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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Hobosmedly: What if you went over to that cool old dude across the street and maybe told him to invite a couple of his close buddies out to this shindig and maybe park in the yard.. If they have old cars/trucks like him,,, i could bring a few more Costco hamburger patties if he excepts your offer................. Just a thought , oh Is there going to be room to bring my fish, cuz i can't go anywhere without it??
  2. I know Neil was there i was just seeing if he was paying attention. :lol: 2eDeYe" post="1263931" timestamp="1434471554"]
  3. Strange,,, did this really happen?? Cuz usually most Olympia Ratsun guys would have posted that they somehow completely "forgot" about this on the calendar,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, or any Datsun social event for that matter.. Weird Yeah i'm that guy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, well not "that Guy" cuz he is quite a bit more slender than me and not as handsome ,, and really i never wear hats much anymore ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but,,,,,,,,,, i digress. I will see all you bungholes again next year whether you want me too or not. Maybe in a real Datsun next time not a 720 :poke: :devil:
  4. Steve probably didn't think you were man enough to handle a capital u And since this is Jrocks thread i will add a picture of him i took at Canby also.
  5. There used to be a pile of those an old log truck mechanic had, on the coast,, up the Johns river.. , they were all blown up or something or just replaced with something more reasonable, who knows we were kids,,, and 40+ years ago. As kids we thought wouldn't it be cool to have 2 in a car,, man that would sure blow peoples minds.. :rofl: :rofl:
  6. This thread did help and i have proof-ish Made a deal on these ,, well the middle ones ,, cuz we already had the other sets in our garage already.
  7. Will you have found a couple bald tires to pawn off as the ones Donovan bought by then?? Not so sure we are going to the lakes of blue,, i heard something of bbq for guys that couldn't make it down.
  8. So how do you guys think they did it?? Palm the ticket ,, or just remember the number?
  9. Have you went to their products pages?? :rofl: Now i'm not the best speller by any stretch of the imagination ,, but seriously?? :rofl: :rofl: Their actual products ,,, i have no idea. http://mckinneymotorsports.com/products
  10. I don't know,,,,, but the top of my nose feels like the canvas on a pair of Chuck Taylors.
  11. But some cheese ball locked the damn thing.
  12. Still not voting,, but still going to be there. Fat510 is going to caravaning up in a honda accord and JJ is driving his Subaru someshitoranother i'm going to be driving a Dodge minivan if that's cool.
  13. Someone has a new 521 and keeping it a secret

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. bananahamuck


      Yeah,, Monday morning it was gone.

    3. jrock4224


      not me ... i cant keep secerts but i know who wanted it ...

    4. Phixius


      now I have Styx stuck in my head...


      secret secret i've got a secret...

  14. bananahamuck


    That is wicked cool picure right there. and may or may not have just been posted all over the internets just now.
  15. You're a good man Denmark and we ALL know that . I will try harder this year to help out with next years Canby even if that means handing out headlight stickers all weekend,, so whomever becomes presidenti is less stressed out.
  16. Shit talking,,,???? Like calling people names?? Like that?? And it has been mostly Oregon Locos backing him up when he called her a ...... I respect Farmers opinion and yours on the subject ,, but that's about it.
  17. So your all ok with someone that has been a member here for exactly ONE fucking day calling people names?? Well that's just great ,,,,,,,,,,, if that's how you guys roll then,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Datslocos forever!!! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i guess. :sneaky:
  18. First i would like to say to you it was great you brought your teen and her truck.. Best move i made in coming to this show is bringing my knucklehead teenage son... Great inspiration to buy his A10 warthog in highschool and get it back on and keep it on the road ever since. You have a few of the boys 720 but,,,, well it's a 720. :rofl: i find the artsy pics like this and the wheel ones are the best.
  19. you posted before i had my gif set...... :rofl: :rofl:
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