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Possible Scammer on Craigslist

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I constantly search parts of craigslist. Actually I use searchtempest a lot. Recently I made a purchase from a "matthew slone" of Vancouver, WA. I paid him a bit over a week ago. It was for a electronic dizzy. Total cost about $50. Started getting the errie feeling because it was taking a bit too long for a shipment that shouldn't take more than a few days. I have messaged him multiple times and called him, no response. Did some googling today on his phone number: 360-936-4350. Turns out he has an online history of scamming people:







I thought this is relevant because he is targetting Datsun people. Be careful!!!

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PM Icehouse on here.

He operates out of seattle and Everett wigh frank

They have access to alot of parts also thru Dave.

Its more local and you can see the parts.


give this guy a few more days. The post office is full being X mas. But I usally dont buy stuff from other datsun guys unless its local. Just for this reason. some are good some bad. he may have just forgot or got lazy to find a box.


I seel my stuff local only.

Even then if Free they still might not show up

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PM Icehouse on here.

He operates out of seattle and Everett wigh frank

They have access to alot of parts also thru Dave.

Its more local and you can see the parts.


give this guy a few more days. The post office is full being X mas. But I usally dont buy stuff from other datsun guys unless its local. Just for this reason. some are good some bad. he may have just forgot or got lazy to find a box.


I seel my stuff local only.

Even then if Free they still might not show up


I would give him a couple more days, but I think there is enough evidence out there to show he is a scammer. He used the same routine with me as reported by others. I just got ahold of someone named "Trish" a few minutes ago that answered his phone. She says he will call me back. I will update the progress on this one.

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So the email belongs to a woman but poses as a guy? Ladies are deceitful!


Maybe she's selling off all 'his' stuff when he's at work! lol

Local guys get their items, mail order gets scammed. Next she'll change the locks and take all his tools to the Pawn Shop.




I actually talked to the guy before I bought it. There is guy behind it. I am not sure who Amanda Westfall is or who Trish is.

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I had a strange one on l last week. I believe it was in West Virginia. Said they had a 'free Datsun'. OK .I'll bite. I emailed them asking what kind it was and asking for pics.A little later I get an answer from 'the wife" Wanting to know if I could come and look at it today. it was about 600 miles from here! Sure lady...

I email again,'What kind of Datsun is it?'

She comes back with saying her husband wasn't home and he had the pictures yadda yadda ,still not saying what it was . The emails were just too weird.

I had a bad feeling about the whole thing. No thanks!

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I would never buy anything through the mail off of craigslist. When I buy stuff I am packing some heat and I always meet at a neutral environment. A bunch of kids were selling LCD's for a good price and were meeting at some random apartment and were being robbed.


I like to meet in public places like parking lots if possible, overall I really dont like buying off craigslist as it just gives me the heebiejeebies.

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I would never buy anything through the mail off of craigslist. When I buy stuff I am packing some heat and I always meet at a neutral environment. A bunch of kids were selling LCD's for a good price and were meeting at some random apartment and were being robbed.


I have never had a problem until just now. But I think my mail purchase days off Craigslist are over too.


When I meet in person, I never bring people to my house. I agree that a good neutral and public place is best.

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I sell long distance on CL all the time, but you've gotta treat the good people

like royalty and screen out many bad apples. My method takes a lot of labor

intensive communication. It makes a big difference to be known on places like

ratsun, have a good reputation to protect and pop up routinely and recognizably

on multiple sites. I'm "Chris" on CL, aka that same Chris guy in Maryland who

always comes up.


I've yet to have anything but good people come to my house via CL, but had

a few bad ones come decades ago when I sold via print classifieds. I actually

find that you can screen people a lot better via the internet.

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Did you guys ever catch his real name. He seems to use two, maybe three. Apparently Matthew Slone is what uses on the internet. However some of scam reports list him as Matthew Steward. Another two reports say Richard Derek Townsend.


Probably much harder to scam somebody when they are dealing face to face. I guess I have been too trusting of people. My fault for that. I have called him about 25 times though and left him some texts. He probably thinks I will just go away eventually.


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