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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. I got no help on your actual problem but very interested in what your doing... What made you pick that wiper motor?? Was it a write-up somewhere?? Link? Pics of your mounting ? .
  2. I don't believe that's true.. I think my stoner neighbors inlaws down by San Diego get some kinda goverment kick back for collecting water.. I was talking to them because i was looking into doing it at our beach home (shack ) instead of paying stupid high rates and being there 5-6 days out of the year. My place is in Washington ,, so i don't know exact facts....................... That and those old dudes get so stoned you nod your head at them alot. .
  3. I loved Robin Williams ,, hell, i even got a picture of him hanging on the closet door. .
  4. What the fuck G ,,,,,,,,,,,,, do we have to fucking pay for pictures or some shit??? /
  5. I thought that was video of his Ford racing he mentioned,, as that is all i can pick out,, i see 4 nondescript cars,, a yellow pinto, a red mustang ii and a white fox body mustang.. Tell me exactly.. what are the other four .. Pics of this 510 or ban . .
  6. Docbainey takes the win!!!
  7. A 79 510 (A10) has a solid rearend with coil springs. .. it isn't independent rear. .
  8. Meant for the OP .As i was thinking exactly what G-duax said in his post And somehow mikes qoute slipped through my grasp .
  9. Have you raced circle track ever in your life? Or is this the first time? Is it 3/8ths or 1/2 mile? .
  10. A motherfucker just out tryin teh fix the potholes and everyone loses their minds. .
  11. On paper the saints at home should handly beat crush the eagles,, but,,, I wouldn't bet against Foles,, the dude gots the voodoo man... I'm going with the underdogs by 3 . .
  12. It's ok,, the moderators here usually just use the ones on facebook. .
  13. Looking at that upper pic,,, god damn i travel with a pack of fucking nerds.. .
  14. Those things are classics that's for sure I thought maybe it was this one finished for a minute,, all i really remebered was oversized deep dish wheels. At the PIR swap a few years ago. Was i think $7000.- 9000 (?) brother was pretty interested,, but we talked sense into him.
  15. Did it sound anything like this?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRY-eAxHyqY /
  16. I have never watched any episode of The walking dead,,, not sure why .
  17. Not sure other than a few of us from OLy area are going ,, you wanna go than do it.. Probably about 11:00am till about 3pm depending on how damn cold and rainy it is. Might bring a BBQ and see if we can get away with that,, but most likely just eat at nearby fastfood places. Don't be a puss Depending on how crowded parking is in these two areas of lot ,, but seriously you could drive around nearby lots if it's super crowded cuz we will be there somewhere https://goo.gl/maps/mJRx7h9kBS82 https://goo.gl/maps/1E4UnFRDj9B2 . Link to grabass but basically the same shit as i've posted here , Anyways here's
  18. They are electronic spark lighter,, like a gas camping stove
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