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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. After visiting for awhile we went to the place called ,,, how you say?? Queen of the Dairys ,,,,,, but it was dark..
  2. I have wondered what people that drive MGs or old Fiats get talked to about at gas stations,,,are they inundated with Datsun questions???? Well,, other than how do you ever keep this thing running long enough to drive it,, questions.
  3. From last night ,, obviously not mine,,,
  4. Do you need a state issued multi pass to stop at that park just up the hill from Packweed? But it would suck serious donkey balls to add an hour and a half to trip for us if all the East guys find excuses the day of run to back out anyway.. a la Astoria loop run last winter
  5. If it is a Hitachi 2 bbl you should be able to use 70 521 L16 carb kit.. Rockauto shows them and probably every NAPA from here to the edge of the earth does also. The carb don't know what engine it's on . And that Mike chick is right,,, THEY should have at the least known that.
  6. He was thinking Wallmart in Spanaway ,, not sure what time map says it takes 38 minutes to get to Elbe, with no traffic ,,I say it's closer to 50-60 as might encounter old geezers in way as these are kinda twisty roads,, i would assume we stop for pops and argue about shit in Elbe for at least 10 minutes. It takes about 20 minutes to get to Morton ,,, figure at least 40 minutes at lunch destination whilst again arguing about shit, and scarfing down a burger and planning the overthrow of goverment ... Then back roads trip through the land-o-hill people on way to Chehalis and towards freeway. https://goo.gl/maps/tdXdvdzt6tj These are all 50 mph or less roads so if you got a low geared truck or car it will be more than happy RPM-wise tooling along with us.... We may go a little faster in spurts but these are twisty roads and most of people that travel with us drive 45-50 year old trucks and crossing lanes is for fucking clowns..
  7. If FAT510 goes he might have to be driving Albert-the-ginge's 84 celica,, cuz his tranny sounds like it's about to explode.. And the ZX turbo-mobile isn't insured right now because of dog.................... fucking dog.
  8. I used 520 brake hose .. or early roadster mix and match,, BUT rockauto shows some hoses ( for the roadsters) as the right ones but they come with female ends on both ends, and we thought they sent the wrong ones ( which they actually were ) by accident ,,,, on further inspection of R-A pics they ment to sell them that way .. The 520 rear is a tiny bit longer than stock but fit just fine on mine. Mine are the same on both sides but i don't have one of those new fangled engines that need have exhaust running out the body. Or disc brakes,,,,,,,,,,,, yet.
  9. If your talking about tranny seal... Take the one you have down to a place called Applied Industrial Technologies and have them measure and match you up one. ( it will only take them a second since it's all they do all day) .. There has to be at least one store in the Portland Oregon area.. BUT DON'T TELL THEM IT'S A CAR PART---- Say it's for anything else ,, conveyor, grain elevator ,, some obscure piece of immobile farm equipment ,, anything but car part as they probably won't sell you one if you do . https://www.applied.com/
  10. I don't have pictures from Friday nights shifter falling out of the car on way to Eagan's meet-up debacle,,, i am on the group chat and saw them ( let alone lived the situation) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but my phone can't do pictures..
  11. You're not my real daddys. I have had a small leak from the front passenger side of head since i bought this thing,, just always added more 50/50 to overflow bottle and called it good... BUT .. My neighbor Juan-ear was harping the shit outta me fix it before we went to Canada last weekend.. So i finally broke down and threw some gaskets at the stupid thing just to shut him the hell up last Thursday / Friday ................................. Did i mention it was so fucking hot those days it was like Frank Dooley in the sauna scene??? . GOD DAMN!! It was only about 440 miles round trip,, car got right at 26 miles to the gallon at 63-65 mph most of the way even with the 195/60/14s ,,,, new higher gear ratio was great for this trip............. I'm thinking installing 3.70s and surprising some of those Datslife clowns at one of their BBQs someday. :ninja: I think what this thread needs is more Billy Preston
  12. I knew i had seen a thing like that before... It was at my grandmas when i was a kid.
  13. It seemed so insane that's why i asked.. What i probably "ment" to ask is,, so none of those parts are even laying in the bed or anything?
  14. So i read your build thread just now,,, I had seen it a few times when you first got truck but not that into 521s .......... So if i get this straight , this was a running driving truck,, now it has no motor or even wiring??
  15. Amazing !!! That's how he said it .. That little dude makes me smile just remembering him saying that .. :rofl:
  16. It wasn't just being proud of it,,, he was "that" guy... I get he should be very proud of the accomplishment he has achieved,,,, but ,,,,,,,,, it wasn't just that.
  17. To Vancouver BC Canada .,, last Sunday,, this was heading into America,, going into Canada was just a wave and a how's your mom doing? ... . Since i guess i'm supposed to include my car, i stole this one off the realm,,,, yeah THAT fucking realm .. bitches .
  18. So bring tent BBQ and dog with no leash ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, check. I asked because by the pictures it looks like a "real" neighborhood,, so pretty tight for more than a couple cars... Maybe grumpy Rick could bring his grill and we could stand around roasting dogs outta the back of his truck ( like in the olden days of Ratsun) in that big parking lot down by the water,, or all ninja in the corn maze parking lot or something.. That way anyone that has second thoughts about something they didn't get at yard sale,,, would have time to go over a get that treasure..
  19. What's the parking situation there?? Could a get together-ish hotdog roast type affair take place without clogging up street so bad no-one just driving by " yard selling" would be able to stop in at the sale??
  20. Was a good time ,, campground ended up being a real mellow spot ,, but full of those long term gigantic motorhomes so lots of old people surrounding tent area party-ing so wasn't to quiet ... There was water park down road and the neighbors in the distance were playing what i think was Day Tripper by the Beatles,,,,,,,,, i think. I read somewhere the cut-off for vehicles signing up was 150 but it seemed like there was more.... There was a bunch of cool shit that got there too late and the gate was shut, so there would have been quite a few more,, because you actually drove down foot path to enter show.
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