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anybody know how to log out of this? im being fucked with by a " administrator" and am no longer interested in arguing with teenage a-holes just for the sake of arguing. so how can i be taken off of ratsun?


I don't think we have any teen administrators on staff. I can ban you if you like but it will say you were banned. You could always just not post again.

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Just like in the real world, you can just leave. You can leave the PMs and dont read them. You can take a walk from the computer for a minute. Or you can just leave Ratsun. But know that you are 1 in 5000 or so people who have an issue with it. Things here are out of jest, not hatred.






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since this is the first Im hearing of this...



getting a 48 hour suspension and then complaining about it dosent classify as an argument.




handing out neg rep to posts enforcing the forum rules is frowned upon and general bad form.


and really? 48 hours..... suck it up butter cup.




you have NEVER handed out a pos rep.

the green button works too ya know. try it sometime.




and if you have an issue that needs to be addressed theres many useful channels here.


posting a whineing thread isnt one of them,

theres everything from PMs, report buttons, and even Emails! :o

(like the one notifying you of your suspension and the reason why)


non of which you used.


they are all addressed collectively by the moderation staff

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