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my new truck


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whatever dude you can talk shit to everyone else and when you are called out you get even more dickish


im super dick 5000, welcome to thunderdome bitch! why dont you go take your mouth sewage somewhere else cause you've already dug your self a hole here, an its really only a matter of time before you piss off the wrong guy.. :fu:

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slam dat sun) yours is a very nice truck

1Low620) i didnt say that i did build the truck and i wish i had the time and skills to do something like this but i just happened accross the truck truck and i love the way it looks it a rat rod not a full show truck with tvs in the headrests all im saying is this truck took alot of time and skill to build not just a bunch of money


That's the fun of these projects, doing something that hasn't been done before or taking it to places 5000 others haven't. The original builder of this truck did just that, it pissed some off, others liked it and some were a bit confused.


This truck seems to have been on on-going topic since 05.





But like I said, it's just a bit extreme for me. That front bag setup makes me cringe lol. :)

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to all of you talking crap about my truck I would love to see a pic of you ride


Ok here is mine....



Honestly if you ask me its up to you....I didnt build my truck for anyone but me.If you dont like it move on, if ya do and wanna talk to me about it cool.Im not here for a popularity contest.

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Ok here is mine....



Honestly if you ask me its up to you....I didnt build my truck for anyone but me.If you dont like it move on, if ya do and wanna talk to me about it cool.Im not here for a popularity contest.


That is one SICK-TWENTY man:thumbsup:, any more pics already on the forum? I'll be searchin' cuz that is boobies on a cracker right there.

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Ok here is mine....



Honestly if you ask me its up to you....I didnt build my truck for anyone but me.If you dont like it move on, if ya do and wanna talk to me about it cool.Im not here for a popularity contest.


I'm not even that much a fan of bagged and dropped, but DAMN that 620 looks nice!

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why you gonna jump me or something haha? so far i have gotten very limited help from this site and this guy says "hey look i bought a datsun truck" and everyone says its a piece of shit. the datsun brothers i have all think that truck is bad ass. you guys shoot the guy down for no reason you guys are fucking assholes who have no life and sit in front of your computer all day talking shit. lets see any of you do better then call it a piece of shit.



then go home.


for everyone else its a nice place to get info (when asking proper questions) with a lot of great and experienced members.


this isn't a democracy, we don't owe you anything, if you dont like it here, leave.




and cadyshack, welcome to Ratsun. nice truck.

not my fortay per say but you gotta appreciate the work put into it


you will learn that here at ratsun we LOVE pictures and are like a happily dysfunctional family :lol:

also as youv noticed you need thick skin sometimes, if you ask for opinions you will get just that.

dont take it personally just buck up and roll with it.

Edited by Skib
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oldsklminitrk that is a really clean datsun you got there...


i dont know how to convey my message correctly over the key board i wasnt saying that there arent nice truck/cars on here but most of the people talking crap dont have tons of hours of fab and metal work in it like this truck .. and i dont think my truck would look good with a paint job its done like a rat rod all bare metal and cleared to show all the work that was done ... anyone can slap a gallon of bondo on a car and send it to a 1-day-paint shop but that woulding fit if was painted 2009 corvet red and an all chrome motor it would just look stupid


and no my truck was not that black truck with the holes cut into the bedsides for the tires



Edited by caddyhack
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you are clearly a dick just like a lot of guys around here lets see you build better and quite being a prick


seems like someone got their panties in a bunch over people OPINIONS!!!!!! as for most people being a dick around here, what goes around comes around..... you be a dick, you'll get the same treatment.





one more "OPINION!"


although i appreciate teh time adn money put into the fab work on that truck, i think its a waste of a truck. way to many threads on it. first time i saw it i thought it was badass, but 8 threads later on different forums it gets old real quick. yeah it may have been a $300 beater to start with, hell both my 620s were about that much. i am currently working on restoring my 73. a long prosess but something i enjoy.


as for WHY i think its a waste..... its USELESS as a daily driver, its USELESS as a truck, and as far as i understand, illegal on the street in most states due to the lack of windows, and hood. not to mention how far out of the engine bay the engine sits, that would be considered an obstruction of veiw. i have said this before. cool truck but a waste all the same.


now if you think thats busting your chops and calling your truck shit, then so be it. thats YOUR interpretation not mine.

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i apriciate anyones comments thats why i posted pics im new to the site and didnt know there were 3 or 4 links about the truck already


but i dont understand this.. a few other people said this also

first time i saw it i thought it was badass, but 8 threads later on different forums it gets old real quick

"and then start talking crap about it" if you dont like it good for you. if you do like it good for you

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:lol: i knew this was eventually going to happen.


I really do like your truck. The hours and skill into all that is impressive. Not to long ago your truck was out here in Colorado (Grand Junction) and I was always hoping I could catch it at a car show or cruise.


Whats it like running the bags in the cab with those cantilevers? Couldn't even imagine ha ha.


Fuck what everyone else thinks, you like your truck, thats all that matters.

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the bag setup in the cab was pretty scary at first and you have to be careful when the bags are filled up it puts the brackets close to the steering wheel .. i usually have a few cuts on my hand after driving it but its woth every drop:D

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Dude you had to know when you bought this truck you'd get a bunch of opinions on both sides of the fence!:) I almost think a thick skin is a requirement to own a truck like this.:D I'd just roll with the comments and have a sense of humor about it.


I am on the side of the fence that thinks it is cool as hell! Of course it isn't practical, it is more like auto sculpture to me with the bonus that it can be driven!


I also think is should never be painted. But I'd need to see a better picture of the door art, that is the real selling point of this finish.


But I am curious why you are selling it if you are so into it?:confused:


Murderwagon, dood there are a lot of members here that have no troubles, like 98% 99% are fine and we have differing opinions but what family doesn't? Some unsolicited advice, (which you should feel free to ignore), maybe you need to look in the mirror as to why you are having a rough time?

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Well,that got ugly for a while didn't it? :confused:

I kind of like the truck. I'm not a big fan of bare metal on any car though.

It's your truck,do what you want.

I can't figure out what all the talk is about being practical. oldsklminitrk's 620 is beautiful.but not real practical. Would you take it to Home Depot to pick up some remodeling supplies? I think not. But could it bring home some trophies? Probably. Mine can haul stuff,but won't win any shows. It just depends on what YOU want.

The interior is kind of scary though. :eek: I hope you don't get in an accident.

good luck!

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you pretty much nailed it.. the reason that im selling it

it is cool as hell! Of course it isn't practical, it is more like auto sculpture to me with the bonus that it can be driven!


the truck needs to belong to an owner of a fab shop to help bring in customers


here is some door art


Edited by caddyhack
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I'll try to add some constructive criticism after seeing some of the previous comments.


I've always kind've dug this truck in a weird way. I noticed that the truck is for sale again and it's too bad that it keeps getting passed around with nobody doing anything to finish the truck. I don't in any way mean putting any kind of paint and finishing bodywork, I mean doing some sheetmetal work in the cab and fixing the mess of wires for safety reasons. I feel that most people that hate the truck do it because of the trucks complete disregard for safety, aside from those people that just hate extreme mini trucks in general.


It would be cool to see some sort of firewall in it even if it utilizes some sort of lexan panels to show off the work. The rats nest of wiring and air lines is something that irks me about most minis nowadays and is something that could be improved on. Windows would also make the truck look tons better. Those things are just a few things of many I see on it that would make it look tons better in my mind without taking away from the shock and awe of being an extreme ratrod.

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