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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. I really don't care what she said to him,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, what i said is true and i stand behind it. She may have directed it at Denmark but he might have just been the match that set off the dynamite.
  2. I'm not sure what she said but there is no need to call people that have worked very hard at making Canby what you expereinced this year what it is,,,, harsh names there ,,,,,, NEWB The Granges are the same way,, new guys come in saying "I had a great time, lets make this bigger next time!!" then leave,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and the same ole people pick up the chairs wash the dishes ,, sweep the floor .... It is the main reason they are all closing around the country..
  3. Lol,,, he was the dude standing to your left ,, my right after you met Mhub Saturday night ,, that i was talking about how confusing datsun fuel injection can be. And my troubles with diagnosing it on our ZX turbo.. Done the exact same thing many times,, hell i do it every year with Jon521 ,, seriously every damn year...
  4. I have listened to Eddy Grant,, Eddy grant was an inspiration during my high school year,,,,,,,,, you sir are no Eddy Grant
  5. That site is full of some slippery characters from what i heard.
  6. Yeah, the names tags help tremendously ,,,,,,,,, the checker at Thriftway knows two guys named Qtip came in to buy groceries for the Dachshund show at the fairgrounds. :sneaky:
  7. Is there a machine shop close that you could take it too?? :devil:
  8. Yeah but the award was presented at 2:00 am in the back dining hall area and only 3 other people were there..
  9. :ninja: You guys that missed Mountainmattewdew i met him, and couldn't believe it was him. Dude is drinking out of the fountain of youth my friends.
  10. At least the trucks all the Idaho guys used to trailer their Datsun trucks home were quiet.. :poke: :poke:
  11. Last second shot to get these guys on video for their late afternoon around town drive. I went to take a couple pics of the group and forgot the camera was still set to video,,, and i captured this little gem... Alternate title would be---------- Hahahaha,, shit
  12. I had to go to the doctor this morning to get eye drops for my burned retinas after i quickly glaced at HRH s legs on Saturday.
  13. $900. is a great price even for a beat down one.. i would just think i would put a bunch of labor into it getting it on the road and resaleing before gas prices go up ,,,,,,,,,,,,, again... Not a dis i have a couple huge antique roadmonsters,, and we just never drive them anymore even though gas has come down a little ... Hell those vehicles sat for the better part of 2-3 years then, as it would cost $50.-$75 just to cruise around one night in the town we live in .
  14. Great idea on the name tags there Tip.. :rofl: For those that had a chuckle at FATS multicolored 1600cc powered 720 of hooptiness,....... Lets load your "trucks" up and roll Loaded down as all fuck
  15. One tail light out is great but if you guys could get one of the headlights to shine brighter than the other,,, now that would be more Datsun. .
  16. How the heck am i going to drive two Datsuns to Canby myself??

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. uberkevin


      Shit head I'll be at your house at 4!!!


      Or 5 hahaha

    3. bananahamuck


      I was just telling Hobo that ,, you and JJ will be both circling around in my yard you're both so pumped to be going tomorrow .. Hahaha

    4. uberkevin


      Sooooo 5?? Haha

  17. Did you get over to Costco?? Our tire changer would have probably fucked that paint right the fuck up.. Could you bring your super lite jack along? Not sure how the wide ass tires are gonna handle all the extra weight. Oh next stop,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, CANBY!!! FUCKERS!!!
  18. 10-4,,,,,,, we got us one of them there Isis fellers on our hands.
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