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Everything posted by IZRL

  1. Would you look at that. So in other words those assholes are full of shit. The Planet's climate changing is not out of the ordinary. And again humans have nothing to do with it. Of course the accuracy of these "facts" are questionable at best. At the very least they're probably accurate enough to show that the planet goes through seasons of extreme cold and extreme heat. Which makes sense to me. History has shown that the planet is a creature of habit. Things always repeat. The only beef I have with that chart is that. 1. If they could truly get climate data from that far back. Why couldn't they go a little further to see how quickly the temperature climbed after the previous ice age. My guess would be that it went up just as fast as they're saying it's going up now. 2. Come on now. The data after 2007-ish is all speculation. They can't predict temperatures 10 years in advance. But 300 years, they're like "hold my beer". Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. I'm surprised they didn't just go all in and just make that chart line go 90 degrees straight up vertically after 2030. They just didn't want to have to change the location of the years to the right side of the chart going up.
  2. I've always felt this way about space exploration. Our tax dollars are being used to photograph and discover shit in outer space that doesn't benefit the average pawn in anyway. "Breaking news! Turns out Pluto is not actually a planet." Yeah, and? Unless we can find a way to eat these photographs or discoveries. I'd be just fine not learning another useless fact about outer space for the rest of my days. Even if we were to say, find a black hole that was about to gobble earth up. Or discover that a Kansas sized meteor is headed straight for earth. What the hell are we gonna do about it?
  3. Ok but those glaciers have been receding continously since the ice age. They didn't start melting the day humans began keeping track of it. Apparently sea levels were "FOUR HUNDRED FEET" lower during the ice age than they are today. So, 1. Global warming is ancient news. 2. Humans had nothing to do with it. And 3. There's clearly nothing we can do to stop it. Who knows maybe this planet has its own seasons? We think of seasons as changes in temperature within a year. What if the Planet's seasons are 2 to 3 million years long. The Planet's winter has passed, springtime is in the air, and summer is just around the corner. Humans will probably not be around to see another Fall/Winter. Don't mind me, its late and I've been drinking. So this post makes perfect sense to me know. We'll see how I feel about it when I sober up.
  4. Comical how they went from "we're in serious danger of a second ice age". To "the planet is going to melt". All in only a short span of 10 years. Seems the planet had been increasingly getting colder starting from like the 40s to the 70s. Than it must have started getting warmer. So to keep the public securely in panic mode. where they like to keep us. They flipped the script from ice age in the 70s. To "Global Warming" due to holes in the ozone layer by the late 80s early 90s. I think the reason they finally just opted for a broader term like "climate change". Is because they realized that at some point the general public is going to wise up to the fact that they're nothing but jackasses who are just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks. They overestimated people's bullshit sniffing abilities. As people are more gullible now than ever. Calling it "climate change", makes it so if all of a sudden it goes from getting consistently hotter to getting colder. They could still say "see we told you the climate is changing, stay scared the sky is still falling". History shows they're full of shit and they can't predict what's going to happen in even a short span of 10 years. Don't let these assholes scare you into believing the changes they're implementing around the world to fix "climate change". Have anything to do with fixing climate change.
  5. I got the one in your picture from autozone. Mine only has the one wire with the sleeve connector. Does yours have a connector like mikes picture or like the one in your photo? Get the one that has a connector like the one that's on your truck. If it's more like the one in your photo than I used a crescent wrench to unscrew it out. Don't pull one the wire to remove this connector. Grab it from the connector with needle nose pliers.
  6. I've always had good luck with just using the little red/green felt rings you put on the posts under the clamp. I've never tried to lube.
  7. That's true, forgot about the ice age. Just came to a realization. This changes everything. This means that global warming started during the ice age 🤣. Back when there were only a handful of humans. I mean seriously, the ice all melted cause it got hotter. Imagine how much the sea level increased. I'm guessing more than 8". Humans probably have very little to nothing to do with climate change. They're killing two birds with one stone. They're blaming the increase of health problems on climate change. To cover up the fact that the jab is what injured many people. And as I said before to further their agenda (thin out the herd). If you want to see just how full of shit the government is. During the 70s they were predicting an ice age that would kill us all. Here's a commercial from 1979 where they hired Leonard Nimoy "Spock-Star Trek", to warn of the coming ice age 😆.
  8. Well 2023/2024 winter has been the longest and coolest winter we've had here in Southern AZ in like the past 15-20 years. Anyone else notice this? It used to start getting pretty cold right before holloween, but for many years it was extra warm around that time. This year it felt like the old days. Too lazy to look up the data but at least it felt that way. Like I said before. Noone can predict what the weather is going to do even one year from know. Hard to believe people trust the government can predict what it's gonna look like in 10 years, nevermind predicting what it's gonna look like in 100 years.
  9. There's no way around it. You need to clean the passenger side of the engine block and the oil pan real good. Scrape all the grime off and clean the oil off with brake cleaner and wipe it all down with a rag. I had a leak on that side as well. I cleaned it up and then let it idle for a while on my driveway until I saw the drip. Mine ended up being the oil pressure sending unit. Was leaking from where the wire connects to it not from where it screws into the block. I found that the best way to get a good look of the passenger side of the block and the easiest way to clean it. Is to remove the passenger side wheel, and remove the plastic fender shield/ cover. Leave them off when you idle the truck so you can get a good look at what is going on.
  10. Sounds like 99ish Rodeo seats are the seats that are truly a straight swap for 720s. Sounds like the front of these seats sit a bit too low. Has anyone successfully modified/raised these seats from the front? I'm on my way to phx AZ and I'm considering picking a couple up if I can find them.
  11. "Commotion", By CCR . This is another song that only in the past 2 years did I finally either hear it for the first time, or finally paid attention to it. "Commotion" is at the top of my CCR song list now. It's so heavy for it's time 🤘. "Killing the Mercy" by the band , "And One". Found this song about 3 years ago. This sounds to me like if Rammstein and Depeche mode got together and had a baby, this band would be it.
  12. I'm in "the who the hell knows if the climate is changing or not" team? We haven't been recording the climate for very long. So the climate is changing compared to what? A hundred years? A 1000 years? 5000 years? This planet's been around for way longer than humans have been keeping track of the temperature. And can we really say how accurately the temperature had been getting recorded, say prior to the 30s? The problem is not whether the climate is changing or not. The problem is what the WEF is pushing countries around the world to do about it. They are enforcing such strict guidelines on how much fertilizer farmers are allowed to use. That farmers can't produce the amount of food necessary to feed the world or to stay in business for that matter. The WEF's theory goes something like "let millions die of starvation now, so we can save billions a 100 years from now". Im paraphrasing of course but they've already said this publically. Who the hell are these people to allow millions to die today because of something that may or may not happen 100 years from now? Also they are pushing towards 100% electric in the name of "saving the planet". Which isn't possible, and they know it. They also know that in order to produce that much electricity they are going to pollute way more than if we stick with fossil fuels. People did the math on how much electricity it would take to run one fleet of full electric 18 wheelers. Turns out you could power a small city with what you need. Again more people are going to die because of them trying to get rid of fossil fuels. Many poor rely on fossil fuels to stay warm. In short, they are using the "climate change" scare as a means to further their diabolical agenda.
  13. 🤯 Well I'll be.... we agree on something else. That brings us up to a whole 2 things we agree with each other on 🤣. But what is you're beef with the church. Let the church be. The fact that you agree with certain things in the bible doesn't make you a Christian 😆.
  14. I was wrong. You do have a sense of humor. This has got to be a joke right ^^^^^??? Are you kidding me? The LGBTQ community is running this joint. I would agree that pre 60s things were bad for them. But things have flipped 180 degrees. The bullied have become the bullies. For people to say that in 2024 people in the Alphabet community are being victimized is just out of a twilight zone episode. We are so far past the line of "acceptance" for this group that the line is no longer a line, it is just a dot now. Honestly, it's getting so bad now that soon we're going to need to start marching for heterosexual community rights.
  15. Agree 100%. The current state of this country is that we have the freedom of speech as long as it doesn't offend the radical left (everything they disagree with offends them and should be silenced, or else). We have the freedom to practice religion as long as that religion is LGTBQ. The fact that most American schools have removed the American flag and hung the Gay pride flag in it's place should tell you everything. As much as the radical left/LGTBQ preaches love and acceptance. They are the most hateful, violent, aggressive, loud, close minded group of people you'll ever come across when you don't bow down to them. Let's not kid ourselves, the mission to separate God from state has been accomplished. I'm not going to lie tho. We all saw the removal of God coming. But who could've guessed that they would follow that up with the separation of the American flag and the country. It is considered racist to be proud to be an American or to hold up an American flag. Nowhere in the bible does it tell you not to have a sense of humor. Of course I wouldn't want everyone in these cities to be burnt to ashes from God shooting fire down upon them from the heavens. God would most likely send a messenger to warn the believers. So they have time to escape before God layiths the Smakith down 😆.
  16. I'll take her! Wouldn't mind wearing out the second half of that inch at the top of the cylinder 😆. I would rather live in a God fearing country than in the Sodom/Gomorrah we live in today. Infact it wouldn't be a huge loss if fire rained down from the heavens on some of these blue cities that the left is allowing to fall apart. And have them just start fresh. You can talk all the smack you want about Christianity. But you can't argue with the fact that if more people lived their lives following the morals and values taught in the Bible. This country would be a much better place. Now if you're talking about the catholic church. That's another story. That is probably the darkest, most blood thirsty, most sacrilegious, and most evil of all religions in history. The amount of blood shed by that church throughout history is mind boggling. All you have to do is look at pictures of the inside of the Vatican to know that the church leaders worship something other than God.
  17. You know your country is in the crapper when the phrase "make your country(America) great again" is used as a form of insult. If Trump keeps his word on even 1 of these promises, it'll be a big win for this country. Funny this woke woman probably unintentionally converted 1 or 2 dems over to the right side 😆. What a joke these people are. Oh Trump please don't improve the current state of this country. 😭 The only thing I don't agree with personally, is the January 6 part. I don't care if there were government agents provoking the situation. Noone forced anyone to do anything that day. Those dumbasses attacked a government building on their own freewill. You commit a crime you have to pay for it. Screw those jackasses.
  18. Satan gave us Biden. If Biden and his pack of Hellhounds have their way. There will be no elections in November. Merica will be nothing more than a big radio-active crater.
  19. Pleading? I usually curse the living shit out my cars when I'm trying to work on them and things aren't going as planned, or if they ever leave me stranded.
  20. I just went and did some googling for 720 pictures. I see 720s with these style mirrors and than others with the regular small size mirrors. Didn't know there were two different options.
  21. It won't ever sound right to me to refer to my cars as females. I wonder when men started this trend with their vehicles? It couldn't have been pre mid 70s? Exhibit (A): Is what my mind's eye sees when I hear someone refer to their vehicles as she/her. Exhibit (B): Well let's be honest. You can't call exhibit B a she/her. That car is Satan incarnate 🤘 👿.
  22. Oil sending unit is right below the PCV Valve under the carburetor/intake manifold on the block.
  23. The oil sender unit is right below the intake manifold on the block. You could shine a light down from the top of the manifold and see it through one of the open spaces on the manifold right between the carburetor and the head. There's a couple videos that show how to remove the sender from the top under the hood. But i found it easier to remove the front passenger tire, remove the plastic fender shield. and remove it that way. Edit: Just realized you don't have that engine in a 720. So not sure if you have access to the side of the block like i do.
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