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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. running super lean for a bit hauling down freeway?? I'm thinking once damage started it probably just snowballed. When you run a 2 stroke (chainsaws weed wacker singles) on straight gas the pistions always come out like that,, and alot of times once motor cools down it will run for awhile and the seize to a stop again. But yours having 3 more pulling it around would keep it from stopping. But that's a guess.
  2. Because i can drive to Chehalis and back in the 55 Ford f100 (and i little around town slow cruising) or all the way up Mt. Rainer and back on the same amount of gas in my Datsuns. I have been running the F100 a tiny bit more lately ,, but sure as shit those $4.40 gas prices WILL come back.
  3. "And i remember that director was a real stickler ,, heck he made me do that scene 40 times." I just noticed this wasn't isomy or that little Pharoh-faces thread. Moved
  4. I went to Walmart last night to buy some Cheetos,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and Bill Cosby raped me. Listen to this,, gots an old groove that will "do you right".
  5. Well we don't have many seasons but the two we have seem to have quite a bit of that stuff included. Honestly though, i don't think i could ever live where it was dry and hot 90% of the time,, i think i would go batty.
  6. So i was really concerned about that whole Ferguson thing.. I was all worried it was going to be a nightmare and shit. But she started right up as usual and i grated my driveway no problem. This was just after i scraped the top layers to fill big ass pot holes that the 3 ton vehicle that goes down drive everyday makes with ease.. It's not mud,, it's 5/8 minus so when she dries out it gets hard as hell. (corrected: apparently it's a 8 ton vehicle)
  7. So this probably should go in sightings but,,, i was at the Wallgreens today and as i was leaving i saw EastBay521 going in..... i waved but i don't think he saw me.
  8. Well since she LOOKS like a man i guess i could give it a shot.... But would you still like it if i wasn't covered with bed bug bites? :rofl: :rofl:
  9. The cherry bomb has to go about the middle of exhaust or it will sound quite different though.
  10. Yeah ,, you would have to go all the way back to those Coke sweepstakes Denim machines to get a interior and matching rear wing that,,,,,,,,,,,,,, uhm,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, cool? .
  11. A cherry bomb type muffler ( the smaller one of the 2 sizes) turned around backwards with a FULL tiny exhaust will give a sound almost exactly like the 120y in that video.. stock J13 mini motor of science,,, not sure why the dude in viseo can't shut up for more than a couple seconds ,, but whatever. :rofl: :rofl:
  12. TWEEEEEET!!! The ruling on the field is for attempted lowballing of a Canadian A10 owner,,,,,,,,, the penalty $150. will be assesed before shipping,, Replay first offer,,
  13. If you listen my old Kentuky home is playing longingly in background in parts of it.
  14. Wayno here's the page click the marca and it will take you to Datsun page when you click buscar http://crautos.com/usados/economicos-usearch2.cfm?p=1
  15. I know man and we all are thinking good thoughts on that whole deal. Well except for Qtip he's kinda a dick.
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