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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. There is not a emoticon epic enough that describes this..
  2. Not before i add this http://community.ratsun.net/topic/34453-45th-annual-ratsun-meet/
  3. I thought it was the metric system.. and what not
  4. I think he is talking about price. but it is hidden in title as... dlls Anyway it looks like a pretty bitchen truck for the $1300. your asking
  5. Come one come all to the Tacoma Sonic Drive-in Sunday August 21st 11am - 3pm for our 45th Annual Ratsun Meet :cool:Push, pull or drag your Datto Down for some fun in the sun!!!!!!! You Know.. cuz yer old and stuff
  6. But he also added antifreeze
  7. I thought you were supposed to disassemble whole vehicle in your moms driveway ( with visions of making a supercar ) then sell the parts when they finally kick your ass out.. NOT rebuild almost the whole thing then sell..cheap
  8. I carry a full tool box and 2 gallons of water if going farther than 10 miles and the cars all bear the scratches from it
  9. problem i have is i have 9 drivers and my sons 2 cars that sometimes need driving All except minivans are beater looking
  10. Wheels like in picture? is the paint like picture or is there primer spots ..............( besides front )
  11. I have had broad form for a long time through a local insurance place --JBR-- in Tumwater but it is Viking insurance,,the only problem i have had with it is it we cant pay in advance they only go month to month..I pay about $50. a month ( i think ) they send you a slip to carry in your wallet to prove you have coverage and it expires every 6 months
  12. Will this adventure be called " two guys one truck " If you sell truck wont you both be without a way to get home??maybe i am just being a parent..
  13. Pressed in... more like rusted in!... BUT had greasy motor laying around( whats the chances LoL ) and if ya send me your address i could send it to you later today if you cant find a local one. I will be outside so responses maybe be scattered a bit Oh,forgot ,, free just pay shipping and since i dont want government to think im making monies you can just pay me when i see you again..
  14. probably... but even thought i`ve worked on a shit load of L motors not real sure how to remove without damage. i will go out and check it out ..Although i might not have a good one to start with so if someone else has one... give it up
  15. I kid................ I kid Put the gun down...... Don.
  16. So i entered the show because i wanted to reserve a space ....but i was wondering if my brother and a couple friends show up with older Datsuns ( 510s & 411s ) will we be able to park close to each other or will they be in another part of lot?? I do realize they will come in an hour after me but, is the parking by clubs, car type or whether your in the show ??Just would like to give them an answer cuz they are like hermits ..
  17. Looks very nice .. Can i ask what rack was originally on or is it confidential info ...which is cool if it is..
  18. If this was the one on craigslist for sale up by Ralphs this winter. it was a pretty decent car ,,a little rust but pretty decent And the fact your not reselling it for more than you paid ( without extras ) is also pretty cool .
  19. Hey that`s not the one that was there before
  20. There is a roadster here somewhere.......... Datsun woody wagon
  21. At the Rochester fruit stand And in Aberville WA we snagged this old guy just stone cold chillin in the sun... hair blowin in the wind
  22. I use my Super Armatron for everything..
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