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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Bought a recently passed fellow , Jim Clark’s 1200 2door sedan parts stash the other day. Was 2 heaping full size truck loads, windshields, trim, engines I believe 4 wiring harnesses. some coupe stuff , but member Scalp-‘em probably going to get some of that , if he needs . Figured might as well be all in since 2door sedan stuff is kinda hard to come by . both brothers , Ken and Byron were of much help in getting the stash , and that was much appreciated. pics as I unload and put in plastic bins
  2. Both cans were primer . We bought every dark green autozone, Oreillys, Ace hardware and Home Depot had ,, none came close enough when sprayed out ,,, ended up satin black . I guess that’s almost a step up from flat black .. 😆 .
  3. Store owner on beach was named Richard Short .. went by Shorty or sometimes Dick . ran for office and name was -Short Richard - on voter pamphlet My older sister went to school with a girl named Molly Uht I was young , so I don’t remember if she had a big butt , or if every time she turned around ,, it went , putt putt .
  4. Was there and went to take a few snaps of a lifted Datsun,, aaaand this was there . So no pics of truck .. mind your parking buddies fellas
  5. I put it up on my instagram but of my 50 followers 45 of them are bots,,, so not sure how far it’ll travel 😂 .
  6. ill preorder after the 10th of this month. what’s the chances of getting a 1600 engine Tee??
  7. The homeless guys smoking fentanyl behind the dumpster was a nice touch . . .
  8. So is there now a liquor shortage out where you celebrated your Bert-day ?? check out these dorks 😆
  9. It's a small parking lot,,, haha You should pop this up on a couple groups on Facebook. . .
  10. we are probably meeting up and leaving from Eagans . Still haven’t decided when we are rolling out but should be there - in Kent - about 6:00 maybe a little before but hoping by some miracle,, traffic through JBLM is light .
  11. Sorry but Asians don’t count .. From what your mom says your dad is a long dick Chinie .
  12. maybe,, are you in a hurry?? i'm cutting up a 411 this summer , be a minute before i do though I'm up near Olympia Wa .
  13. @Kennyc356 i sent email message , coming from , jumbofrank,, because of name, it might go to your spam folder I just checked,, it might come in as S Gripper <jumbofrank> .
  14. That’s it?? dood haul it
  15. Is it still considered “occupying” though ,, when it last like 500 years and people only make it to the age of like 40?? Sounds like it was the current government at the time to me . .
  16. America ain’t voting for no motherfucker sounds like Kathryn Hepburn . .
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