapers report the birth of Obama on the exact day he was (gasp) born, would be a conspiracy 40 years in the making. If you believe that, well, that's fine. Lots of people believe lots of stupid things. You have your tinfoil hat on shemp? :P


Oh, and don't forget, Trump almost bankrupted himself in the 80s. It's taken him a long time to get back to where he is now.


Also, cursing in a speech is the absolute stupidest thing a potential presidential candidate can do. It shows emotion, which is weakness, particularly when you have someone who is in charge of the free world. How much would you respect your boss if he dropped the f bomb all the time? It also shows ignorance, because he can't make a reasonable argument, therefore has to try and spice it up with a curse word.


Electing Donald Trump for cursing someone out is similar to President Commacho in Idiocrasy.

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It's all tea and circuses. Trump gets air time for all his BS and people are entertained. I doubt Trump believes or cares about Obama's legitimacy. It's a means to an end and there will always, always be people who will buy into it. Trump is no better or worse than any other businessman, he's just better known. He tells it like it is??? Fuck he doesn't own it!!! we can all do that!!!!

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I was joking about the citizenship thing, I hope he is born here in the USA, its really hard to believe anything you hear these days. But really though the reason why I would vote for Trump is because we have tried Obama, we have given him a few years to prove his worth and so far he hasnt improved shit. His opinions on shutting down the space program, and the f22 raptor or f35 joint strike fighter have been extremely un-american. From what I have seen so far Obama would rather shut down our important programs and build up or start new entitlement programs. In a nutshell, "lets save money by cutting back on our military, space, and aviation, and spend more money on welfare, foodstamps, and oh by the way, hey china will you lend us billions of dollars a day so we can feed our worthless lowlifes who cant hold a job"?

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CAn someone please tell me why it took 3 years for Obama to produce a Birth Certificate? If someone asked for mine I would open the safe, pull it out, and Show it to them.


If Donald Trump demanded I prove my birthplace I'd tell him to go fuck himself. He not an official.


If you were innocent of a crime do you have to prove it to any dick head that demands it? No.

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Exactly. The fact that people are questioning it is asinine. Like I said, there are many government agencies, many probably more happy with Bush than Obama who would have jumped at the chance to say, hey wait, he wasn't born here! It's in the constitution, you HAVE to be a citizen. [edited for correctness] But they did their job just like they do with any presidential candidate, and examined many, many different documents to make sure whichever person won, that person was legitimate and given approval to run the country.


Seriously, these so-called "birthers" are ill-informed people who have no idea of how government actually functions. Yet, ignorance often cries the loudest. All they do is run around in circles screaming the sky is falling, hoping someone will pay attention to them and they will get their way.

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I personally like Donald trump, he may be a bit arrogant but atleast he tells things the way they really are, unlike certain Negro parties. Trump obviously knows how to manage money. I would vote for trump over obama any day, after all, who else will step up to the plate? isnt it amazing the legal documents you can materialize when your the chief.

I dont see the need to call the Obama Administration a "negro party". Thats borderline racist slander, and him being black has nothing to do with the way he runs his administration.



Dude, are you fing serious? If he hadn't been born in America, he wouldn't have been sworn in as president. Period. End of story. Do you realize the back checking the NSA/CIA/FBI do before a president is sworn in if there's even an iota of doubt of their legitimacy?


Even that asshole Glen Beck got on his radio show and said that to have two Hawaii newspapers report the birth of Obama on the exact day he was (gasp) born, would be a conspiracy 40 years in the making. If you believe that, well, that's fine. Lots of people believe lots of stupid things. You have your tinfoil hat on shemp? :P


Oh, and don't forget, Trump almost bankrupted himself in the 80s. It's taken him a long time to get back to where he is now.


Also, cursing in a speech is the absolute stupidest thing a potential presidential candidate can do. It shows emotion, which is weakness, particularly when you have someone who is in charge of the free world. How much would you respect your boss if he dropped the f bomb all the time? It also shows ignorance, because he can't make a reasonable argument, therefore has to try and spice it up with a curse word.


Electing Donald Trump for cursing someone out is similar to President Commacho in Idiocrasy.

Exactly. Trump is putting on a circus to gain media attention and popularity. For those of you who live in California, remember Schwarzenegger running for Governer? He got elected because of his fame, he had no political experience at all, and look how that turned out. Trump might know how to make money, but mixing money and politics is what got this country in the pile of shit its in now. We dont need some rich elitist asshole elected to be commander in chief, unless we all want the rich to keep earning their millions of untaxed dollars, while the blue collar world keeps paying taxes out the ass and barely surviving, if even getting by at all. What we need is a president who doesnt come from money, who has nothing to gain from being president, and who has the balls to stand up to congress and put this country back on the right track. Unfortunately, it seems you can only get elected if you are rich enough to run a nationwide campaign. Ive taken a stand to not vote at all until I see a candidate that is truly worthy of being president, who has the MAJORITY of the nations citizens in his best interestest, and will actually listen to what the people want. Until then, anyone who is elected may be president, but they are not my president.


His opinions on shutting down the space program, and the f22 raptor or f35 joint strike fighter have been extremely un-american.


Define "un-american". By that, do you mean that he refuses to waste money on "cool new big toys" for the armed services to fuck around in? We have the best equipped and most technologically advanced armed services in the world, just because some company pays a lobbyist to try and convince a government official that we NEED these new machines does not mean we actually need them. The lobbyist is making money to sell them, and the government official in charge of the decision is probably getting some bribe money out of it, so if by "un-american" you mean not being greedy and buying useless machines, you are right.


From what I have seen so far Obama would rather shut down our important programs and build up or start new entitlement programs. In a nutshell, "lets save money by cutting back on our military, space, and aviation, and spend more money on welfare, foodstamps, and oh by the way, hey china will you lend us billions of dollars a day so we can feed our worthless lowlifes who cant hold a job"?


Lets see here. Like I said earlier, we have the best equipped military in the world, and will remain that way for years even if we do not buy another piece of equipment. As far as space, how does that benefit the country? Sure when the space program started, we wanted to be the first to the moon, and we have learned a lot from satelites sent out and all of that bullshit, but how do we really benefit from that? We have a HUGE deficit in the national budget, so why should we keep spending millions just to send people in to space to work on a space station? We dont make money from it, so it does not make sense.


As far as welfare and foodstamps, I agree that they may not be the best things to spend money on, but at least its something that comes back to the citizens. We all pay into these programs, so why should we not be able to benefit from them? There will always be people who mooch off the system, but welfare and foodstamps are most likeley keeping A LOT of people alive right now. Without those, how would they get food or the necessary items when they can not find jobs and have no income?

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Exactly. The fact that people are questioning it is asinine. Like I said, there are many government agencies, many probably more happy with Bush than Obama who would have jumped at the chance to say, hey wait, he wasn't born here! It's in the constitution, you HAVE to be born here. But they did their job just like they do with any presidential candidate, and examined many, many different documents to make sure whichever person won, that person was legitimate and given approval to run the country.


Seriously, these so-called "birthers" are ill-informed people who have no idea of how government actually functions. Yet, ignorance often cries the loudest. All they do is run around in circles screaming the sky is falling, hoping someone will pay attention to them and they will get their way.


Serious misreading of the constitution! You do not have to be "born here" to be President, you have to be born a citizen, not a naturalized citizen. My oldest daughter was born in Tokyo, and I registered her birth at the American embassy. Got a nicely printed "Certificate of live birth" from the US State Department [and a passport for her, no more "family passports"]. She is a documented native born American citizen.

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Serious misreading of the constitution! You do not have to be "born here" to be President, you have to be born a citizen, not a naturalized citizen. My oldest daughter was born in Tokyo, and I registered her birth at the American embassy. Got a nicely printed "Certificate of live birth" from the US State Department [and a passport for her, no more "family passports"]. She is a documented native born American citizen.



My bad! I thought it was birth, but as I just read up on it, one has to be a citizen of the US, but can be born anywhere, like what you just described. They do have to live in the US for 14 years to become president though.

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the media's purpose to distract us in whatever way possible

from important things


anyway, do a bit of research ON YOUR OWN and you'll realize not only was TRUMP born into money

and all the stupid things he's done to piss it away (4 bankruptcies & tons of failed projects)

he always finds willing investors to help him make a "come"back


americans love a good "come"back story

and if the guy's a real SOB we give him his own TV show!!!


i wouldn't be surprised if he's got obama's blessing with his shit-stirring

(no publicity is bad publicity)

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This coming from my purely Canadian point of view. Welfare and food stamps keep people (children) housed and fed and out of the hospital or jail, any body that wants to help those that are underpriveledged would have my vote.hmmm Canadian Federal elections tomorrow.

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You say Obama hasn't straightened anything out yet. He had a dozen years or more of previous crap hanging over his head when he took office. Four years is not enough to put things right. I'm not a fan of his either,but then again,I don't really like any politician. They're a necessary evil. I wouldn't want the job.

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Born 1776, Died 2008

It doesn't hurt to read this several times.

Professor Joseph Olson of Hamline University School of Law in St. Paul, Minnesota, points out some interesting facts concerning the last Presidential election:


  • Number of States won by: Obama: 19 McCain: 29
    Square miles of land won by: Obama: 580,000 McCain: 2,427,000
    Population of counties won by: Obama: 127 million McCain: 143 million
    Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by: Obama: 13.2 McCain: 2.1

Professor Olson adds: "In aggregate, the map of the territory McCain won was mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of the country.


Obama territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in low income tenements and living off various forms of government welfare..."

Olson believes the United States is now somewhere between the "complacency and apathy" phase of Professor Tyler's definition of democracy, with some forty percent of the nation's population already having reached the "governmental dependency" phase.

If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million criminal invaders called illegal's - and they vote - then we can say goodbye to the USA in fewer than five years.

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And the ignoramuses shall use scare tactics to keep Americans in fear, and perpetuate the idea that the whole country is coming to an end.

None of these facts are connected. It's a complete non sequitur.


Obama territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in low income tenements and living off various forms of government welfare


This model is baseless. There are people on welfare and not on welfare in any of the areas won by McCain or Obama. Besides that, the votes are controlled by the electoral college, NOT individual votes. If we want to make a false argument, I could say, the reason McCain lost is because his counties had too many taxpayers and they were too lazy to vote. It doesn't matter an ounce just as the statement posted above doesn't matter. There are no facts to back this up, just a scare tactic by a conservative asswipe.


Maybe the reason Obama pulled areas of low economic status was because he ran a smart campaign for change. Who's going to want change between white middle and upper classes, and low ethnic classes? If you have it good, why would you want change, in other words.


Keep in mind, I'm in favor of Obama; I think he's done some things well, but I think he has screwed up a few things. On the whole, he's no worse than Bush or Reagan, and in fact, probably much better. And if you want an example of another scare tactic, look at the whole "Obama's going to take our guns!" issue. He hasn't done shit about guns, he's been dealing with more important matters. I myself have lots of guns, and will in the near future. Am I worried at all about guns being limited due to Obama being in power? Not even slightly.

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"Obama's going to take our guns!" issue. He hasn't done shit about guns, he's been dealing with more important matters. I myself have lots of guns, and will in the near future. Am I worried at all about guns being limited due to Obama being in power? Not even slightly.



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Born 1776, Died 2008

It doesn't hurt to read this several times.

Professor Joseph Olson of Hamline University School of Law in St. Paul, Minnesota, points out some interesting facts concerning the last Presidential election:


  • Number of States won by: Obama: 19 McCain: 29
    Square miles of land won by: Obama: 580,000 McCain: 2,427,000
    Population of counties won by: Obama: 127 million McCain: 143 million
    Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by: Obama: 13.2 McCain: 2.1

Professor Olson adds: "In aggregate, the map of the territory McCain won was mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of the country.


Obama territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in low income tenements and living off various forms of government welfare..."

Olson believes the United States is now somewhere between the "complacency and apathy" phase of Professor Tyler's definition of democracy, with some forty percent of the nation's population already having reached the "governmental dependency" phase.

If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million criminal invaders called illegal's - and they vote - then we can say goodbye to the USA in fewer than five years.


people that simply dont want to raise their kids in a third world country are not criminals they are just people like everyone else. what does goodbye to the

usa mean, where will it go?

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