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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. I just assumed, i figure if you're going for cool factor , vented looks and sounds way cooler What kinda brakes you got on that thing?? Welp,, , i got Four wheel vented disc brakes! See,, that rolls off the tongue as smoothly as a 19 year old college girl
  2. If you wanna switch to vented disc ,,, now that i would be behind 100% ,, but switching drums,, just to switch seems goofy
  3. FOR FUCKS SAKE!! 1970 510 411 drum on 510 before shoe removal ,, obviously holes are too small for drum to go all the way on. ,, I had real good pair of OG 411 brakeshoes that came with the red car so i used them with "new" roadster rearend when i switched it out ( as you can see) BUT i used 70-71 510 wheel cylinders because they were massively cheaper than SAE replacements. Both shoes on floor 510 shoes on 411 ,,, notice i didn't even change 510 springs for he 411 ones Drum back on with 510 shoes in place,, with 510 wheel cylinder ( insert snarky lol ) If i hadn't had good brakeshoes on the red 411 already, i would have bought roadster 510 shoes. ( i actually didn't notice the roadster place was selling 510 shoes as roadster ones till you pointed out they weren't exactly like the ones on your wagon) Trust me ,, i may have only had a driving 411 for about a year but i have owned a "project" before my 16 year olds were born just never was able to throw money at it till some dingleberry paid waaaay to much for my lizard mobile.. . my neighbor Juan-ear has owned his since the late 90s and my friend Bill drag races his in the 1/8th mile and they both were extreme roadster owners.... I built that goofy 510 cuz it was cheap to buy parts for. NOT because i wanted one.
  4. Yeah ,, that fucknose is now pushing for a tax on soda pop,, .02 per ounce !! That may not seem like alot but if you bought a case of cans ,,,,, holy shit
  5. Don't use parts store silicon sealer .. Go to automobile paint store or back to windshield installer and buy what they recommend . If you go back to installer with clear silicon on that shit,,, there is a good chance he will kick you square in the nuts.
  6. So i'm guessing my lifetime free admission to the museum i earned by sending him a ton of license plates is now void.. ;) Serious question OP .... So what is going to happen to that epic magazine collection?? .
  7. you could always try this http://jalopnik.com/5355617/man-avoids-37-speed-camera-tickets-by-wearing-monkey-mask
  8. The confrontation clause of the sixth amendment doesn't really apply to civil cases only criminal cases,, in Washington state most traffic tickets are civil infractions. Our lawyer told us that is why most junk car laws are civil infractions to circumvent this... and it worked very effectively on my ass,,,,,,, i must say . .
  9. http://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/PROD/classic12f02/10-2042 Says they stock it but i don't know for sure ,, they have 800 number though .
  10. No,,, i'm right on this newb.. The extra bump you see on shoes is because ,,, ( i believe) they fit early 510s also and that is the holes for the round hold down springs that aren't used on the 411 or roadsters. Could we get datsunfreaks official ruling on this matter please? I rockauto-ed 510 brake shoes and they are quite a bit cheaper than the ones in the link earlier
  11. Rear shoes should be same as roadster http://www.datsun-roadster-parts.com/index.php?id=41&page=4 .
  12. I used the info off the realm on this subject when i did my brothers and mine. and it did seem like two of the wires were in wrong spots ( it's been quite awhile now so memory is faded) but simply switching them worked for me .. http://www.the510realm.com/viewtopic.php?t=8226 link to the diagram that was posted in that thread if you wanna copy it onto a piece of paper and such http://www.the510realm.com/download/file.php?id=7553&sid=62eeb4374b91a7b0009c6e1430d04ce8&mode=view .
  13. As long as we can crash in some tent like structures in your yard it should be a thing... i actually started looking up port-a-potty rentals and they were surprisingly higher than i thought it would be for just one. We've been talking about this shit for faaaaar to long .. we need to just do it .
  14. I took some pics but phone is dead and cant load into computer ,, i too spent a few minutes transferring pics off facebook into imgur and will pick through all that mess later and post a couple but for now ,,, here is how everyone felt all day But at least Ted seemed to be having a good time
  15. We might be showing up closer to 11-ish Updated list Scalpum was here and said he's bringing hot dog like affairs Jrock ( who obviously didn't read the last page of thread) is bringing hamburger patty stuff I am bringing hamburger patty stuff also condiments and an onion and lettuce Qtip said he was bringing liquids in a cooler Chester said he would bring beer Rick said he was going to flash his wiener at the ladies Tdaaj said he would stop and get some kinda deli salad type shit FAT510 will grab something in the morning but hasn't decided what yet. If you wanna bring some chips or salad or plates and spoons do it if you want or not i dont care ,, just roll that piece of shit up here. YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO BRING ANYTHING ,, JUST SHOW THE HELL UP .
  16. Not sure how i spaced it out but added it to calendar just now. and it didnt work for some reason and added this event past pic
  17. So are the hosestop lines SAE on the car end? On your brake master my friend Bill cut and sank master into the fire wall to clear his fire hydrant size carbs ,, doesn't look outta place honestly. but yours might not have that problem with the SUs Only picture i have His daughters car .
  18. I friendly reminder Please no "peeling out" as tdaaj might have to fire off a strongly worded letter to the facebook again .
  19. So on group texty i was reminded we never looked at people bringing stuff. All we have right now is i guess i will bring the hamburger patties, buns and mustard & ketchup ,, maybe an onion and maybe a jar of pickles QTip said he will bring drinks ,, not sure if cups And finally Scalpum will apparently bring a scornful look only your mom can dish out. I don't have a grill or card tables or one of those popup tents in case of rain, at all
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