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Yes, I do have a Datsun problem

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I think I have the same problem, I have caught myself looking at my car for hours, I see it how I want it to look in the future, I can almost hear it running sometimes.


Te other night my wife even called my car my "mistress". She asked me what I'm doing when I stare at the car and I just tell her that I'm working on it, working on what I want it to become.


I think most of us take pride in these old rusty cars and trucks because they have history and aren't being built anymore, any jackass can go finance a new car or buy a old shitty Honda, but datsuns are starting to become more rare, and in my opinion they where some if the best looking imports ever made in the 70's. It's funny to me how I built a nice 1996 Nissan 240sx that even had entire japanese s15 Silvia from end, turbo ka24de, welded diff, big rims, the works.


But that cool car has no comparison in my heart to the 510 I own that is full of rust and doesn't even run.

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I was an active member of this site about 3 or 4 years ago. I bought the truck in 05 with a blown head gasket. I thought since I have always worked on my own motorcycles, that I could tackle this. I bought the repair manual and got to work. I messed it up. I finally got it running, but then failed on the brakes. At that point I gave up and let Dotty sit in my grandparents garage until they sold their house. At that point I had to bring the truck home, so there it sat. My grandfather and I were always tinkering with stuff and when he passed away in may, I knew I had to get to work. I loaded up the truck, took it to a friends house and not only got the brakes working, but got the motor running a lot better too. I again love this truck...and it is just a bit scary some times. At least I know I'm at home here with you guys!

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Datsuns have history, from the second you buy one. My first/only car is a Datsun, and in the months I've had it, it's only ran for about 3 weeks, but I still love her. I'm gonna hold onto this truck for as long as I can, and if the time does come to sell it, it's only going to a true enthusiast. These cars need to be kept alive!

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I think I have the same problem, I have caught myself looking at my car for hours, I see it how I want it to look in the future, I can almost hear it running sometimes.


Te other night my wife even called my car my "mistress". She asked me what I'm doing when I stare at the car and I just tell her that I'm working on it, working on what I want it to become.


I think most of us take pride in these old rusty cars and trucks because they have history and aren't being built anymore, any jackass can go finance a new car or buy a old shitty Honda, but datsuns are starting to become more rare, and in my opinion they where some if the best looking imports ever made in the 70's. It's funny to me how I built a nice 1996 Nissan 240sx that even had entire japanese s15 Silvia from end, turbo ka24de, welded diff, big rims, the works.


But that cool car has no comparison in my heart to the 510 I own that is full of rust and doesn't even run.


Me too.


My wife would find me just starting at my truck and ask WTF??? I just said I was visualizing. Trying to see into the future and imagine what it could/would be. Sometimes she would tell me to go outside to my truck and visualize. This never failed to rev up some ideas or motivate me.

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Me too.


My wife would find me just starting at my truck and ask WTF??? I just said I was visualizing. Trying to see into the future and imagine what it could/would be. Sometimes she would tell me to go outside to my truck and visualize. This never failed to rev up some ideas or motivate me.



Every time I do that mine tells me "quit being a lazy ass and fix it already!" then realizes she should have kept shut up as me staring at it is cheaper. :lol:

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My main issue right now is patience, I want the car to run so bad that I find myself debating on cutting corners, i know I can find cheap parts right now and slap it all together in a matter if just a few weeks but then I'll just have to do it all over again with the right parts later.


But the thought of driving it gets overwhelming sometimes

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Lol my wife just rolls her eyes when I even talk about my car now, here's a question for you guys and gals.


My wife said she needs new exercise clothes and shoes because she runs marathons, ok, no problem honey.


I say I need parts for my car so it can become drivable, oh no, we don't have money for that, so I work overtime and even get a side job to cover car funds, but the more money I make, the more she spends and again says we don't have enough for the car?


So in turn, I buy a big fat ring and necklace for her, I show it to her and she is blown away buy how nice and expensive it looks " and it wasn't cheap either" but as she is about to grab it I close the case and behind to put it away, she asks me what I'm doing? I tell er that I'm sorry but we can't afford it. Then forthe next 2 days she tells me how if we cut this bill and reduce certain things that her new shiney jewls are totally within our means.


So I pull it back out of my hiding place and right before I hand it to her I say" you can have this stuff IF you stop tellin me we can't afford parts for my car, you have proved that we can afford jewelry, so you have also proved that my parts that are WAY cheaper that the stuff I got for you.


I can see her eyes burn hotter than the sun as she agrees to let me get my parts while she is still reaching for the case.


My question is how many other ratsuners have had to fight with their wives to let them get stuff for their car?


And if so, try my evil method of success and see if it works

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I feel you rustina. All I have to do to start driving mine is have the frame straightened, $600. The wife says we can't afford it for a while,but always wants to go shopping and go out to eat and buy stupid shit. That's how women are. She's been wanting a new wedding band, I'll try your method and see how it works.

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ha ha, men who stare at cars......yep I'm one too

My wife really dosen't sweat the $ spent on the car...her thinking is this is my midlife crisis and much cheaper than oh say a corvette...or a porsche (right like I would do that anyway)...or a 25 year old :lol:


Matter of fact. she just bought me tires for my b-day.

I think I got a keeper.

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