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canby 2010


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Yeah, it wasn't funny when it happened. I remember the sound, and opening my eye and realizing I could still see, but everything was red. Then Mike Vigg took me down to the urgent care. Not very fun.


As far as autocross, here's what to expect. It's funny how much different the 510 handles now, granted that was on absolute shit tires. It may take a second to finish processing on youtube. Just goes to show you, you don't need power to do well at autocross! Yello620 beat me in that event due to his superior driving and probably better tires too.


You flew around that track. Pretty cool too. How did Jason beat you? Does any one have Jasons run on Video?



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GOD DAMN! I dont think I will go guys... Here is the math...


Its 1000 miles one way right?

SO round trip is 2000 miles.

My truck guesstimated gets 20mpg and it has a 10 gallon tank.

so it would get 200 miles per tank. So I would need 10 refills to head there and back.

gas costs 3 dollars a gallon? so per tank its 30$ X 10 tanks its 300$ of gas.... WOW!

Plus 65$ of reg and food and stuff... So 365$ total. Does this add up????!!!!


So then How long will take for me to get there? At 65 miles an hour it would take around 15 hours. SO I would need a place to rest. A hotel? Or in back of my truck? If I decide motel its 50$ a night and I would need it for two nights. So its up to 465. So then I also need food? Well I can buy bread and ham and shit and it would probably total 500$..... Uhhhhhh....... I don't got that kind of money... I was expecting 200$ maX!!!!! Did I do my math wrong... Fuck!!!!!!


The guy from so cal... How much did you pay to go last year?

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Z_Rac3r left work Thur afternoon and drove from Santa Barbara strait threw to the auto-x Fri morning.


in this....



(only gauges are water, oil, and fuel)


so no complaints outa you :fu: :rofl:

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You talking to me skibby? I think My truck can make it. BUT THE COST! Now looking by train and by bus and by plane...



:rofl: just razzin ya.



the Amtrack is a nice (affordable) option, I took it down to SB.


a little long but they have comfy seats and beer in the dining car :lol:

that have a station in Salem and Portland IIRC

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motivated get MOTIVATED datsuns are for tuff people not cry babies


But I got no money... Guess how much I got my truck for... Less than what this trip is going to cost me. LOL!


I will buy 10 dollars of scratchers. If I win more then 300 dollars. I will go!!!!

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I Amtrak has a station in Oregon city? Its like 15 miles from Canby Oregon. There offer is 227$... PLus 65... Its like 300$ total. I can do that i guess... But I wont enter to win the Ratsun award... :(



yup, OR city is the next town up 99 from Canby

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But I got no money... Guess how much I got my truck for... Less than what this trip is going to cost me. LOL!


I will buy 10 dollars of scratchers. If I win more then 300 dollars. I will go!!!!

its always good to have a passion, its better to live life doing what you love with little money then to have regrets. regrets bring a man down, but stress makes a man stronger.

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You talking to me ...



yeah were talking to you! :huh: the cost of not going is greater.


dont forget to factor in the shiny bits laying around that you gotta have!

and beer...



the 4runner gets 20MPG, so your math isnt too far off. the 510 is only slightly better.

i drove ~85, so my elapsed time was less. Z rac3r only beat me because she drove faster :angry:

slept ~5hrs at some rest stop, ~redding??? then more caffeine :hyper:

showers are avail at the campground.



this is exactly what credit cards are for.

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yeah were talking to you! :huh: the cost of not going is greater.


dont forget to factor in the shiny bits laying around that you gotta have!

and beer...



the 4runner gets 20MPG, so your math isnt too far off. the 510 is only slightly better.

i drove ~85, so my elapsed time was less. Z rac3r only beat me because she drove faster :angry:

slept ~5hrs at some rest stop, ~redding??? then more caffeine :hyper:

showers are avail at the campground.



this is exactly what credit cards are for.


My 1995 4runner gets 10-12 mph... That why I decided to buy a Datsun pre smog. So I could fuck around and get decent mpg.


MY CRED IS MAXED OUT!!!! I bought 20 dollars of scratchers and nope! nothing. Faith said no... But I have good luck at the yards... I went to find all that rare "shiny" things for my truck and guess what I found!!!! KACHING!!!! Man... Why do I got such luck at the yards but I aint so good at the money department...


Here... Sorry I aint going after all...


Bubble king cab side windows



Deluxe side drain chrome & retractable drivers side seat belt



Tailgate cover of a 79 620



What else is there for a 620?

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  • 3 weeks later...

the epic adventure of spending 3 days camping out with datto nuts at Canby :cool:


Waking up with a tattoo!

Saying to complete strangers "This never happened, right?"

Waking up with the Mount Rushmore of headaches.

You, two friends and Lynch using an L intake as a bong!

As runner up, accepting first prize in the unsanctioned projectile vomiting contest because the winner was a no show.

Helping saw a piece of exhaust pipe off of Kiznook.

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