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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. I like boats like your mom likes men,,,, twin screw

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. flatcat19


      Gatoslocos presents WaterSports 2017!

    3. EastBay521


      you cant say youre not into it if you haven't tried it

    4. KoHeartsGPA
  2. We are going out Sunday to try to acquire one from a field a few miles from here... i am sure that it will be getting parted if ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, if we don't get shot. It is at least 300 feet off road ( all you can really see is from side glass up) so not even sure it has hood,, cross your fingers and knock on wood and shit. Had to edit that a couple times to make it more cryptic. :D
  3. Nah it wasn't the carbs ,, it was that even the brakelines and brackets looked new from the factory.. I can't think of that factory gold-ish coating the underhood brackets are coated with ,, but i shit you not it all was as near perfect for such an old car as i have ever seen,,,, and not just on a Datsun. SUs don't move me that way man.
  4. The show was great,, was missing all but one of Busta nuts Datslife crew so camping was smaller bunch,, but hey there was a really nice >>B<< 210 there this year .. they did show Vanishing Point so there was firm little titties on the wide screen at 11:30pm ,, so that was nice...
  5. Well this is just a wild guess here,,,,,,,,,,,,, but ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, maybe it's because it has solid axle with smaller brakes and you would have to change just about everything to make it close to as fast as 510.... Or maybe because they look like,,,,,,,,,,,,,, well,,,,,,,,, like b210s
  6. Well it was posted by Jdong and it looks like the intersection of case and 113th up ahead ,,, sooooo multiply that by the goofy look on your face divided by the number of Croks Datzenmike owns ,,, and wah lah ,, Helenz rats nest.
  7. Oh and about your text yesterday ,, i forgot to say,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, you are welcome, :sneaky:
  8. Ok ,,,,, you take a picture of the back of a Frito Lay truck and but you can't be bothered to take a Tokeland one,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and you wonder why i'm always yelling at you.. :lol:
  9. Not Canby,, they were 20 ,, or do you mean THIS last year and not last year , last year? ,,,,,,,, but my last sentence is about a car show coming up in a few weeks. .. That by the way gives out only 5 trophy's...... 1st - 2nd- 3rd -longest drive , hard luck,,, i think they are hand made, not bought ,, but still.
  10. we are going to be there,,,, since it is all the way out in Port Orchard the Elma guys will probably be rolling in also.
  11. Some on here will get a great chuckle outta that sentence .. and to you guys,,,,,,,,,,,,, fuck off. But thanks by looking at his oil he needed a oil change pretty soon ,, so he said he was going to roll over to the wall-of-marts to see if they had that diesel kind you and H2theizzo mentioned
  12. This aint toddler Tee ball,,,,,,,, not everyone needs a trophy ,,, someone would still need to figure out whats going on award , make it up - go print them - then count those votes.. Do you wanna spend your time doing it?? fuck that noise You guys are stuck on the money but i believe they changed it so THEY wouldn't have to spending a good chunk of the day - finding - lining up - then counting votes- then handing out awards ..... From what i gathered they wanted it to be more social event than separating car show cars from "regular car" ,, did they succeed ,, not really,, cuz in my opinion . We like a car show for the stand outs and we are for the most part VERY accepting of our cars not being up to "show car" quality,, hell,, quite a few of us actually relish in being to ratted out be be in show. As for the camping prices having the car show guys pay that extra amount they always paid, to subsidize us poor folks camping cheaper was nice. Entrance (corral) fees,,,,,, seriously , you guys are just being bitches cuz most "real car" shows charge $35,,, a day AT LEAST to come thru gate and park. We are looking at over $90. for 2 vehicles for a 5 hour event coming up and i am pretty sure the T-shirts were 25-30 bucks each last year.
  13. You aren't being "dragged into this" ..... i was using you as an example of what a considerate adult would say.. B)
  14. I think if you would have simply just texted him a "thank you" for stopping it would have been more than enough... Pulling over on the freeway that is moving at 70+ is a pretty dangerous situation at best and the said person being "pulled over for" ,,, not thanking others for doing so is what he was bent about................ I have teenagers,,,,,,,,,,, i didn't expect it . You text ME a thankyou i will punch you in the balls. Dick lips.
  15. Just to recap..... HE SAID THIS YOU POSTED THIS IN RESPONSE IT ALL BOILS DOWN TO THIS Took you three days to come up with this excuse And this IT has nothing what-so fucking ever to do with Datslocos it just came out that way,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, It has everything to do with a lack of RESPECT ( by you personally) for someone that has just fucking died calling someone out for staring (really?) at you welcome to the Jr high girls locker room folks......... Did i say anything about Hobos comment ,,,,, no,,,,,,,,, because it was not childish keyboard warrior like yours was.
  16. Seriously ,,,,,who drives through a place called Tokeland,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and doesn't get out and stand next to the sign fer Christs sake?? And yeah we did ,,, eventually,,,,,,, didn't have any buns or condiments so we ate them with spicy pickles. I did NOT get this fat by waiting all day to frickin eat!! :lol:
  17. Yeah but not quite as badass as you would have thought the characters should be. Like the Penelope pitstop one,,,,,,,,,,,, really? ugly chick? Scary as hell looking maybe but not ugly found them by image search .. Wacky Races, Fury Road style,,, someone on another forum suggested .
  18. CANBY 2017 ,,, Are your trumpets ready?
  19. What's with all this serious discussion crap?? .
  20. Everybody that could actually air up their god damn tires went to the meet/show they wanted,,,,,,,,,,,, they had a good time with who they were with,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ... 2 shows 3 shows 40 meets/shows the same weekend. ( yeah I'm looking at you Ant-man) fuck it let's all agree we had fun................. am i right? For what it's worth,,,,, i spent many hours helping get a truck running "good enough" to make it to ratsndicks, and it was no secret he had no intention of coming with us to Canby now let's move the fuck on,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, CANBY 2017
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