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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. The news says the viaduct will close for 3(?) weeks as of this Friday and the new tunnel will be open on Feb 2-3rd .. So now that i know what day the drive won't take us 6 hours through downtown i have decided to go with the 23rd of February. More or less here-ish depending how parking is on a Saturday cuz i don't live there https://goo.gl/maps/mJRx7h9kBS82 https://goo.gl/maps/1E4UnFRDj9B2 I'm thinking would be as cold as shit and probably raining,,, who's in? Since everyone's a pussy anymore,, the turnout probably wouldn't be that big so maybe plan to park in strip malls parking lots so we could use it's bathrooms and get some fancy eats , maybe drinks, gamble ,, and get our hair did. google maps shows one near freeway but don't have exact location nailed down yet. .
  2. What's wrong with your hood that you need a new one?? I have a few, but none are perfect and,,,,,,,,, i'm 6 hours away.
  3. Car picture you quoted. looks like a 411 to me.
  4. except everyone knows that,, that band was New Wave not punk it would be like a bunch of pictures of shorebirds and declaring them punk ,, or a few pictures of gentlemen in their chapeaux... No one would ever get it right,,,,,,,,, because they Aren't punk. You're welcome
  5. Longer straps wouldn't help his hitting the body problem ,, and if it was shimmed up and the fell out the straps would be too long not to short... If they did a pressure check to check for leaks 4psi could easily puff it out .. Here's one out and one in hope they show you anything,, Personally i would carefully bounce on it to bend it back into shape .
  6. Probably used air pressure to get water out after cleaning and blew it up like a balloon,.. Have you tried just gently standing/leaning on it to "squish" the top and bottom together?
  7. That's all i got cuz i just got new phone and still working bugs out...... Good meeting/ bothering many more guys again this time around,, this event is a real hoot .. And being introduced to a very smooth coconut beer that i would have never in a million years tried on my own. AA++ will trade again /
  8. So ,,, back up at 3:00 A fuckin M and into Eaglerock parking lot ,,, boom Pics aren't in any particular order as IMGUR loads them out of sync \ Spent a few hours in Hosenose's booth
  9. Friday picking through Jrocks crap he sent with us. LA freeway scenes ,,,,,,,<n>,,,,,,,,,,,,, Petersen So you want more sporty ELECTRIC cars ?? Inifinti/Nissan built this and another that was pretty cool also but batttery was dying Not sure whats going on here but i'm pretty sure Scalpum is contributing to the problem Washington mossy backs at the museum So after about 2 hours sleep each, in 2 days, we decided to go up to observatory and hours of cruising the Hollywood strip ,, we were literally ready to die
  10. Actually,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, it was a heated discussion about how the inner workings of the human brain, parallel the vastness of space, and whether or not the universe as we know it ,, is in fact, a molecule on the tip of a giant hand,, flipping someone the bird for cutting them off in traffic.. .
  11. "Technically",,, Jesus wasn't turned away... his free loading parents were. But if you're going for meme value for your buck i would go with something simpler and more to the point. .
  12. I wouldn't count your chickens with facebook group users,.. It's just to easy to click and forget on there. .
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