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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. You are going to transport it on your “part”.?? Jesus dude .. maybe slow down the Viagra You're taking just a bit . .
  2. Figure out where they are though,,, sometimes people say they are near somewhere for reference but actually live nowhere near there .
  3. i have no plans whatsoever of going to Boise .. But I live just south of Tumwater and could pick up and store till we either come closer ,, like Tri-Shities or some place just as horrible ,,,, or you find a ride for them I have quite a bit of dry storage.. in July there is Powerland near Salem and people might come from over there . OR Maybe you could make Powerland .. it’s worth the trip . I’m not worried about the $100. Bucks you can pay the guy that brings them to you .. just so I don’t have to pay for the seats .
  4. I like my women, like I like my bikes with big handle bars and a kick stand .
  5. On February 2nd ,, ( like 6 weeks ago?) ,, I had open heart ,, quadruple ,, bypass surgery and I didn’t die .. so I give that a win .. for now .
  6. I am almost positive There’s a gates hose that you cut down to make that ..and it’s mentioned in a sticky on this site . I spent quite awhile just now looking for it on here and I came up nothing.. .
  7. Is filter directional? Maybe it’s got some kinda anti backflow flapper inside . Installed backward would stop flow altogether. .
  8. yeah,, it was that bad. although “technically” Fat is banned from walking into any Walmart since 2020 . But that’s a story for another time .
  9. The old Fred Meyers store up in Burien Wa is on average, a much scarier place though ..
  10. I think we stopped into one of the Portland Walmarts they are closing last summer , Had armed guards and smelled like urine even inside store.. don’t know which one ,, phone map sent us to it..so we were pretty much lost BUT was off I205 ,, and post office right by it had plywood for some of its windows.. Fat carries almost all the time ( so I assume he was then) and it was still sketchy feeling.
  11. The neighbor died and new neighbors put that green fence like thing up to keep the privacy..
  12. I’m only on phone lately but,, the rats and wrenches square up top keeps disappearing every few click threws .
  13. Ratsun fact checkers have found this to not be accurate as the word “about” leaves room for someone not know exactly , the day , when you left. im sorry but you will have to edit your response as it doesn’t fit his self righteous narrative .. . thank you .
  14. I just rewatched Lillies of the field on Amazon prime couple weeks ago . one of the corny-er of those of that era , but still a good watch . Haven’t seen commercial free version of ,Uptown Saturday night in forever
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