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Everything posted by dat521gatherer

  1. local would be good but i'm willing to pay for shipping.
  2. is the f wire on the alternator the thick yellow one with the eye hole and not the plug with 2 wires?
  3. nice ride jukie. it looks like you have been permabanned instead of temporary banned.
  4. iron maiden is the fucking king. saw them at white river a few months ago. fucking bruce runs around the stage like he's still a kid and shit. randy rhoads is the guitar god. up the irons!!! listening to them on my sansui g-8000 helps. fuck i have like 25 pairs of speakers. i collect vintage audio. audiophile as they call us. datsuns and speakers are the life.
  5. amen brother. i wonder how that paint would buff out or if its original.
  6. haha a few more parts... dude you will be finding 521 parts in your nooks and crannies for years to come. hehe
  7. stick the fork part in a vise and squeeze it back to its original position. dont do too much. squeeze and check, squeeze and check. up to 10 times if you have to. over closing the fork makes a much bigger problem. also squeeze from the very bottom of the forks not up high. done it twice. next time i'll do a write up. thats where all the slop is if you pay attention unless your spring is missing. all those parts except the fork are still availible through nissan.cc the first time i got mine slightly over tight and it took a few months to loosen up but boy talk about no slop.
  8. nice set. i've been wanting one. i promise not to bid.
  9. thanks for the parts. i'll pm you for some other things.
  10. fuqing sweat man. excellect, thanks for uploading those. u da man.:cool:
  11. :cool:cool you have the shoulder harnesses. the tailights look to be uncracked as is the windshield?
  12. took the words right out of my mouth. thief!!:lol: btw mike thanks to you i have got on the freeway twice recently and when i got off i noticed my choke still on.:blink: go figure.:lol: nice score man. nothing wrong with putting a l20b in there. 521's rock! i noticed something on yours that i've never seen before. the wiper ??? uh wiper um? ok somebody school me on the nomiclature of the wiper part i'm thinking of. the part that holds the blade. it's not the arm's. are they called bows or something. anyway i'd like a closer look at those. i think they are original and am wondering if they have a L or r stamped on the front. i have my originals and they both have a l stamped on them so i'm wondering if i have 2 left sides. i dont know of any place that sells just the refills so people buy the bow/blade replacements and throw the originals away.
  13. wow there hasn't been this much exicitment around here since jukism got banned. what a pity. please no censorship:) it defeats the purpose of actually having a opinion.
  14. a little pressure washing and it's good to go.
  15. http://seattle.craigslist.org/est/pts/901888674.html
  16. try meridian? haven't been there in years but they do have the largest selection. maybe craigslist? i dont even know what models these engines come in. good hunting bro.
  17. what are wanting to put in? south hill truck has a l20b for sale last i checked.
  18. 521 l16 w53 weber 19mph. carb is over jetted.
  19. i know of some 420 rockers. :lol:
  20. dat521gatherer


    oops fight hasn't even happened yet.
  21. i'm selling it on ebay it ends tomorrow and i thought it was for a 510 but i guess it's not. sump is about one inch more forward and wont fit in my 521. l18? l20b? it came on a l16 i bought.
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