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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. My computer is so old i changed out the hard drive yesterday and just for shits and giggles i took it apart..
  2. I am starting a crowdfund to pay for a chicken salad sandwich.
  3. Uhhh yeeeeah ,, that shit ain't happenin ,, i did NOT get this fat by doing physical activites such as riding bicycles all over the god damn place. I don't think the rules are against having bikes strapped to the top of your vehicle ,,, they just don't want you riding them around,, like HRH said. It's the same with dogs,,, you ask EVERY dog owner and they will say their dog would never pee on someones wheels,,, yet the ones that are most adamant about it,, are probably the reason there are rules against them in the first place.
  4. I liked your pics then i refreshed the page and they all turned into dead links. ?? And now 15 minutes later they turned back ,,,,,,,,,, WTF
  5. I thought new duct tape on my roof would have been an excellent up grade this year.. Geeze now i feel like the tar paper shack in the middle of new a tract mansion neighborhood,,,I guess i will have to prop up my hoopty tent over on the other side of the San Francisco guys under the bleachers again..
  6. I bet that someone doesn't know the difference between an excavator and a backhoe
  7. Should have stole his drivers fender,, so he would be forced to put the better one,,, I FUCKIN BOUGHT FOR HIM ON!!
  8. It's crazy you have been a member since 2012 and this is your first Canby.. I/we first went to Canby in 2009 and didn't even join till after Canby 2010,, since all these people kept saying Ratsun this and Ratsun that ,,, i was all ,, WTF is the Ratsun shit all about?? I will never get these years back :hmm:
  9. Found these racoon tracks in the backyard swamp last night ,,, ,,,,,,,,, :blink: ,I have lived here so long you never even gave a second thought to noises in the dark,,,now i'm jumpy as fuck if a leaf falls.
  10. I sent a text to the company and they said they only sell that particular model in extra pointy,, and had already sent the last one to a guy named Kevin.
  11. It's weird you can use that type of lugnut i thought they all used the nuts with washers...
  12. Is there any way you could take careful records on your gas mileage now till you switch fuel systems?? I know it would be a total pain in the ass ,, but ,, it would be for science and what-not.
  13. Does any body on here know how to speak Russian?? I'm selling a minivan on Craigslist,,, and from what i gathered from our conversation just now,,, they are either going to come back with money and a trailer,,,,,,,,,, or fucking stab me to death.
  14. Sounds like the same excuses the movie companies used when trying to brain wash people into seeing Water World.. At least they could have had two of Austriias greatest actors ever Yahoo Serious and Nicole Kidman have a romantic trist or something,,,,,,, am i right??
  15. Should have bought it from a reputable guy in the first place.. :fu: :lol: Tim,, you bastard. And Welcome to you Coral
  16. Sounds like a lot of work just for a "car show" in some small town somewheres.
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