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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. The environmentalists probably woundn't let urea get spread cuz of all the streams we have over here,,, hell my backyard is borderline wetlands .. And i have enough grass to last 2 lifetimes :rofl:
  2. I dunno,,, why?? What do you think a "real" native american looks like? Like this Or like this?
  3. Jesus! You think Eddie Money has to put up with this shit?
  4. Oh i have at least one vehicle parked in there,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, where,,,,, is the real question .
  5. If NWD put that oic up on that electric event sign on the hiway,, they would probably have to call in the national guard to stop the people from coming through the gates..
  6. You know,,, yours and my garages are very similar in that neither of us can see the actual floor
  7. Why would you put 4age into 620?? In a 1200 it makes sense but it seems like a step backwards in terms of low end torque in a much heavier vehicle ..
  8. Never measured out to out distance of either axle just the leaf spring and backing plate, to backing plate, distances. i'm lazy .
  9. A 38/38 has this gear type affair going on .. If yours doesn't have them then it's not
  10. Yeah and i don't want to be on tape as the new mutherfuckin deer guy in the muthrfuckin phone booth at the mutherfuckin stop in go
  11. Meh,,, i grew up less than a 1/4 mile from ocean,,, and most digs are at night now ,, i can guaran-fuckin-tee i aint driving my car back from the beach in the dark with all those deer,, Or a bucket half full of sloshing salt water. We go down to my dads and dig but we take a couple changes of clothes and enlist the nieces and nephews ( young ones so they don't need a 25 dollar license) so we can get a few more limits in one trip..... Cuz busting ass on a couple limits then hauling ass back to the house switching to dry clothes and switching 4x4s was fine when your young ,,, but i'm to tired now just thinking about it
  12. I think we should cruise out to Aberdeen or all the way to the beach in Grayland. ,,,,, Or Taholah and stop in Ocean shores and hunt around for some cheap food.... OoooR take a BBQ and stop at that long ass parking spot on the road with the Quinault nation seafood plant is and catch some meat on fire.
  13. I think a sternly worded comment in their Yelp review would probably be the best i could do.
  14. I'm not soo sure that is a highly reputable news site,,, did you not see this on that site?? In Wake of Burkini Ban, Muslim Women Demand Criminalization of Fat White Men in Speedos http://www.themideastbeast.com/wake-burkini-ban-muslim-women-demand-criminalization-fat-white-guys-speedos/ WHEN WILL THE MADNESS END??
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