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I swear skib deleted our celebrity look alike contest thread




Who was the guy who looked like pumpkin?.......... I think he was holding a snake in the desert...... with some goofy smile





lol no I didnt



thats "Jedediah The Gyro Captain" from mad max 2







lol the lady at 7/11 was actually like, ya know you look like that kid from transformers and I just looked at kama go you STFU <_<

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I swear skib deleted our celebrity look alike contest thread




Who was the guy who looked like pumpkin?.......... I think he was holding a snake in the desert...... with some goofy smile






Anyway picture that guy with Shia and Busey:






how do you not no the guy from mad max :blink:

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lol the funnest part about this first pic....... is that I have that same viking hat :lol:



oics for proof :P I glued rad viking fur around the edge tho :cool:

(added the ratsun helmet sticker and award for cereal prooooofs!)



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Story about Dave (A) non police catagory. Background FYI: he grew up in a very small rural town in Eastern Washington, population 1000.

We were camping near a river and David, age 5 or 6 became fast friends with a boy who was from Canada...he spoke English with a thick

French accent...he was African-Canadian, very dark skinned. After about 3 days of knowing each other, they were sitting on a dock, fishing

when David turned, looked at him and asked seriously...."Are you black or just real, real tan?" The other boy replied without hesitation: "I'm real, real tan!"



Story (B) police catagory: David had some traffic infractions that Judge Shelton (yes, we now know him by name) had put on hold for 90 days.

The agreement was they would be on hold and go away if David didn't get into further trouble in those 90 days.....

So.....David got out of jail the day before he had to go to court for the 90 day review...either the judge's computer didn't work or David's guardian angel

was standing on the computer buttons..but Judge Shelton asked David: "Have you had any further run in with the law?" Without skipping a beat, David

said: "I have not had any further traffic violations" (which was true) David's dad Rick had to cough to not let out his chuckle! Judge S. wiped those past 'incidentals' off the record!


catagory A: This in one of my all time favorites, some adults don't think this is funny, but to them I say, you don't have the joy of David in your life....

David was 17 or so, we had eaten at 'From the Bayou' on Garfield...after dinner, on the ride home, David gave a beautiful pewter butterfly dish to his sister who loves

butterflies. It was the dish that the bill and after dinner mints were on...he had stolen it to give to his sister....I made my husband turn around and go back to the

restaurant. I was letting David go in by himself, then I caught up with him to go inside with him, and observe his confession, to make sure he followed through!


We caught the attention of our waitress, she came over to us and I looked at David, he was not saying anything, just holding out the butterfly dish to her....I said,

'My son has something he wants to tell you" To which David said, "My mom stole this and we made her bring it back!" That took my breath away, but also made me laugh

so hard and smile ear to ear! I looked up at David and said: "is there anything else your mom wants to say?" and David added: "She is really sorry and won't do it again"

Now that is funny! I am so glad God blessed me with this great son David.

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catagory A: This in one of my all time favorites, some adults don't think this is funny, but to them I say, you don't have the joy of David in your life....

David was 17 or so, we had eaten at 'From the Bayou' on Garfield...after dinner, on the ride home, David gave a beautiful pewter butterfly dish to his sister who loves

butterflies. It was the dish that the bill and after dinner mints were on...he had stolen it to give to his sister....I made my husband turn around and go back to the

restaurant. I was letting David go in by himself, then I caught up with him to go inside with him, and observe his confession, to make sure he followed through!


We caught the attention of our waitress, she came over to us and I looked at David, he was not saying anything, just holding out the butterfly dish to her....I said,

'My son has something he wants to tell you" To which David said, "My mom stole this and we made her bring it back!" That took my breath away, but also made me laugh

so hard and smile ear to ear! I looked up at David and said: "is there anything else your mom wants to say?" and David added: "She is really sorry and won't do it again"

Now that is funny! I am so glad God blessed me with this great son David.






thats fantastic :rofl:

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Story about Dave (A) non police catagory. Background FYI: he grew up in a very small rural town in Eastern Washington, population 1000.

We were camping near a river and David, age 5 or 6 became fast friends with a boy who was from Canada...he spoke English with a thick

French accent...he was African-Canadian, very dark skinned. After about 3 days of knowing each other, they were sitting on a dock, fishing

when David turned, looked at him and asked seriously...."Are you black or just real, real tan?" The other boy replied without hesitation: "I'm real, real tan!"



Story (B) police catagory: David had some traffic infractions that Judge Shelton (yes, we now know him by name) had put on hold for 90 days.

The agreement was they would be on hold and go away if David didn't get into further trouble in those 90 days.....

So.....David got out of jail the day before he had to go to court for the 90 day review...either the judge's computer didn't work or David's guardian angel

was standing on the computer buttons..but Judge Shelton asked David: "Have you had any further run in with the law?" Without skipping a beat, David

said: "I have not had any further traffic violations" (which was true) David's dad Rick had to cough to not let out his chuckle! Judge S. wiped those past 'incidentals' off the record!


catagory A: This in one of my all time favorites, some adults don't think this is funny, but to them I say, you don't have the joy of David in your life....

David was 17 or so, we had eaten at 'From the Bayou' on Garfield...after dinner, on the ride home, David gave a beautiful pewter butterfly dish to his sister who loves

butterflies. It was the dish that the bill and after dinner mints were on...he had stolen it to give to his sister....I made my husband turn around and go back to the

restaurant. I was letting David go in by himself, then I caught up with him to go inside with him, and observe his confession, to make sure he followed through!


We caught the attention of our waitress, she came over to us and I looked at David, he was not saying anything, just holding out the butterfly dish to her....I said,

'My son has something he wants to tell you" To which David said, "My mom stole this and we made her bring it back!" That took my breath away, but also made me laugh

so hard and smile ear to ear! I looked up at David and said: "is there anything else your mom wants to say?" and David added: "She is really sorry and won't do it again"

Now that is funny! I am so glad God blessed me with this great son David.


ohhhhhhhhhhh man that is funny :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: ,,, thanks for sharin pumpkins mom :thumbup:

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They say that the fruit don't fall far from the tree, mom. So I'm guessing that your mom could tell us all a few good stories about you too.


You guessed it! My first album (LP) was Black Sabbath Parinoid...I moved out on my own when I was in high school.....then I moved across

the USA to sow my wild oats! Saved my mom from knowing too much! (That was in the 70's so use your imagination). Moved back to Washington

when I got a goal of going to college and becoming a nurse.


I'll tell stories on myself in person, at the car shows, but won't put anything about me in writing!;)

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Story Time Ratsun boys and girls! Catagory A: Ok, so David was in 1st grade, 6 years old....his teacher, not known for control of the classroom....says:

Alright students....ALL EYES ON THE BOARD! David got up out of his seat, walked to the front of the class and put his face against the chalk board. He stood there

like a good little student, he had followed her instructions.....poor teacher.


David, grade 3, we warned his teacher that David would be a 'challenge' and tried to discuss a plan of action with the teacher. Mr. Martin assured us that he had

been a teacher for many, many years and he always handled the kids himself, never needed to send them to the principals office......(ok, I'm sure the TEACHER

knows our child better than WE, HIS PARENTS do.... ha ha first day of school we got a call from the principal...David was in his office. poor Mr. Martin.


Always write your words in chocolate, for you never know when you may have to eat them!



Any of you readers raised Catholic? David was an alter boy (I have a picture to prove it)...and at a funeral mass, he was standing behind

Ultra conservative Fr. Bradley when Fr. Bradley was waving the incense thingy around so David began waving his hands infront of his face, making

choking faces and put his hands around his throat....poor David maybe that is why he smokes now?


well, enough stories for now.




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David was an alter boy (I have a picture to prove it





oics or GTFO! (even mOms!!!)


I'll tell stories on myself in person

too bad there are no camp'fires' @ canby.

we would burn the whole forest down to hear them all




i recently picked up a copy of paranoid on vinyl :w00t:

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