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Got me a ticket today

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If you're calling bullshit on my story, I have the email complaint still if you'd like to see it.


Perfect example of "wise men speak because they have something to say, fools because they have to say something"



I can tell from your post that you are "wise".


Stop driving like an asshole and you won't have any more problems. You are putting me, and my family at risk by driving this way. Cut-it-out.

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Guest kamakazi620

I can tell from your post that you are "wise".


Stop driving like an asshole and you won't have any more problems. You are putting me, and my family at risk by driving this way. Cut-it-out.

DUDE piggy Was driving like a BAT OUTTA hell FIRST so lay off him YO!! or are you a piggy in disguise??? I SMELL bacon!!!!+ HE LIVES in CALI Der Der how the fuck is YOUR family "At Risk" when you live in washington???? EXPLAIN

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Guest kamakazi620

The bacon you are smelling is your old lady. .

Never chase the cops

WHAT????? uhh.............Shes jewish and dosent eat beef or pork,PIG "Never chase the cops" NEVER cut the tag off yer mattress!!!!!!!!! Waaaaaa waaaaaaaa the Cop WAS breaking the LAW. They have to obey laws as well,BTW FUCK Tha Police!!!!

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Thanks Kami, and FYI unless a cop has its emergency lights on, he has to obey the laws he enforces. I see chp speeding all the time, and overtime I film them and my speedo and send it in. I'm going to start calling the cops on them, and film that as well to make sure they do their job. I'm sick of laying out the ass in taxes for the chp so they can Fuck around and.act like they are.above the law. I don't know how it is in wa, but in ca we don't let people blatantly fuck us in the ass and get away with it, especially people we are paying.

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Easy solution.







Anyone who posted to bitch about a cop who gave them a ticket... and then said they were speeding/racing, light out, no insurance/proof, shaved marker lights, smoked lights, license plate not displayed, no seat belts, tailgating or whatever, I have no sympathy for you or your story. You deserve to pay those undeserving idiots in office. The money you threw away (yes threw away) could have gone towards some nice tires or rims, and the worst part, the sad part is... it was preventable.


Sure there are BS charges/tickets and the odd asshole cop that's only human nature. If you think it's crap and they are gouging an honest person go to court and clog up their system.

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The bacon you are smelling is your old lady. Never chase the cops.


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Im not from SF, sorry!

I seriously loled at the picture.



I loled hard too, just happen to come across that when i read your post :rofl:


Datto510 has been here along time, hes good people. Dont take that comment toooo serious now, afterall this is the internet :D

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I didnt fight my speeding ticket. I was clearly in the wrong. It was stupid. I was actually doing a sustained speed,wasnt just a random up to 90 and back down. But I never thought 87. I payed and left. The red light ticket I felt the cop layed a heavy hand on me and should have been nicer, and when he wasnt I took it to court and won.

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Anyone who posted to bitch about a cop who gave them a ticket... and then said they were speeding/racing, light out, no insurance/proof, shaved marker lights, smoked lights, license plate not displayed, no seat belts, tailgating or whatever, I have no sympathy for you or your story. You deserve to pay those undeserving idiots in office. The money you threw away (yes threw away) could have gone towards some nice tires or rims, and the worst part, the sad part is... it was preventable.


Sure there are BS charges/tickets and the odd asshole cop that's only human nature. If you think it's crap and they are gouging an honest person go to court and clog up their system.


I never put this post up to say cops were A holes. I agree with datzenmike & Doug. I was speeding and not paying attention. The cop must have been behind me for quite a while. He had to pull up next to me and tell me to pull over. So I was in a daze. And I'll pay my fine and move on. When I said I was pissed I was pissed at myself for not paying attention.

The last two times I was pulled over I was let go. So this time I got nailed.


Hell not two weeks ago I was driving my Z over to a friends shop a couple blocks over from my shop. When I pulled out onto the back street. (NEVER ANY TRAFFIC) I lit em up.

I was sideways when I looked up and a cop going the other direction is fucking laughing at me and giving me a thumbs up and a nod like YEA GO FOR IT!!!!! :thumbup:

If only I had a camera that day. It was priceless. One of the best days I've had in a while. So not all cops are assholes. :thumbup:


If that cop wanted to he could have had my car impounded, givin me a huge ticket,I didn't have my seat belt on, I was drifting sideways, Hell the list could have been a couple of pages.

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Anyone who posted to bitch about a cop who gave them a ticket... and then said they were speeding/racing, light out, no insurance/proof, shaved marker lights, smoked lights, license plate not displayed, no seat belts, tailgating or whatever, I have no sympathy for you or your story. You deserve to pay those undeserving idiots in office. The money you threw away (yes threw away) could have gone towards some nice tires or rims, and the worst part, the sad part is... it was preventable.


Sure there are BS charges/tickets and the odd asshole cop that's only human nature. If you think it's crap and they are gouging an honest person go to court and clog up their system.




i agree there, when I have been pulled over for shit i was actually doing I have no problem taking the ticket and paying it. i was doing it after all......




but more often than not, I deal with bullshit....... and its been happening long enough and often enough that I just skip the shit and call them on it.



Ill be walking down the street in the middle of the day and it happens

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I think its perfectly fine to give cops an attitude if you've done nothing wrong. I passed a cop on.the freeway that was going 60, the speed limit is 65. As soon as I passed him he swerved behind me straddling the lanes, about a foot from my bumper. He was yelling at me through his loud speaker, but didn't have any lights on so I ignored him. I tried moving over to let him pass, and he would swerve over so I couldn't. I finally had enough and punched it and got over, which put me up to around 75. Well the fucker gets up next to me and stares me down then takes off. I pulled up the video camera on my phone and started recording. I had to go 115 to catch up to him, and tailed him going 100. I saw him looking at me in his mirror, so I threw him the bird. He didn't like that much because he flipped on his lights and pulled me over. When he came to the car he said I was threatening him by flipping him off blah blah, when I cut him off and said "guess what, I have you on video going over 100 with no lights on and for no reason". He told me my video didn't mean shit, so I told him if he was going to give me a ticket to give it to me, if not to kiss my ass and let me go. Well he let me go, but I still filed a report with the chp and sent in my video. I got a call from the captain saying the officer was put on unpaid administrative leave because there were several complaints on him for similar things. Last I heard was that he is selling insurance now.


No I have been pulled over when I was in the wrong, and I do beleive that being polite kept me out of tickets. I always have my license, insurance, and registration ready when they get to the car. But if they are in the wrong and you know it, Fuck em.






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My wife got a red light violation in the mail and she claims to drive like an old lady and never runs a red light. Luckily they had a video online and it clearly shows her running a red light. It was great rubbing it in her face for months.


Last time I was pulled over was for doing 130 with 3 other cars going up I5 from LA to Modesto. The cop that pulled me over and I started laughing and he said what was so funny and I said to him that it was bound to happen one of these days with this car (Brand New Cobra). He said it wasnt going to be him that gave me my first ticket in that car (he actually saw my Military Installation Base Pass) and just let me go. I am almost 40 and have only had one ticket and that was in Kern county. I was behind a mini van doing the speed limit and the mini van slammed on his brakes and I swerved to avoid his dumb ass and then passed him still doing the speed limit. The cop got up next to the mini van and then hit the gas real hard and then slowed down to the mini vans speed and then pulled me over saying I was doing 15mpg over the speed limit. I would have fought it but I didnt feel like traveling to Kern County to fight it.

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