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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. So in the first post you made it seem like he ripped you off,,,,, in the last post it seems you want us to hate the guy because you have buyers remorse .. And europeans say Americans are arrogant..
  2. For what it`s worth i really like the color matching plan your going for .. you have to keep the original green though , it gives the rig real personality..
  3. Man i throw out my back watching TV ,,,,, But,, Jonny-san,,,, you forget crane technique .. If do right ,,,,,,,,,,no can defense.
  4. He thinks if he starts early enough nobody will show up and he can keep his house of Shrek free off unwanted smiles and laughter and general merriment and such,,,,,,,,, as mentioned in my earlier post on that subject ,,,,,,,,,,, we are having the god damn thing and we`re going to have so much god damn fun ,,,we will be whistling zippity do dah out our fucking assholes!! hence the title ............. Run To The Curmudgeon 2013
  5. Bumping because i added address to original post,, now i will quit bumping till date gets closer.. (edit) ,,, I noticed this didn`t have a catchy name like those Californy guys always come up with,,, so i am tentatively calling it Run To The Curmudgeon 2013 Or,,,,,,,, R to the double T C,,,,,,,,,, for the flat bills on here
  6. Man i totally forgot about you ,,,, i threw them both in the trunk and a roll of butcher paper ,,in case you wanted to trace them out, awhile ago when i saw this.( but didn`t want to say anything cuz meet was 80+ miles one way from our house and wasn`t positive we would make it till we drove in :D :D )),, ...............And i totally forgot about them!! ... You probably stood right next to them yesterday.. :geek: :lol:
  7. Arlington Wa pick-n-pull car is listed as 80 but obviously not....Must have been owned buy house painter cuz every panel,,inside and out was cover with paint..4speed car and trans and pedal box was still in car still in car.. Home built ladder rack ,,,, of science
  8. Saw this in Arlington Wa junkyard yesterday,, in a quest to find a rear seat for my sons wagon..
  9. But if you would have showed , you would have seen that " somebody " had gotten their hair done in the recent past ,,,, no doubt to try to appear more ladylike..
  10. Don`t hate,,,,,,,,,, this was the straight side
  11. Olympia area Ratsuners showed up in force ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, as usual.
  12. I have spent years looking for my wifes killer.. apparently nobody wants to do it
  13. Got these last night off a movie called "See no evil hear no evil" with Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder Oics for dial-up guys And a vidya for the cable users..... not original music but sound on tv was to low to catch anything but my breathing
  14. it would be better to do it at the Krispy cuz my brother is never a sure thing ... Tacoma guys:::: (or Pullyourloop facebook guy)::: need to set a time for leaving the Kreme of Krispiness so we will know whether we missed you guys or not.. :)
  15. Or make your way to Elma ,,, there`s a couple big ass 620s out that way..
  16. Not sure if we can make that ,,, cuz if i can get my brother spudlips to go we might go through Auburn.. BUT Cuz we all know you like big buts If my brother spuds out we would probably be able to do a donut-meet-up-drive-up
  17. I need to have gluten ,,, NO!! Extra gluten in mine or imma not eaten um.. :P
  18. Still got that 78 service manual ?? You should throw it in your car in case you make it to a meet,,, or we do,,, in the near future.. It`s seems ever since you picked that up, we haven`t went to the same meets??
  19. Not to take away from the awesome pictures you guys posted ,,,,,,,BUT .. I can`t believe your gas is still $3.57 .. up here we`re down to $3.19 in places. you guy`s travel big .. :thumbup:
  20. Yeah i dig Dickey`s man,,,,,, the two meat sandwich with one meat being the spicy sausage.. we haven`t ate at that one you speak of but went to the one at the superest of all malls in Auburn... I like being able to get extra BBQ sauce and not have to ask and it`s pretty cheap.. That first sentence couldn`t not be more homo
  21. Well if you can`t getter running you could always tow it to the top of the hill on the sapp rd side and just coast in making engine noises... :lol:
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