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Westboro Baptist Church coming to Spokane

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Just read on the news that the Westboro Baptist church is planing a rally in Spokane/Cda later this month. Link to article here: http://www.kxly.com/news/25275013/detail.html


If you dont know who the westboro baptist church are, they're these guys:






Now, I want to make it clear, that I'm not trying to start a hate thread here, nor am I trying to suggest anyone do anything radical to disrupt their visit to Spokane.


However, I will say, that I am incredibly morally offending by the message these people are trying to make, and I wanted to know if anyone else was interested in meeting at the synagogue the day of their rally to counter their protest. I'm not Muslim, but it sounds like you don't have to be to show up. The quote in the article is this:


"Rabbi Reuel Dillon of Chavurat HaMashiach sent an e-mail out to the media Monday morning saying they were targeted by the Westboro Baptist Church, asking people to show some solidarity with the synagogue by coming out on October 21 at 6 p.m. to counter their protest."



Again, I really don't intend this to be hateful or start a big political discussion or anything, I just wanted to know if anybody else is interested in going with me to stand in opposition to their rally at the synagogue.

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are those the god hates fags people that stern has on?


freedom of speech doesn't just protect what you agree with, i find them dispecable but counter-protesting their protesting is just going to give them more exposure.


plus this is not fucking facebook or myspace or twitter :P

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are those the god hates fags people that stern has on?




I'm not trying to treat Ratsun like a social networking sight here. All I wanted to know is if anybody was interested in supporting the local synagogue. They get all kinds of crap all the time here anyway with vandalism and stuff and I dont think they deserve to have to deal with this alone. If it was wrong of me to start this thread I apologize and If the Mods want to lock it go ahead. I didn't mean to start anything.

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Seriously, I wish these cunts would come to GA so I could have a good old time with themrolleyes.gif


I want to interview them and see what crazy psychotic answers they give. It's always interesting.

Edited by metalmonkey47
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If you really cared I would think you would educate yourself well enough and strike up a convicting dialogue with them.



You can't reason with mental patients.




You get rid of them the same way you get rid of the KKK-ignore them.

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I don't much care for any of that b shit. But that one chick is draggin an American flag on the ground.

Bitch should be shot for that. The flag is not a piece of clothing,

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You know, I'm thinking a water cannon in the back of my hardbody might just be the ticket for these folks. And I'm pretty sure you can't be arrested for dousing assholes with water.

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You know, does anyone have a van they wouldn't mind donating? Just some pos that can be driven and a banner hung on the side with something such as "God hates assholes like the Westboro Baptist Church."? We could play some Slayer and other assorted metal at loud volumes? I think it sounds like a fun time!

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