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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Welp there you go,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, it fit.
  2. Way to short of notice to get all the way out there,,, memorial meet or not. i'm positive we are out for that date .
  3. maybe try switching out your idle control valve off that other engine ,, i would say you can use the one you "had" on that head you brought over,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but since it bounced off the floor that end first ,,,,,,,,,,, it aint much good anymore. I read somewhere you can sometimes take it off and clean it real good and it works better. Have you actually TESTED your throttle position switch?? If the only problem is that the idle "hunts" why do you think it won't make it to Eugene ?? I think you told me the other night but i can't remember.. CAN'T DO SUNDAY ,,, tomorrow ,, graduation/getting his shit ready for going to University ,, might be traveling to coast
  4. Over at Lincoln creek lumber on 93rd Another young dude drives a nice red Pulsar but i never seem to have my camera when no-ones parked on both sides of it.
  5. Glass pack yo! BRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAP! ............. Brrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaap ................ brrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaap ......... brmmmmmmmmmmmm :D
  6. Quiet?? Why would you ever want it to be quiet? What part of Washington are you in,,, just general location if you are worried. Just asking so to get you out and maybe have a burger with us idiots sometime.
  7. I know it was taken outta context but think it still applies
  8. Making exhaust with rusty scrap pieces .. B) Sounds like a really large bore VW beetle when you get on it.
  9. And the head Uber Goober brought over for us to have to get rebuilt was outside while we were working on his truck,,,, Uber noticed it was getting rained on,,,,,,,,,,, moved it inside onto a plastic bucket................ A little later to avoid getting soaked while welding we pushed truck forward,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, running into bucket ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, bouncing head off floor,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but at least it was dry. :rofl: :rofl:
  10. It will be belt drive directly to the rear differential ,, it will just be loose enough to slip until a lever with an idler wheel is "pulled" to increase tension. We did the calculations and the engine should putting out somewhere between 693 hp and 1474 hp on NOS ..
  11. Ah,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ye ole turd burglar award . :D
  12. FAt bought a 85 ranger to drive while the warthog engine gets replaced with a 327 chevy, in a couple weeks,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, in testing driving type shit,,,,,, the bypass hose blew.. So when fixing that i thought ,,what the fuck i'll just replace he thermostat now,,,,,,,,,, well the fuckin thermostat is on the lower hose not the top.... Then one of the tiny god damn bolts breaks off,,, whoopdy fuckin do..... Which brings us up to about 10 minutes ago.
  13. Since you were on the coast ,,you could have just bought $50. worth of meth and just had some of the locals break off selling firewood on the roadside,, and push your car at least as far as Mcminnville.. Always be sure to get at least 4 that way 2 could be hitting the pipe and 2 could be pushing at all times.
  14. Oh ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and you seriously need to get this thing up and rollin dependably enough to make that long haul down to Eugene ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,pretty fucking soon
  15. What exactly are you talking about welding?? Not sure anyone will be able to completely seal those stainless bendy pipe things ,to the mild steel exhaust pipes. We will see though,,,,,,,,,,, GIMME PICTURES BOY!! What's the chances you would turn me onto that head with all that efi shit still on it,, you keep showing me?? I think i should have this stupid ranger dicked by Wednesday when you come over so doodie will be able to step out of his wagon for a few months if need be.
  16. Walking in was never free during the day ,, it was a dollar. So if i do some quick calculating i get $15. for 2 days of corral parking,, and $25. for camping BUT minus $5. since tshirts are now $15. this year instead of $20. ,,, multiplied by the stupid look on your faces,,,,,,,,, i come up with a whopping $5. from last year... You guys are like old Jews fighting over a penny laying in the street. :rofl:
  17. Yeah ,,,, now see there,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, all those white guys in the Snot-lick neighborhood and no one was stabbed or car jacked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i would say that's a good day.
  18. At this time we ask that you please rise for the playing of our national anthem............ No pictures from Vics for me since the parking was all over the place. BUT after some gluten free vegan pizza ,,, that i must say is pretty damn good......... we went over to have ice cream closer to Ubergoobers dicklips-es work ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but he never showed. Then we went to where Dueceduece was working on his 620 and hung out there for awhile,,,,,,,,,, then bounced and went home.
  19. Jesus Tdaaj you woke up ornery this morning ?? :rofl: :rofl: And it's not like we moved 6-7 miles closer to his work and then proceeded to wait for the little fucker for an hour and a half longer.............. or anything,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, wait .
  20. By house i mean that slightly leaning to the north shack you stopped at before.
  21. It's only tiny lunch my good man,,, with the traffic that sometimes is in Tacoma on holiday weekends not sure if it would even be worth your drive really.............. Maybe you should just make a little time on your way to Eugene in a couple weeks and stop by and take a piss out behind the house and stretch the ole leggs a bit and what-not.
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