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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/37738-race-datsun-videos/ .
  2. Don't make me pull this car over!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jrock4224


      russ, audrey ...wheres your mother ...

    3. jrock4224


      russ, audrey ...wheres your mother ...

    4. smoke


      You're gonna have fun, and I'm gonna have fun... We're all gonna have so much fucking fun we're gonna need plastic surgery to remove our goddamn smiles!

  3. AC DC Gone shootin Genre: your mother is a whore
  4. One more thing,, ever notice those saline drip machines look like they were made in the 80s, with felt marker OVER felt marker marks faded yellow with age, and they still bill you $1500. per half day to use. WTF! Ok two: Drug companies have taken over our goverment and until we burn the corrupt politians that are in their pockets at the stake in public,,, they will run this horse into the ground.
  5. For the love of Kermit the frog that is a bright green!! Yeah^^ like he said, polish the cover then spray some clear over it, makes it easier to keep clean.
  6. I don't know, but it would be better than the Addidas express . I usually just do then think it out down the road. I have a working speedo now and still use the gps.
  7. Or use 4x4 trans and TomTom that shit YO Vancouver has a 4X4
  8. Do they pull you off the road to surprise inspect or is this a scheduled yearly thing. If yearly what is wrong with what Datzenmike suggested?
  9. I was over at the Russian janky yard in East Oly and seen a van stacked on the crusher pile with the stylish nose a couple weeks ago and asked Vladamir Pootin how much and he said $700. for everything.. What a frickin douche.
  10. I have heard of some parents having their kids do donuts on 3 wheelers so they can video it just for their own amusement .. :ninja: This may or not ,, be FAT510 riding without a helmut. Video is from 2010 so i'm sure they have become a much better parent by now.. And actual randomness Ducks in my new front yard pond.
  11. I knew a guy, ( Jim Blakley was his name R.I.P. ) was wearing flip flops when he pulled up to the qwiky mart store in Westport on his street bike ( we were just out of high school) .. He put his foot down while parking then bike jumped forward and in one motion he gunned it because of pain,, in turn ripping off the whole back of his heal area.. God that guy was a party animal ,, a hell of a guy,, and like so many of my high school buddies,, not alive any more.
  12. I you can't drive with a sore ankle?? Really? I can tell a bigger lie than that,,, i believe you.
  13. So i'm here ,, where is everybody??
  14. I think you two are confusing the Boss with the Cobra Jet which are the impossible ones. 71s are a tiny bit bigger so getting at the plugs is a tiny bit less impossible.
  15. Is that what the vehicle looked like before being taken apart!!
  16. I could have swore this was maroon and silver?? Why am i thinking that?
  17. Nope not factory but probably cheap if banged up. But i wonder if someone would have and or bring one to the Eagle Rock swap , maybe ask someone kinda local to you that is going,. to scoop it up. Now i'm not going to mention any names but maybe that big guy with the primer 4door b210 with the gold accented zx swastikas on it seems to be in all the pictures from those swaps. :ninja: I got mine from Jalen here's the thread on it. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/47783-wtf-bought-a-airdam-from-jalen-fml/ .
  18. When i bought a few parts from very new members ,, i asked for their E-bay account name and contacted them through it also, to make sure it was them.. One time it wasn't who he said it was and i passed on the "deal" the next it was their account in good standing,, and i bought a shifter at half price from here. Always make them send a current picture, flipping off camera or whatever. I have heard of others asking for the exact name of seller and Googling the name with "ripped me off" and variations of that in the tag line to see if there is any hits. Or just trust the dude ..
  19. Well someone could have told me that awhile ago as i just spent 45 minutes walking around this god damn mall,, and never did find the Sonic ggzilla said was here!
  20. I was helping haul a Saab outta Centralia last summer and my friend took the owner to the DOL to switch title and i was stuck with this 25+ year old kid that knew every fucking intricate fucking detail about that LOTR shit.. I was about to throw myself into passing traffic by the time my buddy got back,,, with the kids mom ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, that he still lives with. :rofl:
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