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Snug top for datsun

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Thers a bunch of cunts on here lol fuck think u wood get a life muther fucker and stop talkin your shit cuz yer just dumb Ass hole tell me fuck ass an all tell u wen u can wipe your ass



wow. your a fucking idiot.



take the next 7 days to learn how to spell and act like an adult.

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Thers a bunch of cunts on here lol fuck think u wood get a life muther fucker and stop talkin your shit cuz yer just dumb Ass hole tell me fuck ass an all tell u wen u can wipe your ass


Engrish, speak dem....


My head hurts just trying to read this noobs posts....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cool topper:) but not the daing one . The snug top is like a datsun you can't find thim .it's just the smooth look of thim and proble I want one cus I can't find one thay stop makin the mold :( but thers hope;) and some day all have a 78 kingcab or x wut ever . The truck I got is not the one I like but it's so cleen maybe all go with the flow hehe thinx for the app ratsun net !!!!!

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Yup smoke to much dope . So thinks - the bicthin but yha the topper is the shit and thinks sorry 4 not making yer ratsun standerds man u shood get a hat or sumthin with a star on it lol you need one be lookin out for spell checks and all let u know haha so you can get off my back I'm gunna try to spell better thinks a gen derk

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This is now a hate thread.



Dereck, not knowing how to spell is not an excuse. There is something called spell checker, hell it comes built into most browsers these days. You make no effort or attempt to spell properly or make a functioning sentence that makes any sense at all.



My 1 year old nephew can smash the keyboard and come up with a better constructed sentence then you, hell i bet it would be spelled more correctly. Acting like a damn retard like most kids these days, well, is not as cool as you think. If i see some dumb shit mad retarded ad on craigs list spelled, or worded like you make your posts. I will never buy from that person. If they can't take the time to spell, or word something half ass decent, then i seriously doubt they took care of anything else.



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