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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Scalpum, tdaaj and i went to the Petersen Museum ( even did basement tour) last November and we didn't see any Datsuns ,,, i believe there was a couple of super high end Nissan race cars , the ones that are relatively unidentifiable except Nissan written on them ,,, but no Datsuns. The experience was AA++ would trade again ,,, though if for nothing less than being so damn close to a Christine in the basement you could touch it,,,,,well,,,, if the security is looking the other way that is.. :ninja: .
  2. Have you watched either of those Bulldog games?? I wouldn't be placing all your dreams on those guys this year.. .
  3. Don't be listening to Dablist he's still pissed off about the meme thing in the other thread
  4. I started using IMGUR because another websites "upgrade" made it so photobucket wouldn't work for months and it is so much smoother ,,, give it a try.. http://imgur.com/ .
  5. I sold a 72 Dodge dart to a guy who was using it to rob grocery stores north of Seattle..
  6. Someone has a zoomy mc zoom in phone ,,, But seriously ,, way to go ALvondude ,,,,, you are totally busted ,,,,,, selling the arabs cheap fords at toyota prices. And you couldn't sell them 4x4s with the same size tires front and back.... Come on man
  7. Toyota trucks rule the battle field,,,, Nissan trucks barely navigate a drive thru espresso stand Fuck new Nissan trucks .
  8. J13 aren't as pukie as everyone says,,, you just gotta keep the throttle open farther to keep up... I drive mine all over hell with the locals and with a 3.90 rear gear it keeps up with them on the freeways and such ,, their bigger 2.4 L headed motors and L20bs go up hills better but hills are only so big ,, all have 5speeds ... Hell we traveled at 65+ for a couple hours when we came up to the show in Vancouber last Sept.
  9. Me and scalpum rode all the way to LA with an a soul. .
  10. Contact http://www.datman.co.uk/ http://datsunclubuk.proboards.com/ If your not a member already, join .. . it's a very slow board but it is Datsun and UK specific and more intimate than RetroRides so getting a answer will probably be more to the point and shit.. datman,, gainsb1 or Al Ramone on there can probably tell you the ins and outs of importing. I'm guessing by his UK location he wants to switch to RHD ,,, i seen a couple left to rot threads coming out of Australia and New Zealand showing Datsuns that probably have nothing left on them but the parts you would be seeking to make a RHD 620 ... But joining those forums then getting in with them enough for them to even trust you,, to help you out,, might take years...
  11. Well since hearsay wasn't the word you used incorrectly and the last part of the highlighted sentence pretty much proves which one of us is the dipshit ,,,, thanks for trying your hardest though. .
  12. Whoa there F. lee Bailey ,,,,,,,, I think you are using big people words you have no idea what the meaning of is. And wouldn't for it have to be completely uncorroborated in any way for that word ( if it was correct word ) to be applicable?? What about this ?? http://community.ratsun.net/topic/64980-the-soaring-521/page-7 Me and Scalpum talked to this kid in person and on top of taking his running driving truck and making it completely un-usable ( and un-sell-able because Albert also switched OG frame with a 620 frame) the kid gave Albert $2500. ... And don't take my word for it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, he put his number up so if you wanna give him a ring and ask him personally ,,,,,,,,, be my fuckin guest :) .
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