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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. $585. ,,,,, if it really is that hard to get, seems somewhat reasonable ,,,,, like they say , you gotta pay to play.. It's because you posted this in the wrong section,, although it says 510 on it,, it isn't considered a "real" 510 ... You're looking for A10 windshield Luke,,,,, come to the daaaark side
  2. You think getting a windshield for a A10 is fucked,,,, you should join the 410-411 gang ?.. I believe i have passed on at least 5 perfect wagon windshields in junkyards in the past,, cuz i thought the hatchback ones we have were going to be replacement for the Warthog..... live and learn i guess.
  3. How would someone even attempt to send a windshield from all the way on the west coast to all the way on the east coast and end up still looking like a windshield?? i guess i could fold one in half and could send it in a cardboard box .. Hahaha ... From what i read on RockAuto the hatchback ones are different, but if it is 2 or 4door with trunk ( sedan) it ((( MIGHT ))) be the same as wagon. I HAVE NEVER PLACED WINDOWS ON EACH OTHER TO CHECK IF THERE REALLY IS A DIFFERENCE THOUGH. I haven't checked in years ,, but i believe We have ONE extra wagon windshield in storage ,,, the rest out in back are all rock chipped or in wrecked cars so they are cracked.. we have a few more stored up in garage, but they are all out of hatchback type and you can get those on rock auto. Do you have pictures of window not fitting??
  4. In another memory, Snoop Dogg has procured a bottle of Seagrams brand gin, and is intent on consuming it himself, but his associates have worked up a thirst as well. They present their empty cups for Mr. Dogg to fill, but have not offered any payment for the alcohol. Mr. Dogg is angry at the prospect of sharing his alcoholic beverage without consideration, as these requests happen all too often. He acknowledges their requests, but reminds them that his needs come first.
  5. i seem to have lost a whole section of oics,,, i will hunt them down
  6. josh said he was going to a Z Car Club of Washington (ZCCW) ( Datsun-Nissan-Infinite ) show at Snoqualmie casino last Sunday the 12th ,, and my neighbor One-Ear said he needed a drive in the Datsuns,, so we met up with Josh ,,,, and went. Was pretty good show ,, nice weather ,, easy to get to food or bathrooms. and shade. Quite a few more cars showed than i thought would Here's the pics i got,, only a couple of us as i don't normally take pics of mine Here's our tiny caravan I have no idea why i don't have clear pics of those silver Zs as we parked just on the other side of the damn things
  7. signed up a couple days after it opened,, If anyone is going and needs camp spot in Birch bay,, i think the registration said 6 people per spot ( it's a field actually) and we are officially at ,,,,, 2 ,, and as always ,,, free. swimming pools ,, movie stars.
  8. http://www.redlineweber.com/ My neighbor has bought a few 32/36 carbs in the last 4 years or less and all have been install and go,, no problems
  9. Actually i never watched the video so i wouldn't have known there was a Bedford reference in it. I think you completely missed Sisu's ( and my ) point/ joke It has very little to do with the first part of the sentence ,, and everything to do with the last part of the sentence Quote Sisu Rumor has it Bad obsession has bought a Bedford.<< just a randomly picked large vehicle... So at 2 month intervals they will take 10 years to build a car hauler ?
  10. Yeah it looked like it was in an unbuildable green strip gully type area between mostly concrete industrial buildings and very large paved holding areas. and if that building can hold the amount of hot air Jon puts out per hour, if can probably withstand entry into earths orbit.
  11. Jrock sent out a few pics in group text of fire in the woods by his shop , that the "homeless" started ,, looked pretty expensive to control, and i bet no-one will ever get in trouble for it. Even though cops probably know the names and faces of exactly who lived there. /
  12. Quote Sisu Rumor has it Bad obsession has bought a Bedford. So at 2 month intervals they will take 10 years to build a car hauler .
  13. I seen this up on a stack at a junkyard out on the coast a few months ago.. Owner of junkyard was positive it was Datsun/Nissan as he was kinda pissed when we told him where we finally found it... He is a Datsun parts hoarder himself and we went there specifically in hopes to one day part him from some of them.. I think there was 720 fenders hooked to the front of this mess but my mind is playing tricks on me right now. If it matters he wants,, $750. for rearend and wheels.. That i thought i took a picture of but can't find hide nor hair of it . Not sure if that included springs.
  14. Like i said i beat the shit outta mine,, and if you shave the head a tiny bit to raise compression,, which is easy horsepower if done in moderation, and have the machinist at that time, install hardened exhaust valve seats,, and add more gasoline into the air stream you could probably get the 95 horsepower a somewhat stock L16 ( that doesn't fit worth a shit ) and easily stay together.. Unless you plan to race the Nurburgring like some of the guys on here do every weekend . All for probably under $500. bucks with buying used intake and side draft carb,, that are on MGB cars
  15. Well beings you brought it up ,,., looking down on someone for not wanting to fuck up their cars body style.. putting a dome on your hood to fit and engine that doesn't fit is about as ignorant as dumping 1000s if not TENs of thousands of dollars into making a known aluminum window making engine,, preform way over its capabilities just because that same "person" is unable to fathom how to get and LS1 ( a known horsepower maker) into that engine bay because of their lack of skills. But i aint pointing fingers at anyone's condescending reply or anything,,, just a generalized statement . .
  16. I really wanted to, but i'm Saving my peanuts up to do the All Japanese Classic in Vancouber ,,, are you going to that this year?? .
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