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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Never seen that installed without carpet ,, i'm assuming it`s the same one as Vintagerice mentioned,, that really does fit uber well..looks to almost conform to floor. AND it doesn`t block the heater outlet .. :thumbup: :thumbup:
  2. Man that was some really nice set-up shots ,, finding places to park that many cars at once is a real trick,, i also really enjoyed seeing all the roadside photographers freaking out trying to understand just what the hell they were seeing..There were alot of amazing cars on that trip but ,, i dig the Gus Gus car the most..
  3. bananahamuck

    Mt. Rainier 2012

    And as an added bonus this was by the white river amphitheater on the Muckelshoot rez BAM!!
  4. bananahamuck

    Mt. Rainier 2012

    Heading to and at the second stop ,, where we complained about the government for quite a while.. Mount Rainer in background going down VERY tight turns ,,, make for very fun driving ,,, Qtip seen through the two cars
  5. bananahamuck

    Mt. Rainier 2012

    Rick-Rat thanks for getting us off the couch Yeah you know it`s out there when the GPS doesn't show the road your on.. First stop for hot dogs .. Only picture of BJW Volvo because i think my photographer deleted them so he could film movie...
  6. bananahamuck

    Mt. Rainier 2012

    Maybe if someone was to Pm me their phone number we could be Ever-Ready-Bettys when you go by.. You cant miss us we will be dressed in orange and dancing to the groove baby....example below http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_sY2rjxq6M (edit) Exactly where in the above statement did i ask Jrock to send me a picture of his genitalia.??
  7. yeah i just put the center piece so it goes into each side and slowly squish it in ,,that way you can feel if it binds up... I have a huge press , but i did it that way once and it has so much pressure it just pulverised the needle bearing that got cocked it there.. it`s air powered hydraulic so i take the ram in the geerage to keep from rusting,,like the rest of it.
  8. Did you beat them in ..that never works for me , the bearings seem to always fall out and/or get cocked in there
  9. It only takes a couple good 14mm wrenches and a jack so you can jack up and rotate to get at nuts easier...BUT you need a real big vice to put them back in carefully....My family has a farm,, so i steal a food grade grease from my dad, notice the red in oics that`s the grease color,,, i know it`s good because they use it on all their heavy equipment..And if i ever break down in a desert island i can eat the u-joints till help arrives :D ....It took me half the day because the u-joint i used was in my tool box forever and the zerk fitting was MIA so i searched for a different one for,,what seemed like hours.
  10. Or start using quality parts to tune your engine with.. :poke:
  11. Replaced my passenger side u-joints for Mt. Rainer cruise tomorrows ,, Why does such a simple job take so much out of you.?? Does any body else think to themselves after finishing,,,? " if i ever win the lottery i'm going to have some else do this for me" was so quiet i almost fell asleep under there
  12. You know most meth-labs don`t even think to keep a fire extiguisher next to the chemicals,, good planning on your part.. :thumbup:
  13. Please ,, for gods sake delete that before my son sees it..
  14. If you go to junkyard it`s a 1983-85 celica coupe , looks like this http://bringatrailer.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/1985_Toyota_Celica_GT_Coupe_Side_1.jpg just need to know if it`s there and has rear window

    1. bananahamuck


      Don`t go outta your way, just if your there already,, thanks

  15. If you go to junkyard it`s a 1983-85 celica coupe , looks like this http://bringatrailer.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/1985_Toyota_Celica_GT_Coupe_Side_1.jpg just need to know if it`s there and has rear window

    1. bananahamuck


      Don`t go outta your way just if your there already,, thanks

  16. I wouldn`t call them large or small ,, having seen stared at them in person their what i would classify as about medium ... what were you guys talking about??
  17. Should re-title MG carbs for my A14? ( or something like that ) so those little motor guys will chime in faster ,,cuz those guys really know their stuff.. just my opinion though.
  18. Welcome to here.. B) Where do you race the winged cart at.??
  19. bananahamuck

    Mt. Rainier 2012

    We will only hate on you if you don`t come..
  20. Anybody going to portland pick n pull (south) 6241 SE 111th Avenue Portland, OR 97266 this week end ??

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. devilsbullet


      these are the same ppl that say they have a 1973 datsun 280 in the yard...not a 280z mind you, just a 280. the z part could be forgivable if they didnt have 260z as an option right above the 280

    3. Laecaon


      Its picknpull. They dont go into the yard. They dont know if its a wagon or a coupe. They dont know color, they dont know if the car is cut in half.

    4. bananahamuck


      I was nice to the guy about it,


      It`s just a real long journey,, just to find out they aren`t even coupes.

      Or worse yet not even there..lol

  21. It`s been raining and windy almost every day up here in the northwest this summer ,, weather here is always terrible..I was in Portland yesterday and i think it was 53 degrees and raining.
  22. The homeless guy that steals tranny bolts .....DISCOVERED!!
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