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Need help selling a 411 wagon!

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Guest DatsuNoob

What a dick. Sorry to hear about that, guys like that wont get too far too long ripping people off all the time. Do you have any witnesses hearing said verbal contract? Might be something you can bring into small claims, $500 is a fair chunk of livelihood these days. Never an easy pill to swallow, I feel for you, been there. Hope something good happens for you

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No need for verbal - I have his emails still.


Of all the people to try to shaft, he had to pick someone with a law enforcement background, with friends in every state, who works as an investigator and runs the largest Nissan forum on the web.



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Me thinks the wrath of the hitman is about to be released!!


I have a saying about $, and many of my friends who aren't even car guys have adopted it. Anytime I have to pay too much for something (like a vet bill), or even when I make a bit of unexpected cash I say, "Dat's a lot of Datsun!" and dude, $500? "DAT'S A LOT OF DATSUN!"


Keep us updated!

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Yeah - This moron acts like he's the only one in the world getting hit hard by the recession.


I'm more than a little pissed.


I'd have had a lot more respect for him if he'd said, "Screw you, I'm keeping it."


His phone is about to start ringing in the middle of the night.

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If an email is admissible as evidence in small claims, just take him to court and be done with it.


If he can't pay, he's made his own bed. He obviously doesn't know the extent of discomfort you might be able to cause him.


It doesn't seem too complicated, since the car sold to someone else, he should have refunded your money. The proceeds from the sale should have covered his mis-handling of your original deposit.


Anyway, if you've got LE / PI experience, you know enough not to jeopardize your own standing.


IMHO, if you spend a lot of time on this, he's screwed you twice.


Have fun with it, but be careful.


Note to self: Don't piss off AZhitman...

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Make a police report, this is fraud over the internet. we are talking Federal Law here, the dude just screwed himself. If he wrote emails saying he would return your deposit he has commited fraud and larceny.


Get him Hitman.

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Yep... I don't think I could ever do to someone what this guy did.


Especially a fellow Datsun owner, knowing how tight the enthusiast community is.


People disappoint me.

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  • 2 months later...

Update -


Yesterday, after several months, I received a refund via PayPal via the seller, as well as an emailed apology.


All is well. Thanks for letting me vent, and I appreciate the support.

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