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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Had this buried deep in my photobucket ... And this fake wood looks pretty cool
  2. Does it have ignition with key in good working condition?
  3. Wheel chalks for those worlds largest dump trucks crap and i was typing as fast as i could
  4. maybe post a picture so to see what your starting with.. new springs may be your answer .. although i have heard of people putting a second rubber insulator on top of rear spring but never seen it.
  5. ..just haven`t found the right vehicle yet And now that Bleach sold me his factory service manual we are alot less scared
  6. Im not hating either, just pointing out that different locations have way different easily available cars. Although i may be a victim of the whole glass house stone throwing idiom..and whatnot.
  7. Ahh here it is. Thought i was losing my mind this time.
  8. Maybe a Ratsuner could have both a Datsun and a old American hot rod type vehicle. my sons " new " 510 wagon
  9. Do they sell 14" -ers and do you have a link by any chance. And could we get some updates on the orange wagon mobile for cripes sakes.
  10. Don`t have opinion on trade but up here in WA you could by 5 or 6 of the Z cars in that shape ( or better) for the price of the bug. weird
  11. Yeah bigger is usually better. just thought maybe something was wrong with it, cuz like i said it seemed to run pretty tip top for a motor that was in need of replace.
  12. What was wrong with engine in it ?? seemed like it ran pretty good when i seen it at THE show.
  13. Having 4 boys two of which are teen-angers now, i think once they out grow the back seat they are about ready to be traded in for newer models anyway. Or a cat or box of cheap wine even.
  14. That`s pretty damn mean right there.....
  15. These? I saw that show up on the fairgrounds reader board, but forgot about it .. The fairgrounds let you guys ( and the Billetproof show guys) camp which is pretty cool.
  16. the second test was pretty funny easily got all the Ford and Pontiac and Mopar questions and guessed on the rest and got 14..
  17. I used to buy paint at art store that was color matched and put in spray can for you it was kinda reasonable.. although you live in Cali. so probably illegal to sell there.
  18. You haven`t made it to the trailered in rat rod 60 something GMC
  19. Not so sure the fudpucker would approve Hey,,Todluck which truck was yours and are you close to Oly?? (edit) ok i see your signature OOPS
  20. Could you get a little farther away ??
  21. Birth??............. Ya did set that one up
  22. Seaside doesn`t have a law against more than one weirdo at i time inside the city limits. i guess.
  23. I forgot the group oic...........cars had been jacked up and down so they are sitting up high
  24. Did some trading and was checking what wheels look best on my sons new 510 wagon ( to lazy to start thread right now ) and my brothers car showed up so took some shots. The wheels we traded for that may go on wagonmaster
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