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Everything posted by IZRL

  1. This ^^^^^. I've been doing this for many many years now. Movies, Commercials, series, and music played over loudspeakers in department/grocery stores. I actually got most of my "80s New Wave" mp3 music collection from back when I was younger and worked at a walmart. I didn't have a smart phone so I would write the songs down on my hand and then look them up and download them at home. I have about 56 gigabytes worth of mp3s in my collection. These are just a few songs I've discovered this way. "Strange Things" by Marlon Williams I believe it was from the Documentary "Wild Wild Country" "Southbound" by Ben Barnes & The Stay All Night Rounders from the movie "Jackie & Ryan" "Live is Life" by Opus on the movie "Take Me Home Tonight" "Laid to Rest" by Lamb of God on the video game " Guitar Hero II " "All my Tears" Sung by Ane Brun on the series "Peaky Blinders" "Can't Stop me Lovin you" by Steelheart, song wasn't in the movie but the singer of this band was the real behind the scenes vocalist of the movie "Rock Star" with Mark Wahlberg & Jennifer Anniston. The pipes on this guy are just insane. His vocal range and the ease and precision in which he hits all the notes is ridiculous. I'm no vocal expert but I can appreciate this guys talent.
  2. What is the point of these hearings? I have yet to see anyone be held accountable for their actions. The fauci hearings, the facebook hearings, the FBI hearings. Nothing! I think these hearings are just a way for the Gov. to keep the general public at ease. Just a way to shut us up. They sit up there wagging their fingers, putting on a show for us. I call B.S., these hearings are just meant for the Gov. to keep doing what they're doing while giving us a false sense of security. The US Gov was the one that was behind covid, and then they put on a show wagging their fingers at Fauci. The US Gov is using the FBI to do their dirty political shenanigans, and now they're wagging their fingers at the Director of the FBI Chris Wray. The US Gov. infiltrated facebook to sway people's votes in the last elections. The US Gov is also pushing porn and allowing the Alphabet's grooming of children in schools. and they are pushing children to mutilate their own bodies and take life altering pills to keep their agenda in motion. And then they sit up there wagging their fingers at Zuckerberg. As if they weren't equally or more guilty than he is on the constant push to destroy the minds and bodies of our next generation. Wake up people This is just a show to keep us content and out of the way. And for those of you pointing your fingers at the left. It doesn't matter who is in office, IMO. There is an agenda that has been in motion for many many years and it's always in motion no matter the party who's in office. I watched a short clip of an interview Trump had a while back. I have never seen Trump dodge a question like the one he dodged in this interview. There was a pause placed on funding for gain of function research placed back in 2014 during Obama's presidency. The pause was then lifted in 2017 under president Trump. The interviewer questioned Trump about it and he dodged the question. This is just another confirmation to me that the wheels are always in motion in the background no matter what. If you still think the most important battle is Red vs Blue, you're right where they want you to be friends. Distracted and out of the way. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4Qv-OdcEPI
  3. Ha! Something we agree on. I've been calling Trump a clown since day one. I was embarrassed that our country would elect a clown like Trump. Which is why I said in my prior post, that "it is imperative that we vote a republican into office in these next elections" or something to that point. I didn't say we need Trump in office. Dilemma is, you either vote for Trump or you vote for the runner up. Who is more than likely going to lose to the left. I'm not going to lie tho. Trump has won me over a tiny bit in the last few years. But I still wouldn't vote for him if there were any other Rep. candidates I thought had chance to win. The times that I've voted I haven't specifically voted left or right. I try to vote for whomever I think would do the best job. Unfortunately for a while now we've only been given the option to vote for the best of two evils.
  4. A friend of mine and I were talking last week about the fact that people who lived prior to the 60s had an undying trust for the US Gov. They believed every word the US Gov said no matter how crazy it was. The further we get from that time and the more technology advances, the less people trust this Gov. and it's for a good reason. Those who still trust that our Government, or any Government for that matter, is looking out for it's citizen's best interest in 2024, are completely delusional. "Conspiracies" from the past have been proven to be correct many times over the years. Don't be so quick to dismiss what people say (this rule doesn't apply to people born after 1990. Take everything they say with a grain of salt).
  5. I posted this comment back in September of 2023. I've been saying this for years now. I just watched this interview last night. Listen to what Russell Brand says between 18:48 and 19:50 in this interview with Tucker Carlson.
  6. Yes, sir. Although the mission to end America's rein as being the super power has been in motion for some time now. It's not in the best interest of the elites for this country to be at the top, actually for any country to be at the top for that matter. They (US gov and elites) are working together to bring America down a couple notches IMO.
  7. A majority of millennials are weak as fck too. Which is why they're raising panzy ass z'ers. And I guess gen x'ers aren't far behind cause they raised the weak ass Millennials. Edit: my guess is gen alpha are probably going to require mandatory helmets and knee pads to walk out their front doors. And who decided on naming this generation "alpha". That couldn't be further from reality.
  8. It's not just the traditional news outlets that are fueling this divisive fire. I was on YouTube about 6 months ago when all of a sudden it was like there was a shift in the matrix. All of my video recommendations switched to radical left videos. So for about 30 minutes I was watching videos that are being fed to radical leftist on YouTube. It's a trip! I got to see behind the curtain and I could see why the left and the right despise each other. To me there is one ultimate agenda in motion. Both parties are pushing towards the same ultimate agenda each in their own way. They got us so distracted fighting with each other that nobody is looking at the bigger picture (divide/distract and conquer). As much as I believe it is imperative that we vote a republican into office these next elections. Let's be real. Trump is not going to be the savior of this country in the short 4 years he'sgot left. It will be like putting a bandaid on a severed artery. He might slow down the lefties push for grooming kids and a few other things. But he still reports to whoever is really running the world. Look there's an ultimate world agenda and we are not a crucial piece on the board. What I mean by "we" is the average human being. It's not a priority for us to reach the finish line. If we do we do, if we don't we don't. Look at all the moves governments are making around the world. Covid, food production restrictions, the push to stop fossil fuel usage, etc... Do any of these moves make life easier for the average pawn? No, it makes things harder and in many cases it makes life impossible. Only chance we got is to unite.
  9. Did you paint your flares?
  10. Ha, I just filled up the tank yesterday with the intention of calculating my gas mileage. This little truck feels like a gas hog to me. I got the weber 32/36, what are you running? I'm used to my honda. The 2.2 SOC is not amazing with gas mileage but it's better than the truck.
  11. Rebuilding oe cylinders with cheap seals from a cheap aftermarket cylinder is better than installing the cheap cylinders? What part of the oe cylinder makes it worth rebuilding over installing cheap cylinders? Is it the oe cylinder housing that's better quality and the reason its best to rebuild over buying new cheap ones or is it the internals that are better?
  12. I was actually wondering if these were rebuild-able so I hadn't thrown them out. Plus they look pretty damn cool. So rebuilding the OEM cylinders would be a better quality part than new aftermarket cylinder? I imagine it has to be an OE rebuild kit that I would have to use for best results.
  13. I actually jumped the gun and purchased a weber 38/38 without doing much research. Once it arrived I started doing more research. From what I gathered from other peoples experience is that the 32/36 is better suited for a stock engine, daily driving stop and go traffic, and for better fuel efficiency . The people who I read were happy with the 38/38 are the ones that had modded/built engines. One of the key things I didn't know about the 38/38 when I first ordered it was that both the primary and secondary barells are open at all times which means you can kiss any kind of decent gas mileage goodbye. I wrapped that puppy up and shipped it back and ordered the 32/36 that uses only primary at low RPMs and only opens secondary at higher RPMs. This puppy runs like a dream and it runs strong. I let my buddy who sold me the truck drive it. And he said it felt like a different truck (not sure how good the oem carb was running when he had it tho). I'm sure it's not a big HP upgrade but it's enough to be noticeable. But don't take my word for it. All I'm saying is do your research on the two carbs and see what suites your short term/long term plans for the truck. I paid for shipping 3Xs when it was all said and done hahaha and its not like its a cheap carb either. If you have the money to throw around than I would recommend a weber. I personally would've stuck with the OEM carb if it wasn't broken beyond repair.
  14. Damn that's badass, and those are sexy! The 80s Land Cruisers are the sexiest out of all 80s trucks/suvs and the 79-83 Toyota 4x4 pickup is # 2, IMO. I know I'm blaspheming against Datsun in it's house of worship, but the 720 is #3 hahaha, Sorry. I'm pretty sure you're not looking to sell your wheels or you would have already posted them. So I won't even asked 😃.
  15. I have some rattles and clackity clacks that I've been trying to find as well. So far I've found and temporarily fixed the loudest rattle that was driving me insane. It would rattle the worst while driving. When parked the rattle was way quieter even when revving the engine. It would actually be a little louder after you revved it and released the throttle while parked. This made it really hard to find. The whole time I was looking for a loose heat shield or similar because that's kind of what it sounded like. after a couple weeks of having no luck. I finally just stuck my hand between the valve cover and the firewall and started shaking stuff and tapping things with my fingers. And bingo, it was the damn EGR tube. The EGR Tube is loose where it goes into the EGR Valve. When the tube vibrates it hits the walls of the egr valve and it makes a really loud clacking sound. You can shake the EGR tube all you want and it wont make a sound. Only way to make it rattle is to tap the egr tube with something. Tried to tighten the nut but it's seized. I just wanted the rattle gone asap, so I tide it down with some baling wire. Will be doing EGR delete soon. This might not be what's rattling on your truck, but I'm sure this will help someone at some point 🤠.
  16. Can the seals be pulled with a screw driver on this truck or will I need to by a puller?
  17. I haven't given an update on the the rear wheels locking up. After a week of them not locking up. They started locking up again. Not all the time like they were at the beginning. They are only locking up on the first brake of the day. So once I get the one wheel lock up out of the way. The brakes work perfect the rest of the day. Today I finished replacing all the brake hoses. I also replaced the drums, shoes, hardware, and wheel cylinders. I always seem to underestimate how much I suck at replacing drums/shoes, damn! Anyway these are some cool looking cylinders. I wonder how long they've been on the truck? I'm gonna bleed the brakes tomorrow and test them out. I already noticed that the parking brake works much better now. The parking brake must have been partially seized up or something? This might have been the problem this entire time. I'll report back after the test drive.
  18. IZRL

    stock radio

    Kenwood and Pioneer have always been great car stereos. They are the Hondas of the stereo world, affordable and reliable. I have about 30 cds in my collection. But today I prefer collecting mp3s. I have 56 gigabytes of music in my mp3 collection. Out of all that music I only regularly listen to 500 songs that I have saved on my phone and play on my stereo through bluetooth. This is the first stereo I've owned that doesn't accept cds. It threw me off when I pulled it out of the box. The stereo is about a 1/4 of the length and weight of stereos that accept cds. I was like what the hell, where's the rest of the stereo? These cd-less stereos seem to be more affordable too.
  19. Lucky! How'd you come up on so many?
  20. I set them at .012 . I'm going to delete the egr and replace the exhaust manifold gasket. When I bought the truck it was missing 2 bolts and a stud and the bolts/nuts that were on there were loose. So im thinking the exhaust manifold gasket needs changing.
  21. In general how quiet is the valve train in z24s. I have some clickity clackity going on. I adjusted the valve lash twice. The first time I warned it up while parked then adjusted and there was no change in the sound. The second time I drove it for 20 minutes and then adjusted. There was a significant reduction in noise. But a few days later, it came back. Not as loud as before but definitely louder than right after the adjustment. This is just a general wondering of how loud our quiet these are when they're healthy. As I still have to inspect the exhaust manifold closer to make sure there's no leaks. Also I'm pretty sure I have a leak in the EGR tube where it connects to the egr valve. Going to do an EGR delete.
  22. IZRL

    stock radio

    Or you can just ride in silence. With older cars my nose and ears are always on high alert. Always listening and smelling for signs that something went wrong. I have this datsun stereo in my truck that works fine aside from the fact that the only setting on it that works on the right knob is the "MW" option. I haven't bothered to check if its the FM or AM setting? So this stereo doesn't get any play time. If I truly feel like listening to music in the truck I could just use my JBL GO3 bluetooth speaker. It sounds way better than the stereo anyway. On top of all that the radio stations suck around here. On the other hand in my daily driver. I've invested in a good system. Listening to music is very important to me. I like the music to sound as close to what the producers/artist meant it to sound as possible. I have the JVC KD-X360BTS stereo that I paid like $80 + tax on special. Which I highly recommend. Doesn't take CD's only Aux, Bluetooth, and USB. But who has CDs these days anyway. It's got Alpine 6" mids and Rockford fosgate tweeters in the front. Alpine 6X9s in the back, 10" subwoofer, and two Amplifiers one for the sub and one for the mids. I chose the jvc because it lets you micro adjust the sound. You can adjust the sound by frequency Range in Hz. You can tweak it from around 30hz all the way to like 15k hz (don't quote me on the Hz range). Just to give you an idea of how specific I am about sound. It probably took me a total of like 6 hrs to set the stereo settings to where it sounded as good as it could sound to my ears. If anybody picks this stereo up, I'll be happy to give you my settings, see if it works for you.
  23. Nice! So no need to drop the diff or pull the axles. Thanks. Any way to identify which diff I have?
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