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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Possible free 4X4 720 It`s in the title
  2. OOps............. yeah you have to mark hole and drill and tap for that you could reuse your pcv valve that is on manifold ..like i said i might have this one off .....................................................eventually Sons at football everyday from 7:45 till 6:00 at night ill try and get the keys from him because i locked door after first pictures
  3. EEk!!....... im not sure if one in picture is for sale We are stripping the emissions off my sons 79 but not right this second I will let you know SOON Anyway removeing emissions wont hurt nothing and since yours is already way broke .. you could just make block off plate This is what part looks like off engine ( from older truck ) just three nuts holding it on Once removed your manifold will look like this ,,just cut a plate that will span all three studs drill holes then mount to manifold.. There is one stud missing on left side of manifold pictured You will also need to plug all the extra pipes and such AND this is the type of older manifold you could use BUT the runners are a bit smaller than stock L20 manifold so a little less performance.. Manifolds in picture not for sales
  4. show on these pictures where the smoke is coming out ,,,mine still has EGR on it end side end under maybe just gasket??
  5. AND is Sealik an actual person because how could one person know so much about 720 trucks I am thinking he was invented by the Canadian goverment in some experiment gone terribly wrong
  6. If someone said that to me the pictures would be of the damn thing in my yard.
  7. Yeah the heads kept cracking on my dads ...and they were like $1000. a piece and most if not every one of those cars didn`t come with water separator installed from factory.
  8. Me and my son just stopped at a guys house yesterday to discuss buying a econoline truck like the yellow one in yer vids
  9. Well, first you go get a five gallon pale ( a smaller one might suffice ) then (1). go to K-mart / wallmart parking lot fill bucket with rust from vehicles there. (2).??? (3). profit
  10. although this loses some of it`s punch now that youv`e fixed it
  11. Well my dad bought one of those 82 caprice classic chevys ..with the Olds diesel .Brand new ..well we all know how that turned out although it did get bandaged up a few times to actually make 90,000 miles mostly at my parents expense. Warranty was you bought it you got it. NEVER FORGET
  12. I found the rubber hoses to be really easy to find even at Schucks / Autozone type store and so cheap it would have been crazy not to change. I would be stoked to ...it sounds like a fun trip.
  13. Ok maybe i need to rethink the small wheel thing.......
  14. Try to get a trans that includes the old throw-out bearing and sleeve ,along with fork then buy parts to fit whatever it came out of ...BUT also taking into account your flywheel size..and you should be good..or at least closer
  15. Are the bricks to make your patio / bbq spot bigger?
  16. Check this first one out ..My camera can`t even come close to capturing this thing and the sun didn`t help either I have actual oics but posting them later.. And here are the rest of us ..Spent most of my day bugging the crap outta RickRat and his brother in law...
  17. I got a dead one of those in my backyard Rotary these handle WAY better than the earlier non suspension ones .ie. Bigred which my sons have rode for about three plus years and haven`t died yet.. yet
  18. So your going over to Tdaajs to " get a piece " ??
  19. I got here to late and i had a BUNCH of new gifs to egg it on

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bananahamuck


      Plus winter time usually has better fights




      Ill just wait

    3. DatWifey


      haha. you'll be ready for the quick-draw huh?

    4. bananahamuck


      God i need to get a life





















      For reals

  20. Yeah kinda but they are fun little cars to zip around in ..Maybe think...1200 old car styling with newer style running gear Or the lowly b210 lots of them around so they are cheap and not very many are badass
  21. I like little wheels ........alot So you are driving this all the way to Cali coast ? man you got to get some action shots along the way .
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