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Everything posted by robslow

  1. robslow

    meet scary gary

    Sorry im trying to figure all this smart phone shit out. I feel like my dad trying to figure out a dvd player
  2. robslow

    meet scary gary

    Its a beast. Changed the steering box and took iff the body lift.
  3. i can't be leave it I'm blocked from ratsun because of adult lauguage fuckin filters. Light speed how do I get by this . Respond and I will get an email
  4. SOPA

    1. paradoxx


      that law was rejected today right? Only PIPA is still alive.

  5. guess he is married now, what happend with the wagoon
  6. fuck christmas

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Eagle_Adam


      x3 - i hate what its become

    3. paradoxx


      thise days its all about how can spend the more money in material things.

    4. bananahamuck
  7. hey is that a maverick bumper.
  8. at least i know my floor pans are good . holds water like a bucket

    1. paradoxx


      hahaha what about the drain holes?

  9. will you sell the inserts and camber plates
  10. Occupy Ratsun we are the 1%

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. RedBanner


      Ollz, I am the 85%

      Employed washington resident.



      My friend Cory woke up in the Vancouver VA parkinglot with a pants full....

      Later found out he was struck by lighting

    3. RedBanner


      Could have ben white lightning, I wasnt there.

    4. jon521
  11. i laft so much my boss walked by and I said wobbled
  12. sorry when whiskys involved I slur , stumble and spell like shit, 8 on the break or run its all good
  13. farmer joe is baked, will have too meet. sour diesal and northern lights are comming with me. clones
  14. Adda county. not too familure with idahoe but have relatives in oragon
  15. beat you at pool any day bitch
  16. cant afford too live down in san diego and have a buitiful girl that wants me so ive been cleaning the gaurge and will be in boise in a week. hope too hock up with sume datsun lovers. seems that most of you alll are in oragan anyyways. my 510 might not make it up there so ill be searchin for a new one
  17. rainy day next to a mustgayn. He wanted to race, I said a race to who gets traction first after i rebuilt rear suspension. shes about two inches shorter now
  18. nice. ... we need to have a san diego chapter
  19. [/img][/img]I have a drivers side tail ligh assembly- $40 misc tune up parts $20 used distributer $20 what ever engine came with this I have but its in peices and pre ignition ruined the pistons- best offer or take also have the tranny- best offer also have a nitris system for fuel inj. $200 [/img][/img][/img] [/img]
  20. san diego, but dont mind a drive , got next week off and need to get my peice on the road
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