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WTF stupid pig!

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I walked outside to work on my car earlier and some bitch comes flying down the road in an Altima and comes within inches of hitting these two kids that were playing. She flys by without even slowing down. The kids are screaming their faces off and yelling, and the neighbor Fred from the other side of the neighborhood was yelling at them an saw the whole thing. The lady stopped and started yelling and threatening to kill him if he called the cops. I walked over there with a 1/2'' drive wrench as she pulled away. We went down and got the license plate number at her house and called the cops.


Fast forward two hours the cops FINALLY showed up at Fred's house and were being total assholes to him acting as if he was the one that did it. We gave him all the information and even had the kids sitting there talking to them. One was just another cop and the other was a supervisor. NEITHER of them did a single fucking thing. They just drove right out of the neighborhood without even hesitating as soon as we gave them the info. They didn't even stop to talk to the lady!


What the fuck, seriously? A cop AND a supervisor? Are you fucking kidding me? This lady got off without even having been spoken to.

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Maybe there is a bigger investigation into her or her family........ that would make sense............. She's probably a Drug Dealer. . . . or a sand fuker


She's a drug dealer. Their house has burned down TWICE. One of the other kids that lives there tried selling me pills once before. Fuck that.


I bet the car was stolen. It had Alabama tags and I don't recognize it. I recognize the car though.

Edited by metalmonkey47
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Don't use the t word. Big brother scans forums and bomb of the month clubs and key words set off alarms. Don't want ratsun on some watch list.



Flat tires would slow her down. Under 14 without record could get away with it. Sand paper the windshield in front of the driver's seat. Next week take a ball peen hammer to it while walking the dog.Crazy glue the door locks and lock it up. Follow up next week with flaming Molotov cocktail or bag of shit through car window. Find the water shut off on the street or back alley and turn off. Put ad in paper selling that car for ridiculous price show up in person no phone. Phone and cancel the cable TV for that address.

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They dont do shit when you need it, they harass you when youve done nothing wrong. I keep having a cop, the same cop in my area always follow me around if i drive by him near my house, and its kind of pissing me off. VIGILANTE JUSTICE BABY!!!! If i was that guy, her house would burn down again very very soon.

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here's what you do, try to get a pair of those stop sticks from those cops that didnt do anything, simply tell them that you will handle it the correct way next time, (or get a 4x4 piece of wood, put some nails in it) and next time she comes flying down your street just give that a little toss out there in the road. or what i do is i have a old basketball sitting in my front yard and if someone is flying down the street... oops i kick the ball out in the street, that'll make them think twice about speeding down my street again.

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