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I-5 from Sacramento to Seattle Monday 12-20

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Hey ya all, heading to Seattle from Sactown, just wondering if anyone is looking for parts. I have a few things. Hit me up. Shit load of rust free 4 door doors, for beginners. 2 New BRE airdams, one ultimate airdam, fiberglass goon rear hinge cover, carbon rear lower valance. etc. pic on request

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Well sounds like a party, we will be in Kent Monday night. Have no idea what time, we are leaving 4am but have many stops to make. (gunna visit my coupe in Vancouver) :)

Then off to Kent. Tuesday morning we will deliver the 510 to a guy outside of Seattle. Then off to buy the box flare car in Birmingham, you know the box flared car that got all the shit, for being called a coupe. Hella cool guy. I will trailer the parts car and Atom has agreed to drive the box flared 2 door. So my cuz live in west Seattle, Tuesday after noon evening we will be hangin with him. How about Tues night what going on, do i hear meet. We'll all play the cookie game it'll b fun you'll like it or learn to.

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By Birmingham do you mean Bellingham? If so then we should meet up when your en route, Im in Everett which is twenty minutes north of seattle and on the way to Bellingham. I want to get that patch piece for the passenger side rocker that we talked about as long as its enough metal for me. Could you post up a pic of it? I also need a passenger front fender and rear valence but Im looking for a metal one not a carbon. If your gonna be in west seattle you got to go to Talerico's if you havent been there yet. Huge slices of badass pizza on the cheap.

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Its funny, I have family down around where you live and I feel the same way about down there. All the towns run into each other. When my sister lived in santa rosa I once drove down there thinking she had said San Jose that was a bit of a detour.

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Well sounds like a party, we will be in Kent Monday night. Have no idea what time, we are leaving 4am but have many stops to make. (gunna visit my coupe in Vancouver) :)

Then off to Kent. Tuesday morning we will deliver the 510 to a guy outside of Seattle. Then off to buy the box flare car in Birmingham, you know the box flared car that got all the shit, for being called a coupe. Hella cool guy. I will trailer the parts car and Atom has agreed to drive the box flared 2 door. So my cuz live in west Seattle, Tuesday after noon evening we will be hangin with him. How about Tues night what going on, do i hear meet. We'll all play the cookie game it'll b fun you'll like it or learn to.


Actually it's Burlington, just south of Bellingham, haha. Thanks for the kind words. I also realized that Tuesday the 21st is the winter solstice, so it will be dark even earlier than normal. Just wanted to warn you in case you don't like the idea of traveling in the dark.

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Actually it's Burlington, just south of Bellingham, haha. Thanks for the kind words. I also realized that Tuesday the 21st is the winter solstice, so it will be dark even earlier than normal. Just wanted to warn you in case you don't like the idea of traveling in the dark.



Glad your stuff is going to someone who will do it up right, sucks you got so much shit over that whole coupe thing. Funny thing is, usually 2 doors are called coupes here. At least when i grew up, they were (all of them, the 2 door hondas, nissans, etc, all called coupes when they were 2door)

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Ain't no big thing. Hell, I've flamed people WAY harder than I got it for even less on other forums, lol.


I too am very happy everything is going to a good home. Now they can get the respect and passion they deserve and be back in use among the 510 community on a timeline a lot shorter than mine.



I would have loved to keep them, but even with some of my financial issues that caused the first listing having cleared, I just have too much on my plate right now to get to them.

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i setting up everything for leaving on Monday, unless we get a white out. Seems you can't tow a trailer in the snow with 2 wheel drive. Hoping for rain only. I can drive night and day in the rain. I look forward to meeting a lot of you, and seeing alot of you i have already met. Victory is sad she will not be able to make the trip.

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You going to save that Green Box flair car???????

Good.Better in capable hands

Im sure Jeff and Frank could do it also, Fast


You have no idea how capable my hands are so please refrain from making even more misinformed assumptions on this matter.


Thanks, and have a great day.

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Its going to get saved, doesnt matter now

if you hands were capable it be done already.




Hands and cash flow are 2 separate items affected by different things in life. And in my life, you know nothing as far as true information due to the anonymity of the internet.


You should really stop speaking of things you know absolutely nothing about as, unlike James, you have never actually spoken to me directly nor have any clue as to my background. All you have to go on are your assumptions and innuendo, both of which are filled with information created within your own feeble mind, none of which is based in any sort of fact. I understand that you have contributed greatly to those among the 510 community, and that is a great thing for you. In regards to your ability to speak of me or any of my friends, I ask that you cease and desist based on the fact that anything that you say is on the verge of being considered slander as none of it is based in fact that is directly connected to the people you try to speak about as some sort of authority on the subject.


Now I'm done. And I apologize to James.

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Leaving tomorrow 4am Holy hell batman, yesterday was a trial in patients. The car is on the trailer and the truck is loaded with goodies. Wow i feel like Santa. Making drops and pick ups here and there. Much fun to be had in this Datsun world. I have a few of your #'s so i will be calling you all, should be staying in Kent Wa. somewhere Cuz's home.

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