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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Went to coast this last Saturday with son and a small group of Facebook people . They went to a nearby fishing town to eat , but I can’t afford to eat tourist prices there and it was crab races weekend so no parking . Sooo me and oldest son drove around and parked out by the jetty. unfortune-nutly .. For me and my IPhone skills …IMGUR has double posted them for some reason but I’ll delete doubles when I’m on PC and bomb this shit later . iPhone fanboi alert 🚨 There are things I have been shown , that an IPhone does that makes it way better than some phones though . Aaaaand my wife is now officially pissed off because of my typing noise . .
  2. i just cut up a 81 wagon, ( still being filled up with scrap) and for the life of me can't find the rearview mirror anywhere . i emptied and searched the whole damn car yesterday. Even if it was ripped off or cut off , you would think it would be laying inside car , or at least , in the pile of door handles and what-not in garage.... weird
  3. I don't know about numbers at all but when i pull off a good valve job it is very noticeable . You can tell when you're cutting if it's going good or if you are just getting done. Never done it professionally i just have my own older Sioux machine and seat tooling and been doing it for 30 years for myself and family. In the late 80s I picked mine up with all the tooling from friends brother that ran auto shop in Seattle , because the older machines can't grab the newer smaller valves in 3-4 valve style heads , so he was upgrading . And 98% of inserts the seat cutters ride on ,that i have, wont go into that kind of head either. i have never ported other than playing around with diegrinder on junk head anyways. ..
  4. i was thinking this was farther out,, i may or might not have committed us to going somewheres else this Saturday. BUT ,, We got this ridiculous check in the mail from the government, for medical overcharges last Monday and i assume it will be just another stupid thing we have to figure out on our taxes next year.. So what I'm asking is,, is there a link to just donate to the Marysville high school drama club ? anyway party on .
  5. Thule Station, Antarctic geological research 1982 After watching the documentary about these guys .. I'm of the mind nothing good will come of this ice exploration business .
  6. Black Crowes McCaw hall Seattle , last night, bitches One of only a couple pics cuz, heap big woman is dancing to left
  7. There’s a guy on Facebook saying awhile back he was going to host a Datsun swap up on one of those islands,, (up in like the Whidbey island area ) this summer. don’t remember any details . Or which island so I guess I don’t really know much of shit ,,,,, but there you go
  8. Oh,, and yeah I did take them all .. They were in a Walmart in a cow pie town called Dixon California.. Map it got this awhile back at local Fred Meyers though
  9. we have been trying to make these , they just seem to fall on weird days for us , we all can’t get together for trip up . .
  10. Sorry we bugged out way to early , but thanks for asking us to come down.. I brought neighbor Juan-ear down in hopes of info about 59 1000.. i don’t think JJ shut up about how happy he was about find out big John having one.. No THEN!! Being close enough he could comb over it in person. he also was so damn excited he didn’t shut up for rest of day , all that night and all of Sunday till I dropped him off at 5am this morning,, haha They TV don’t make ear plugs strong enough anyway here’s a pic imgur says not enough capacity so upload more in a bit .
  11. saw commercial on TV for some doctored bills with his mugshot on it just last night,, like 2-3 in the morning . My parents had a bunch of different ones like it, only older presidents, we divided up amongst us when they died.. I shall see if i can find any i got.
  12. try pushing it to make in flight announcements.
  13. Yeah, but i blame the French with their giant statues and shit , for that kinda rhetoric type bullshit.. .
  14. Honestly, most of us on here are just hanging around on this site waiting for the grim reapers knock at the door, to put us out of our misery . .
  15. your stupid phone aint gonna cut with this one.. Needs pissed off neighbor beating on ceiling type bass to make happen. bro
  16. If you unhook arms from motor,, do arms move freely ?
  17. Their Wish you were here is pretty badass also. .
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