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Everything posted by IZRL

  1. So in your opinion who should we who are not zombie sheep following the lefties woke/pedophile indoctrination listen to? 99.9999% of information that's fed to us by traditional media is a script written by a couple men at the top who run all news outlets. who have sold their soul to the left. There aren't many who speak against this liberal garbage.
  2. Like him or hate him, agree or disagree with him. I think we can all agree that he's one of only a handful of big names that's got the balls to put everything on the line to go against the current system. I still believe that both red and blue are working towards the same ultimate agenda. So I like and respect Tucker but I don't take everything he or anyone says as Gospel.
  3. This is gun related. Just put in for elk draw. 3rd times' the charm. 🤞
  4. 🤣This is the first time I ever hear anyone call a former US president a cocksucker. I'm guilty of calling them many a names over the years, but never a cocksucker. I hate the accronym "lol" and never use it. But I actual laughed out loud to this one.
  5. IZRL

    Some D21 History

    Well since I've been reading up on nissan vehicles that were available to the Mexican market. According to wiki: The d21 was built and sold in Mexico from 1993-2008. The 720 went all the way to 1993 in mex. VS the d21 being built/sold from 1985-1997 in the US. Mexico also got a Crew Cab/ 4 door version of the d21. So far from what I gather they didn't get any 4WD nissan pickups there. Only the 2WD.
  6. It's grime, I need to clean in up. The inside is clean.
  7. The US Gov didn't light the match but are definitely guilty of supplying the match and fanning the flames that are burning down Ukraine. In order to keep lining the pockets of the military industrial complex and black rock.
  8. Ok so far it sounds to me like you disagree with everyone who's currently running for office or talking about politics in the U.S. Trump, Biden, RFK, DeSantis, Newsom, Vivek, Tucker. Do you have any alternatives? Cause we're running out of options here. It's a race between the Clown (Trump), Mr. Dimensia(Biden), the Republican who's dipping his toes in the swamp (DeSantis), the weasel who's singlehandedly burying California (Newsom), and the ex drug addict(RFK).
  9. This is the guy I'd want in office over all the other options. if only he had a chance to win but he doesn't. The left has probably already green lit him. Just like they did his kin.
  10. Nice, like this guy's style and sound. Hard to believe he's from Australia. He sounds like he's straight out of Louisiana or Mississippi circa 1930's. I'll call your C.W. King and I'll raise you "Hard time floor killing blues". This is a recent cover of the original song sung by Skip James in the 30s I believe. They play a short snippet of this song on the film "O brother where art thou", and i just had to find & download it. So far my favorite blues song from that time. So simple, just a Man and his guitar, but so good.
  11. IZRL

    Crew Cab 720s in Mexico

    I will agree you on that, it's an acquired taste. They have definitely grown on me. Even the 4x4 looked pretty goofy to me when I first saw it. The narrow stance on OEM wheels makes things worse. A slightly wider stance and more aggressive tread makes a world of difference for the 4x4s IMO.
  12. I wil say one thing tho. The intro that Tucker gave by himself didn't leave a good taste in my mouth. He tells you a short preview of one of the answers that was given by Putin. He proceeds to tell you "their" conclusion on this answer. Than proceeds to tell you to watch the interview with their conclusion in mind. What! What's that about? You can't paint a picture in someone's head. Tell them to watch something with "their" conclusion in mind and expect most people to truly draw there own conclusions. This is what the left does to us. Why would Tucker do the same? I'm only half way so far but I'm doing my best not to take Tucker's advice.
  13. Why not watch it and draw your own conclusions about it? I can respond to your questions. But what's the point? My take on it will surely be different from yours.
  14. I agree with you a 100%. My responses are more of a "Why do you see the splinter in someone else's eye and never notice the log in your own?", kind of response to the topic.
  15. All I'm saying is the U.S. is guilty of every atrocity you've listed here and then some. And on a bigger scale. And by the way. Who died and made the US the savior of the world anyway? The U.S Gov is always putting the blanket of "we're saving the poor people of this or that country from there evil leader" over our eyes to justify all the death and destruction they've caused. Bullshit, they could give a damn about anyone. Every conflict and incidents we've been involved in after WWII. Have been in one way or another to benefit the U.S. agenda. They did the same with covid, " We are taking all your rights and freedoms away but only for the safety and well being of your family and your fellow man". I have die hard gun wielding friends who used to say. "If the Gov ever tries to take our guns and freedoms away, we will never comply". A lot of people used to say the same thing. Oh really.... and how many truly resisted during covid (I include myself in this group. The only thing i didn't comply with is taking the jab). If covid wasn't the most genius of ways to do a test on gov control and how far they could push the line. I don't know what is. Edit: And who is paying dearly for all the money spent over the years on senseless conflicts? The American tax payer. Inflation is so high. You go to the store, leave with 6 grocery items, and $100 poorer. And what do they have to do to lower inflation. People need to lose there jobs and they have to raise interest rates. So they shaft us and to fix the problem they have to shaft us again.
  16. So giving a country's leader the title of President vs Dictator makes sacrificing your youth and the youth of other countries for the sole purpose of advancing your personal agenda justifiable? Does anyone have any idea how many deaths of both innocent and the military the United states is directly or indirectly responsible for? I wouldn't be surprised if America has been the cause of more death than all other countries combined. Who decides what countries personal agenda is more important than the others? So Americans are the only people who are allowed to fight and kill for the sole purpose of maintaining their countries ideals and personal agenda? Putin's country and country's heritage are his top priority. Most Americans live in a bubble thinking America's well being and survival should be the rest of the worlds top priority. I hate to break it to you, but its not and it shouldn't be. George W. Bush making the false claims that Iraq was in possession of weapons of mass destruction. Our government invaded and destroyed a country and executed their leader for what Oil? Or to further America's ultimate agenda? Yeah Hussain was a piece of shit but that's beside the point. "No one knows with certainty how many people have been killed and wounded in Iraq since the 2003 United States invasion. However, we know that between 280,771 and 315,190 have died from direct war related violence caused by the U.S., its allies, the Iraqi military and police, and opposition forces from the time of the invasion through March 2023." Attacks on 9/11. No one really knows for sure if the U.S. Gov had anything to do with the attacks on 9/11. But we can all agree that the information the Gov was giving us and what civilians/Emergency response that were in ground zero that day didn't match up. Was this just an excuse for America to keep a stranglehold on the Middle East? Yes, I know this is one of the most controversial "conspiracies" in modern times. Before anyone starts sounding off about it. I'm 80/20 on this one. The tweaking and leak of Covid-19. The US Gov was funding this Lab and its' gain of function research. Then turns around and has the audacity to place all blame on China 🤣. Americas hands are stained with the blood of millions of people who died and continue to die till this day from covid-19. And this is only part of what death and destruction America has been responsible from 2003 to present day. Should I keep going? Why should our interests be his main priority? This goes for the rest of the world as well. How is believing that Putin has some good traits a sign of weakness?
  17. IZRL

    710 scam????

    I wouldn't respond. Even if this is legit, which is a big maybe. Who wants the cops snooping around taking your personal time photographing their vehicle for free. If you or any one do feel the need to help. I would ask for his office phone number so that you can verify his identity and only communicate through that number (Not his direct line).
  18. Are you talking about the nut side or where the studs go into the manifold?
  19. Damn how I wish I had this level of ability with cars. I consider myself to be a "Glorified Parts Swapper". I can diagnose basic things here and there. Let's just say I know enough so that I've never had to take any of my cars to a mechanic. If I can't diagnose a problem, I call on a couple local life lines that I have and on the interweb to help diagnose. I bought the 240sx I used to have already swapped with a Blacktop SR20DET. The TT 300zx i have did have the engine re-built at Pitstop Performance in Phx Az. I went through a wall with that car. Thankfully when I hit the wall it was the back end that took the hit. The engine, which had more money invested in it than what was originally paid to purchase the entire car was unharmed. I still have the engine from that car and I purchased a roller 300zx to drop it in but that project got put on hold like 12 years ago.
  20. I had no idea up until a couple weeks ago that there were Krew Cab 720s built and sold in Mexico. I used to cross in to Mexico once a week for a period of about a couple years and I don't recall ever seeing one. I might've just not been paying attention. I still go occasionally so I'm gonna keep an eye out. I joined a Mexico group on facebook for these trucks. So far from what I've been reading and seeing. They didn't build or sell any of these in 4WD there, only 2WD. It looks like Krew 720s ran all the way from about 81-82ish to about 1993ish in Mexico. The 86-93s keep the same or very similar front ends as the American 1985 model. So far every truck I've seen posted in the group is located right abouts the middle of Mexico to the southern most point. So it could be the case that not many of them made it to the norther states that border the U.S? The price range for these seems to be anywhere from about $2000 USD (running - poor condition) to about $5000 USD (Running - Excellent condition). This is most of what I've gathered so far. ^^^^^Not sure if this is a picture of a Mexican built Krew 720 but It's the sexiest example I could find. ^^^^^
  21. He'll be posting a video of how either he blew up his engine or how those Ebay parts fell apart shortly after he posts his first run with this setup. The only cheap chinese turbo related part I ever purchased on ebay for the SR20DET swapped 240sx I used to own. Was a front mount intercooler. Which I was really skeptical about, but after I did some research I saw that it had really high reviews. It worked out great.
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