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Sorry ladies but I might news to strangle my dam wife

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2eDeYe' date='17 March 2011 - 03:51 PM' timestamp='1300402311' post='445482']


Edit: Way to plan Skib :cool:




I have zero patience for bullshit and shes well aware.

I still go do stuff with her even if Im not into it, but I hate it or Im busy its a no.



and she knows I would RAGE so hard if she fucked me out of Canby.




I had a GF give me the Dattos or her option before....... lolz take a guess at how that turned out.

good plan bitch :lol:

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You guys are totally missing the obvious ---get her a job, then spend as much of that money as you possibly can on stuff for yourself THUS making her work more to make enough money to keep up with YOUR spending. Kinda like a self perpetuating machine.


It works for me......tongue.giftongue.gif

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Guest DatsuNoob

Well there ya go, you tweaked and tuned the situtaion into a more enjoyable one Skib. Right on. I'm sayin tho, chicks are a little like the drowning victim that tries to shove everyone elses head down to stay afloat. Maybe you have the exception or it'll come with more time, who knows? The intensity of the situtaion varies case to case. I see my mom makin dad do things he doesnt wanna do, all my married friends pretty much folded and realized they're fucked if they fight it, and I've even been a victim of it. Mine wanted me to move all her shit and mine this last weekend so we could get into the new house. She didnt care she had 2 more weeks notice to be out and I had only 3 more days, she wanted in to the new house and that was that. So I moved all my shit, then most of her shit, then went to work beat azz! After it was all done she made a comment about something dumb and unimportant then I just flipped. Basically guilting her to examine the scenario and come to the realization she was being selfish and didnt care how much she was putting me out. They rely on us to be strong enough to carry the burdens of both. That's kinda been the role of a man since the very beginning. Fighting it is like beating your head against a wall. Sooner or later a long term bf/husband gets a little broke and stops beating his head so much. I dint "roll like that" either unitl I lived with one for several yrs, then you have no choice but to compromise or have both of you be miserable. Not to say I dont get what I want though

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Hmm. Ok datsunoob. Do you have a welderthat runs from a regular power outlet?


If not I'll need a 100 foot 110 outlet extention cord.


Indy510, I know you think you might be helping or being funny but your failing at both, how you can think that making a joke about going to Vegas with my wife and with my car fumd paying the bill is funny or apropriate in any way is way beyond me, no offense but please shut the fuck up.


Thanks guys for all the words "except Indy" I really appreciate all your support, it sucks that my plans for canby box flared greatness might not happen this year and all those hours of major overtime won't be going to what I had planned.


Thx dislexicdime I would love a pedal assembly, but I would also like to pay you for it, I'm not looking for hand outs and pitty, just some words of encouragement and advise.

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Guest DatsuNoob

Yes, I have a welder than runs off a standard grounded household 110 outlet. Is everything trimmed to fit so it's just a stitch and go operation? Send me a pm later if you want and we can work out some details.

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I know indy can be an ass, but don't take it personal. Most of his posts are the same kind of stuff he posted here, so its not just you. It's probably not the best time for him to say stuff like that, but don't hold a grudge.


As far as your whole situation, shit sucks but that's married life man. I've learned to stash all of my money I'm saving for my datsun in the glove box, the wife won't go near it so I know its safe. However, the other day in a drunken stupor I tried opening a beer bottle with a key I thought I didn't need and it broke. Guess what that key went to...........



Yep, my glovebox.

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That's seriously fucked up about the trip. I'd be so pissed if my GF/wife/whatever spent $2300 of my money, that I wouldn't even go on the trip. I don't know how you guys do your monies, but if it was "yours", that's fucked up. If it was "joint" monies, that's STILL fucked up that she spent that much joint money without telling you. I'd be calling the places for a refund.

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I dint "roll like that" either unitl I lived with one for several yrs, then you have no choice but to compromise or have both of you be miserable. Not to say I dont get what I want though



The reason I dont put up with that shit isnt because Iv never been there and Im naive...


its cuz I have. I only have so much patience to give out and my stash is empty.




not to say I dont compromise with her, but there is no room for bullshit or shenanigans


and shes knows it

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I don't know how you guys do your monies, but if it was "yours", that's fucked up. If it was "joint" monies, that's STILL fucked up that she spent that much joint money without telling you. I'd be calling the places for a refund.



word, that kinda money requires some discussion to be spent

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How would she feel if you broke all her dishes and tossed out her pots and pans :lol: :lol: no but really she needs to respect your hobbies.


If he does that, then he'll be hungry. lol






On another note, always keep the woman in check. It's important she respects your hobby. They're more then just old cars to us, thats why we're here man. My GF knows how much I love Datsuns. She calls my car a POS sometimes and gets mad at it, but so do I. In the end, she still respects that it's something I love. Hell, she might even be getting her own 620 soon ;). She went as far as telling me earlier that I needed a rising sun on the hood. She learns quick!!!

Edited by metalmonkey47
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Indy510, I know you think you might be helping or being funny but your failing at both, how you can think that making a joke about going to Vegas with my wife and with my car fumd paying the bill is funny or apropriate in any way is way beyond me, no offense but please shut the fuck up.


Thanks guys for all the words "except Indy"


Don't hate, it was pretty funny.




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Sorry and please forgive my ignorance and maybe this doesn't belong in this thread... What on earth is dubstep?


We live a secluded life out here in the sticks I guess I'm out of touch.

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Dubstep rocks...Skib...I is disappoint.




it took me an hour to read this shit. damn new castle and my add


that shit sucks bro but id say u beat it up good for the next few nights and do ur own thing the rest of the time to silently show ur disapproval of the situation. she may ask awats up with it and just tell her that ur still mad about vegas/canby/datto stuff and maybe she will get it. dattos are important to u and she shood be understanding and supportive of that

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