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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Have you given any thought to selling lavender scented marshmallows door to door?
  2. Don't listen to him,,, you could simply bolt two pulleys onto the front of differential and run two generators whilst going down the road,, and then ( of course ) you could then sell the power back to the power companies when your traveling around to make some quick cash.
  3. When you grow a gut that your Sturgis tee can't cover then,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and only then,,,,,, you will ready young grasshopper.
  4. Even the dog seems humiliated riding in it. Here she is in the lizard mobile.
  5. If we could get one of those buggies for about the $650. we have in the 720.. ;) I think i would put those "rednecks" in the same category as the guys working 6:30-3:00 at the Lazy-B and loading their $21,000 bikes into the enclosed trailer and then donning their "leathers" for the ride into town when they get there,,, Every August out in Lakota country. THIS is how rednecks do it.
  6. Hoopty Zs at Canby 2016 i'm in. mine carries an extra X chromosome but still.
  7. Go get a free boat trailer frame off craigslist,,,, cut the hitch end off about as far back as the bumper shocks on the car are wide,,,,,,, weld trailer hitch to bumper shocks ,, rip out front suspension and engine and put expanded metal grating down where crossmember used to be ( for a BBQ ) .. THEN rip the damn front seats out (for some hot digidy Texas porch furniture) ,, and then it would be a simple as building storage where the front seats used to be,, to a level that the rear seat area is ,, inside for full length luxury ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,BOOM You are now the proud owner of a one of a kind luxury camp trailer BBQ
  8. It's not that pick n pull yards in Washington and Oregon can't sell you cars ,,,, it's that they won't.. They sell "fixer uppers" all the time... But they are just a scrap metal company and the one local to me probably goes through more than 50 cars a month,, and it is a smaller yard compared to some i've seen in Oregon.
  9. Having grown up on the beach ,, that is the exact attitude the teenagers in the 4X4s parked just off the aproaches ,,, are hoping for... Cuz you never know how fast you need to be going just by looking at it. Your stuck?? Yeah i see that ,, oh i'm pretty busy right this second,, what with watching the tide come in and all,, you have cash?? We called them Touri delicti :rofl:
  10. "it's the great pumpkin Charlie Brown" :rofl: :rofl:
  11. All you had to do is ,,, bend down and look under it. ^_^ Not sure the dash can be saved as even if you got some of the sticky dingle-balls off it the paint would likely leave permanent patterns in the grain of the dash.
  12. Is the internet so slow in Oklahoma members there haven't got insomniacs 2.0 from 2013 yet?
  13. It's one thing to honor their service,, but i refuse to Kow-tow down to them as i don't have to be nice to anyone for the sake of peddling my goods... And let's be honest here,,, 80 percent of those guys probably were at best truck drivers.. It's an emblem it doesn't signify i hate America,, or i am less of an American by having it displayed on my car.. And that is how i really feel. My family has served in every major conflict since "the war" MOST in the marine corps,, I have a 2 nephews that served in Iraq and Afganistan,, and one has bullet scars to prove it.. And those kids i would be sincerely afraid of ..
  14. So in trying to buy some parts on internets ,,, why do people always say "call anytime" then when you do call them.,, you feel like this. Seriously do i call back and seem desperate by leaving nice message ,,,,,,,,,,or start leaving crazy messages like George Costanza?
  15. fixed it ,,,,,,,,,,, my wife told me it was , plagiarism. Yes i probably should move my PC away from next to the dinner table
  16. Aren't you the same guy that was throwing around unsubstantiated plagiarism claims just the other day?? fixed .
  17. That is why i have made my sons learn to always dig ditches that are as wide as human bodies,,,, for such time they may need those skills to ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, muddy,,,,,,,,,,,, the truth somewhat.
  18. Yeah maybe conceptually but having a car that doesn't surprise people it isn't smoking ,, seems like a better idea in real practice. speaking of awesome concepts i got this one off the celica forums the other day When a cat is dropped, it always lands on its feet, and when toast is dropped, it always lands with the buttered side facing down. I propose to strap buttered toast to the back of a cat; the two will hover, spinning inches above the ground. With a giant buttered cat array, a high-speed monorail could easily link major metropolitan areas.
  19. i hate underpowered antique pushrod engines ,, alot of "enthusiasts" think that they are still relevant in todays high performance world but i find no evidence whatsoever to support that way of thinking. .
  20. Is there any way other than the standard duct tape and bailing wire to keep an 80s camaros dash from falling onto the floorboards when you shut the door?? Well,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, if you can get ahold of the door card next to the window because the armrest is lying in a Wallgreens parking lot somewheres,, and then lift up on door as it hits the striker,,, too actually shut the damn thing.
  21. Micro, my son Albert and by oldest brother Floyd should be locked in a room and see how long it takes for one of them to start a conversation.
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