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Everything posted by IZRL

  1. As a Naturalized US Citizen who was born in Mexico. I don't approve this message 🀣. Let's leave Mexico out of the equation. Mexico would most likely not agree to a peaceful take over. Trying to take the country by force would be too much of a shit show for the US for it to be worth it, and they know it. I'm sure most of you are aware that Russians have family in Ukraine and vise versa. Could you imagine being put in that predicament as a soldier on either side? This is the predicament some of us would be put in here in the US. So yeah, it would not be good for anyone. You throw around way too many fancy words. I was about to ask you to use "bovine scatology" in a sentence, but you did and I was still lost hahaha. Thank god for google. Why not say it in more layman's terms. "You're throwing a whole lot of bullshit around" would've taken much less time for the insult to kick in. I'm not actually insulted by the way, this is all in good fun. On a more serious note. What about my comment was tin foil hat? I don't own a Russian tin foil hat by the way. I just understand the importance of knowing your enemy, or at least hearing what they have to say. An ability lost or rejected by most Americans in 2024. More specifically the ones on the extreme left and extreme right. There used to be a time when we could trust most of what the media was printing and most of what the Government was telling us. Today the only way you might find some truth is to dig through both piles of shit (Left & Right) and try and make an educated guess.
  2. Come on now, let's be realistic. She was always a trophy wife. You think a woman with her caliber of looks would truly be with a man with Trumps caliber of looks for anything other than money. When things get turbulent in the money department in these kinds of marriages. Them hoes run for the hills.
  3. You're throwing a whole lot of numbers around. But you forget You're talking about a deadbeat country. We are broke. We don't have two nickels to rub together. Let me give you another mathematical equation. What is -$34trillion + -$1 ? It's -$34trillion and $1. The US gov is turning you're hard earned dollars into monopoly money. And you're over here talking like "oh its only a billion here and a billion there". The way things are going, the US dollar will replace toilet paper. Oh we're gonna have plenty to go around but it ain't going to be worth shit.
  4. Who gives a damn about everyone else when you're own house is falling apart.
  5. If the US would've kept their noses out of Ukraine. There wouldn't have been a fire to put out. The US instigated Russia by asking Ukraine to join NATO. This has nothing to do with helping Ukraine. It's got everything to do with the US using Ukraine to do their dirty bidding in trying to weaken Russia. Imagine what would happen if the US attacked Russia directly. It be WWIII. If you're trying to find where the US's ultimate agenda is going. Follow the long trail of blood they have left behind.
  6. Investment, 🀣 we don't have money to invest.? America is so far under water we don't currently have the technology to get a human down that deep. If America was a man he'd be the guy putting the entirety of their kids education fund on red at the casino. While at the same time using credit cards to pay off credit cards to pay the bills. And is currently at a drug rehab to try and kick his heroine addiction. You all are under the illusion that America is still on top. We are literally using China's money to fight China/Russia. Like flyerdan just stated. Who gives a fuck about funding wars that only benefit the agenda of the elite. Fuck Ukraine and the rest of Europe. Our house (America) is such a steaming pile of shit now. It has been condemned by the city cause its been determined to be too hazardous and unsafe to live in.
  7. EGR delete done. The plug for the exhaust manifold is an M24 1.5 thread pitch for 85 720 Z24 if anyone is wondering. I purchased the one in the link below. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07ZKMW46J?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title
  8. Front R-180 differential Question: I took the truck off-road to run it in 4WD so I could see if the diff would still leak. It's still leaking a little bit. Significantly less than before but still leaking. I could probably run it in 4wd like this for a couple weeks none stop and it would still have plenty of fluid. But it's going to bug the crap out of me. I have zero tolerance for leaks. After doing some research online I see that there is an O-ring that goes between the spacers that go on the side bearing cover (Part # 38453 in parts diagram above) and a groove that is on this diff outer housing. The o- ring part number is supposedly (38343-21000). But according to the pictures of the part on both Nissan parts websites and the dealer. show this part as being exactly like the Axle shaft oil seal (38342-21001) only difference is that there are two oil seals included instead of 1 for this part #. So the part number has got to be wrong on nissans diagram, or every one has the wrong picture of the part in their system. Either way I would prefer not order the wrong part. Is the housing on the R180 Diffs that came in Subarus exactly the same as the R-180s that came in the 85 Pickups? Cause it if is I would imagine that the Subaru O-Ring would be interchangeable with the nissan's? This would make it easier to find as well. Or am I stuck with having to wing-it and taking a hit on shipping if it turns out the Nissan O-ring part# is wrong?
  9. The fun will begin right after they announce the results of the election IMO. I think no matter which way it goes there's going to be a possibility of things getting ugly. There's so much tension built up between both sides. Add a pinch of distrust for the voting process from the right, and you have a recipe for chaos. I'm going to be stocking up on food, water, fuel and most importantly toilet paper πŸ˜†, a few days before the announcement. Things will probably go smooth but there's a slight possibility it wont. Funny, I used to talk smack about preppers.......and then covid hit. I think overall the right has a better understanding about what's going on in world than the left (IMO). The way I look at it. All the traditional news media outlets have gone extreme left. So the left turns on the television and gets fed a steady diet of only the current administrations agenda and believes. They go to school and again they get nothing but leftist woke agenda. Then they log into any social media platform, and those are heavily monitored and filtered against anything that might offend the left. You have to really work to find someone who has a different opinion or view than the left. And most of the left avoid those media outlets like the plague, it seems like. The right on the other hand gets the leftist propaganda shoved down there throat 24/7. They have no choice, its everywhere . The difference is they do seek other media outlets that are right leaning. So in short the right gets a healthy dose of both views, not just their own. I think democrats would benefit from seeking out right leaning media and at least listening to what the other side has to say. They don't have to like or agree with any of it but at least they'll have more data to analyze. I think most don't. They live in a blue bubble and they're ok with that. Who knows how much of the info we get is actually true on either side? No way for us to truly know. But at least be open to hearing both sides out. There are undercover and old school democrats out there who don't agree with the extreme leftist ideology this administration is pushing thankfully, and who might end up secretly not voting blue these coming elections. But they're probably few and far between. πŸ˜†πŸ˜† πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
  10. Who would've ever guessed, that criminals would not respect gun laws? The states with the strictest gun laws are the unsafest places to live. A good example is our neighbor Mexico. It is illegal for civilians to own a firearm. But the Cartel is armed to the teeth. Some of them carry 50 Cal rifles and even grenades. The law abiding citizens are left defenseless and under the control of the cartel.
  11. "In Hell I'll Be In Good Company" By The Dead South. I'm a big fan of music and like something from all genres of music from A-Z. So my music posts are gonna be all over the board, just a heads up πŸ˜ƒ. I do prefer country that is pre-electric guitar and bass. So here's some bluegrass.
  12. Found out why the shifting was a little wonky before. My Clutch Master leaked out all the fluid a few days ago so I replaced it. The next day when I was going to bleed the system I noticed that the Slave had just started leaking as well. So I swapped the Slave and bled the system. The truck feels like a whole different animal. It shifts like butter now. The slave must've been going out for a while. The old one never leaked before but now that I've replaced it. I can tell the new slave rod pushes further than the old one. Both new parts are Autozone. So I'm just gonna have to keep in mind that I'm gonna be replacing them about every 6 months for the rest of my days πŸ˜†.
  13. Been racking my brain on how to fabricate some sort of interior cover for my sunroof. The weather is nice here in AZ right now but soon it will be hell-a-hot. Haven't figured it out yet, so I came up with a temporary solution until I have time and know the materials I'm going to use to fabricate a more permanent solution. I used a black foam board I purchased from the crafts isle at Walmart a few years back for about $4. Took me about 30 minutes of trimming and test fitting and then trimming again to get it just right. It's not the prettiest but who looks up at your roof anyway. It'll do for now. I have to reseal the sunroof here real soon as well. Gonna need some sanding, priming, and painting of the area below the sunroof rim so that the seal I'm gonna use sticks properly. Its my first time sealing anything like this on a vehicle so not an expert by any means, but will post pics.
  14. Well I'll be damned. I cleaned the diff up real nice. In the morning the diff was already dripping on the floor just sitting there. It was leaking from behind the plate shown in the pic below. I'm not sure why I have the habit of automatically assuming that bolts are torqued down just because they look tight. All these bolts on both sides were either hand tight or just a hair tighter than that. Torqued them all down and it seems to be good so far. Left it overnight than drove it all day today. I checked it at around around 10pm and it looks shinny behind the plate so it might not be 100%. But I can live with that. Gonna make sure the diff is topped off and I'm gonna run it in 4WD drive tomorrow to see if everything is good to go.
  15. I'm just glad we still have the second amendment mostly intact. Millions upon millions of Americans go their entire lives without ever owning or needing a gun. So getting a gun is never an "emergency" IMO . In fact I think a large number of the population now days, don't have the correct mindset or discipline it takes to own one. All those examples you gave couldn't and shouldn't even attempt to use that gun for self defense even if they could get it that same day. Not until they put some time into either taking a firearms class. Or at minimum having a seasoned gun owner teach them the ropes. And then put some time at the range. Run at least a hundred rounds through their firearm, the more the merrier. Who's to say that woman doesn't accidentally shoot her son, an innocent bystander, or even herself, trying to defend herself from her ex. Again get a gun now before you "feel" its an emergency. Is all you can do.
  16. Well you can take this as a heads up for the rest of you who don't currently own a fire arm. If it's even crossed your mind that at some point you might want to get one. Buy it now. Better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it, as they say. Or move to AZ. Here you can buy a gun at the local grocery store parking lot...πŸ˜† and you don't need to register it in your name. You also don't need a concealed weapons permit. In your example with the woman and her ex. Most women stay with there abusive partners for years before they finally wise up and leave. If your in an abusing relationship now. Buy a gun today and store it somewhere safe that nobody knows about. Aside from that all of these scenarios are on you. You waited too long IMO.
  17. I was just sharing something I have been wondering. Never said my conclusion was fact. Everything else is searchable. This thread is about the destruction of America. In my mind these are the type of questions we should be asking ourselves when it comes to this topic. But your probably right, this stuff might not be right for this thread. I am going to dial way down on posting to destruction and covid. It's not good for my soul to be pondering about this stuff so much 😬.
  18. Hang on to your panties folks I just saw this Google notification last night. And just now that I turned on my computer I got this notification from Microsoft. It has begun. I'm going to keep an eye out for ways to remove this "Microsoft Copilot" AI B.S. off my computer.
  19. I wonder if anyone else ever question the curious fact that covid-19 had an age limit (I've been wondering this since the beginning)? Why was it mostly affecting people over 40? Kids and teens were practically immune to it. Most viruses affect the very young and the very old. This virus was tweaked in a lab. This virus was specifically engineered to take out the last of the generations that still have knowledge of what America used to be IMO. Those who still know the laws, rights, freedoms that made this country what it is today. The new generations are programmed, primed and ready to summit to what's coming. None of these cupcakes are gonna resist whatever they got planned. My other thought on covid was that it was meant for population control (less humans in the world) and to also test how far they could push the boundaries). The WEF seems to be hell bent on the idea that there are too many humans on this planet and that they have to take action to fix this problem. What are the odds? β€œFor almost every infectious disease, the most vulnerable populations are at the extremes of age β€” the very young and the very old,” said Stanford Medicine professor of microbiology and immunology and of pathology Bali Pulendran, PhD. β€œBut with COVID-19, the young are spared while the old are emphatically not.
  20. I wasn't disagreeing with you. I was agreeing with the first part of your comment. "I would post more to destruction, but my thoughts haven't changed." Which is why I started my response with "I just started posting to destruction and am already strongly considering stopping." I shouldn't have quoted your entire comment, just the part I was referring to. The rest of my response wasn't directed at your comment believe it or not. I will not be voting Democrat these coming elections either.
  21. "Tucker Carlson's First Discussion since Putin interview". Just finished watching this. Was posted about 7hrs ago on youtube. If you want to see someone question and push Tucker about Putin's interview. I'd recommend watching this short interview.
  22. unfortunately we don't have that luxury. We're gonna have to vote for one of these clowns soon. No other way to get you're info other than through whatever sources you trust the most.
  23. Having this way of looking at things. How can you draw any conclusions on Trump or Putin? You've never sat down with either one of them. Yet you still have a negative opinion on both. A lot of what Tucker says comes from seeing things first hand at his prior job. Also he has sat down with most of the characters we've been talking about. The fact that you disagree with what he says doesn't make it false. My daily is a 94 accord LX and I plan to drive it till it literally blows up. At least from 94-97 accords I can say the OEM parts were high quality. Even the plastics (connectors, covers, boots) are great. Compared to American Plastics, I think I've seen Legos take more abuse. Try and unplug a connector on a Chevy after only 75,000 miles and it will disintegrate. Plus the 94s are a perfect hybrid between reliability/performance and simplicity, so easy to work on. I bought this car around 2019 with 114,000 miles. I'm barely popping the cherry at 175,000. It might not look as sexy as other cars but it drives like a dream and has never left me stranded(knock on wood) and I own it free and clear πŸ˜† paid $500 for it. I take care of it though. I buy all OEM replacement parts unless they're discontinued and the fluids get changed on time no exceptions.
  24. We live in a time in this country where having an American flag hanging outside your home or owning a gun makes you a right-wing extremist. In most libs eyes. Not much surprises me anymore.
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