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Potential datsun owner

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domesticated got the hang of the forum now! Honestly I can see the beauty in all of those cars. And I admire the work done to them. Just not happening to my car. It is possible for the function of a car to be for looks. Function is form then.

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Nothing wrong with camber, but more than about -2 degrees is a waste on a street car. I ran -1.5 in the front and -2 in the rear on the Miata and it handled like mad, but any farther than that and there wasn't much point.


I do have a fair amount of camber on the 510 front end too. It's all about what you're using it for. I use camber to go faster around corners, not because it looks cool.


"ive never followed an trends." Yeah, I don't know about that. The list of cars you've played with and dumped money into begs to differ. :) Just sayin'. Not that there's anything wrong with that. A lot of common stuff is easier to get parts for.


Oh, and on the 12 sec Supra, track Neon with 1.02 Gs, we need pics and time/spec slips or I don't believe you, sorry!


Here's mine for a 2wd SC hardbody way back in the day (right lane)!:



Slow huh!?

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Honestly, I think people are getting too serious in this thread. Okay, you've stated your opinion and supported it, but seriously guys? No need to go to the grave against negative camber. Everyone has a different sense of taste. If we were all into the same thing and no one took a step to the side to be a little different, what would we have? Hell, look at Pumpkins car and tell me you don't see something on it not practical for the street. But it's still cool right? Fuck yeah it is!!! This whole forum is about fucked up mods and crazy Datsun's, why not let him have his? At least he's saving another Datsun from turning into a fucking whore of metal being raped by retards at a junkyard.


A little neg-camber isn't such a bad thing. It looks a little cool. I wanted it on my car for a while, but probably will never go through with it.


FYI- Neg camber (in the front) = better cornering. More rubber in contact with the road during heavy cornering. That's why most high performance track cars have neg camber up front. Had an SCCA guy teach me that not long ago.

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Hell, look at Pumpkins car and tell me you don't see something on it not practical for the street. But it's still cool right? Fuck yeah it is!!!


My car is as practical as any :P


Cereal though it was my daily driver ALL SUMMER, and it drove to oregon like 4 times this year alone!


And Im perfectly Happy with the sacrifices I have had to make as far as drive ability. I slam the gas down and rev my engine as a necessity with a HUGE smile on my face!


Just wish I had a cool IRS so I could have like -1 camber in the rear, but instead I gots a Bad Ass triangulated 4-link! Think I may do a strut lift and make it a permanent -1.5 in the front!



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My 4-link is Bad Ass, and Chokes are for Sissies!

Chokes are for winter drivers :rofl:


So for reference, how much is that? Looks to be moare fore looks.......

TOO much. lol It's pure faggotry.


FAWK YEAH IT IS !!! ,,, True story on the choke part ( I wired mine open :lol: )

Mine's just adjusted to fully open biggrin.gif

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Chokes are for automatics :(. My car has to run for like 5-10 minutes in the cold before it can even move. Put it into drive, die. Start, rev, drive, go about 1 ft, die. repeat. About the 5th or 6th attempt it goes. Stupid torque converter.

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Chokes are for automatics :(. My car has to run for like 5-10 minutes in the cold before it can even move. Put it into drive, die. Start, rev, drive, go about 1 ft, die. repeat. About the 5th or 6th attempt it goes. Stupid torque converter.


:rolleyes: Use both feet, ya NooB! ;)

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my supra wasnt a 12 sec, my neon was. dont have any trap slips cause i wasnt allowed to leave the county back when i had it and if you wanna bash me for not being able to leave the county it was a legal missunderstanding and the charges were dropped. anyways i raced a couple cars that ran 12's and pulled them, one of which was a 2005 mustang gt. and a friend of mine has a neon that is at 220 hp with a little heavier car and he ran a 13 flat, my neon had a similar setup except a lot of nitrous and a lot lighter. it was 200hp without the spray, so add a 65 shot to that in a car that weighs just over 2000lbs with me in it, 12's is an easy number to come up with. as far as a neon handling well, road and track did a review on the acr about 10 years ago and pulled a suprising 1.02g's. this is probably the 100th time ive had to explain this, cause nobody ever believes it. save me the argument and look up the scca success and the fact that the acr (american club racer) was a racecar built from the factory.

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Giving it gas kills it too... Or did. I have since tuned it. But still, from Idle my car dies if I nail the pedal. I think I am due for a carb rebuild. The weber should be better... Still blame the torque converter. I knew of someone who had a diesel Dodge Ram (2003 model) and well, out hunting in like 20 degree weather you put the car into drive after starting and it wouldnt go. After a few minutes of warming up it acted like nothing was wrong.

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whatever. you guys think what you want i guess. thats the whole point of the argument anyway. so im pretty sure the next car i get is gonna be a datsun. i might get one in december or january if i sell my other cars. but its hard to decide between a 620 or an 85 supra. but im leaning more towards the datsun. it all depends on what i wanna spend my money when it gets there.





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whatever. you guys think what you want i guess. thats the whole point of the argument anyway. so im pretty sure the next car i get is gonna be a datsun. i might get one in december or january if i sell my other cars. but its hard to decide between a 620 or an 85 supra. but im leaning more towards the datsun. it all depends on what i wanna spend my money when it gets there.



Best of luck to you Homie! Do whatever you want with your cars! You seem to have it under control, and your cars are done well! ;) Hope to see your build on here before too long!

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holy crap! lots of people got really fired up on this one! do whatever YOU want to YOUR vehicle. make it your own(whatever style that may be) & enjoy it. back when I was into air cooled VW's I was against too much camber because it was hard on the vehicle and the tires,and there are better ways to lower a VW. but whatever the other person wanted to do is their business. I used to have a pretty serious dislike of Honda's too,until I RODE in a few built for Drag racing. I still probably wouldn't buy one because for me they're uncomfortable and plasticky,but they're RELIABLE so whatever. my point is: Not everyone likes the same cars,styles of cars,or mods/lack of mods on whichever cars they're into. whether any one person likes it or not doesn't really matter as long as you like it. don't forget to post pics,maybe even a build thread. sounds like it will be an interesting &original truck! Good Luck!

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