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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Maybe i have become to old to care either,, i remember a time as a younger person though,, i cared,,, i really did.
  2. Did the dude in background lose his horse?
  3. You know for once Tyler, you are absolutely right ,,,, i'm related to a substitute teacher up at Mt. Pilchuck high school ,,, want me to ask him if you can put on an assembly in the lunch room on how guns never hurt anyone?? Putting that aside,, if you had kids in school ,,you would know there has been a VERY strict weapons policy in place in all of the schools for probably as long as you have been alive ,, and even you will have to admit a gun ( as harmless as we know it is) would be classified as a weapon .. Zero tolerance, ever hear of it ?
  4. First off i ain't gonna go "find it myself" if you have a rational arguement then post it otherwise YOU GO FIND IT.. If you are on Dolomites side you might re read the banter him and Datzen had before i posted,,,, I posted legal precedent from a shit long time ago.. Dolomite posted a legal arguement from about 6 fucking years ago.. That had nothing to do with 30 round banana clips Mike mentioned .. ( hence the Germans bombing pearl harbor video) . It is your prerogative to post anything even if it has nothing to do with what is being discussed at the time,,, but only the feeble minded feel the need to do so to make their case more believeable ,,, to like minds. Oh and just for the record at about 4:30 PST a dude ( my friend if you will) was talkng about how he is trying to expunge a felony in order to get his personal carry permit,,,,,,,, right here behind me ,,,, at my kitchen table. In other words i laugh and am somewhat offended at you calling me a gun banner.
  5. I see you seem to have studied constitutional law in college,, or some such place as that.. BUT the founding fathers didn't include the "second amendment" into any part the document they signed. Hence the word "amendment" which is from the word amend meaning to change. In United States v. Cruikshank (1876), the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that, "The right to bear arms is not granted by the Constitution; neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence" and limited the applicability of the Second Amendment to the federal government.[9] In United States v. Miller (1939), the Supreme Court ruled that the federal government and the states could limit any weapon types not having a “reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia
  6. THAT ^^ would be a very ,, very, bad idea. :rofl: :rofl: Neighbor is deputy sheriff
  7. Never tell the whole unedited truth up front,, never. Never let them onto property without first knowing exactly what they do .. or don't,, wanna see there. Listen to others that have went through very similar type things when they try to stop you from tipping your hand to early in the game. :hmm: Cuz that's all it is to them.. a legal game.
  8. Hell i think even Weyerhaeuser was bought out by some over seas company,, years ago.
  9. Isn't that the one in quite a few Speedhunters pictures?? Looks hot as hell,, and i'm not that hot on that particular body style wagon ,, for sure. ? same ?
  10. Yeah cuz no-one but North Koreans could ever write code in Korean.. ;) Sony never gave anyone in this country anything for free so why in the fuck are we even thinking of using tax money to help them,,,, what in the hell.
  11. The problem i see with using a pressure washer here is we are on well water, and very high ground water, so i have always been paranoid that everything that goes on the ground,,,, eventually you drink. Late night car wash runs are standard operating procedure around here.
  12. Episode 4 The prostatentor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqwCko-kzR0
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