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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. No ,, i quit all of it December 2003.. If it was ment as an insult i'm ok with that,, as that is what i was. Among other things. Not all addicts rob your house or steal your car,, some are probably alot closer to you than you think. I believe we were just discussing my addictive personality at Lefty's a couple Saturdays ago . You guys saying cigarettes are soooo hard to stop.. Oh sure ,,you betcha. Either you quit or you go through life blowing organic smoke up your own ass, there is no other.. Boo-you for not standing up to the addiction whole heartedly :)
  2. Yeah e cigs seem perfectly safe.... Put gooey mixture of liquid of questionable nature in pipe,,,,,, suck it .. sounds legit ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, to a tweeker
  3. Geeeze there is so much traffic on this site I completely forgot all about this thread and asking about the 2.2.. :rofl: :rofl: So since the engine is now being used,,, how bout front-en a brother some of that extra crystals?
  4. I know a dude that might have a couple of those late model type laying around.. If you give us till next Tuesday to see if he has any that aren't cracked,, and we could flip them to you at cost,, but that fluctuates depending if he thinks we are with the NSA or his old buddy from high school.
  5. Yeah,,,, if it's collar got caught in it's throat or something.
  6. You would have to drive a shit long ways from the fairgrounds just to get to somewhere that isn't in the middle of a desolate hay field. Whoops,, i though this was Canby event thread..
  7. Have you tried this?? we didn't notice the fresh air coming through as it is mostly around town truck,, but we went on long freeway run yesterday and holy crap it was cold. :rofl: :rofl: It's on the drivers side up behind the control levers.. you could loosen screw and run baling wire through hole and tie it back if you can't get the lower levers to push/pull it to get it shut. You should be able to use the bend in wire ( open/pinch shut ) for extra adjustment also. upper link adjust in picture
  8. WE probably wont do a gates first open roll in / meet-up as that is kinda a cluster-fart,, but me and Donovan will probably roll in a little later and find my man Jason .. yo :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: Unless of course,, we are inconvenienced in any way by doing so,,, as remember we are Olympia area Ratsuners.
  9. Great find,,,,,,,,,,, well,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, unless you count this, that the owner of the car posted a few days ago. :rofl: :rofl: http://community.ratsun.net/topic/64633-a-large-man-and-his-510-mini-doc/
  10. A couple of the guys in that picture are THE most arrogant dicks the planet has ever been witness too.
  11. When you roll into a town and the huge ass LED reader board is welcoming our weird little vehicles ,, now that is pretty cool
  12. News flash!! I don't shut up in general .. :rofl: And people come from miles around with an almost religious devotion to get on down
  13. Running driving stock 4speed,,, stock height,, no body work or paint,, E distributor (cheap HEI module one even) with front disc brakes and king pins refurbished. done (edit) and the camper damn it.
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