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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Pictures of said car required .......
  2. Well crap ...i hope it`s nothing serious and you get to feeling better.. Ya old bastard ....
  3. You must read a map like my wife ........79th and Greenwood ?? 90th and Greenwood ..........maybe
  4. The three prong is activated at different temperatures ....So one starts fan moving when not real hot then the other turns the fan on high at like 190 ...But not sure of temps though . you could test leads by bringing boiling sender ( not submerged ) in a pan of water and find temps.I have it wrote down but ain`t gonna search my garage for it ...sorry.....There must be pinouts on the watercooler forums somewhere. ......I think 3 prong were for AC equiped cars
  5. So if you have one you need two right?? ... Tired of taking engines apart just to find it needs just enough work to have to be bored at machine shop , and he wanted a manual anyways so he ( he digs ditches for his grandpa to make money ) bought this . it`s a 78 so all the parts to switch over will be on it. We were going to buy a 620 with a 5speed strip out what we needed and off the rest but this one popped up again so bought it. The previous owner was getting off that off ramp just outside Battery street tunnel and there were cars stopped just a couple car lengths off road . I think that exact scenario goes through the mind of anyone who takes that exit on a regular basis.. We were going to paint wagoon electric blue but seats in this car are pretty cool but GREEN The guys wife loved this car but the strut tower is bent rearward so not really salvageable..PO was a pretty cool dude..Pictures are after we ripped front end off with F250 and a chain to get crushed battery out. . ....And one last thing if your not going to buy a fucking Datsun ..don`t tell the fucking owner the Datsun is worth anything ..If you can`t afford it move on don`t randomly call people on Craiglist and make the fucking price higher for the rest of us ..........In other words if your to brokeass to buy, shut the fuck up!! THANKS. Anyhoo..
  6. I am kinda hoping your keeping the wheels..I posted your truck was my favorite of the show in the Canby picture thread and now it`s even better than it was then..
  7. Try typing this into your browser, i use Google.................620 valance ratsun Basically type Ratsun after any phrase and your answer will come to you like magic.. And i think i saw qwik510 had N.O.S. one, look in the parts for sale ...
  8. powder blue ..as in baby blue ?? Im way south and it sounds like it went north but ill keep eye open. need .plate number..
  9. Hit them at an angle with a air chisel brrraaaap ..
  10. There are no hydraulic lifters in a 7mge. .The adjustment discs ( shims ) may be worn though . And replacing them is a MAJOR pain in the ass.They are like a Volkswagon you have to measure each gap then find a disc that is the right size to fit. And you better hope to hell that it isn`t your cam bearings because those are part of the head and NOT replaceable bearings ..You have to shave base of tower then re-bore to get correct size....again...
  11. Your thread has been officially bookmarked on my Google favorites..
  12. Laecaon has a link to those .. Ratsun website is so immense could not seem to find the posts i saw it in. I bought mine off ebay, but seller was just a clearing house so no longer available there. Pictures of mine installed..there is a piece of muffler pipe between clamp and spring tower.. I started by using muffler clamps to find height i wanted but clamps rubbed against tire..but they did work.
  13. Yeah , i was just thinking out loud..mostly
  14. Good to see you posting again.. The car looks almost perfect but have you tried 195 or 185 on those wheels.... BUT im not sure if that would keep you from having to roll fender .
  15. Yeah, even after meeting you and knowing you name you still seem like an Izzo to me..It fits your personality.
  16. Does your friend live in a ,( how should i put this ) big house.?? ...
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